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Best Posts in Thread: Offical Freyview Thread

  1. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Freyview a town in Alpha needs residents, residents and some builders.

    The town is in the process of becoming active again and we're looking for people to help expand it.

    Current Town Ranks.
    Mayor: @squid53214
    Co-mayor's: @SimpleArchitect(MarshallMafers) @speedylemonade
    • Builders
    If you're a Medieval builder and looking for an amazing town to use your skills on then Freyview is the place for you. Becoming a builder for Freyview is the first steps in your journey to become something great.
    Builders Application Rules​
    • Must be active and Mature
    • A decent builder
    Builder Application
    (please answer questions in bold)

    Pictures of builds:

    How Active you are:

    Favorite building theme:

    • Residency
    If you're looking to become an active member of the town we do have plots available. The down is divided into 3 districts. District 1 is the Royal District. These houses are Pre-built and unchangeable only exteriorly. Anything interior can be changed as long as it does not effect the exterior. You'll be given Housing Rule Books upon purchase of such said houses.​
    • District 1
    (This picture only shows some of the Royal District of Freyview.)
    • District 2
    District two is basically the Middle Class for Freyview. It still allows you to purchase pre-built houses at a fraction of the cost and still live in style. Houses their are uniquely placed within the town and allow you to own and run your own shops. Upon purchasing a house in the Middle District of town you will also be given a Housing Rule Book, upon which you must read and agree too.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2015
  2. marshallmafers

    marshallmafers Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Freyview Town Update 11/6/2015
    This is a big one!

    First off, I'd like to proudly welcome our new mayor @Muunkee - Alexia

    Info: Muunkee is our new mayor, @Squid53214 or ign Kiakunn is currently dealing with Homework and a new Job. Also he's having connection issues as he currently lives in Japan. Kai and I have been discussing this for months who the new mayor should be, Muunkee was our best option.

    Muunkee is like our district Manager, yes she's in charge but @speedylemonade and @SimpleArchitect are still in charge of our own Districts.
    (Picture is suppose to symbolize the huge burden she just agreed too.) muhaha

    Horse Track.

    Omg whats this? That's right! Freyview is getting our very own Horse Racing track! (Still looking for town members/town staff to run the events.) The track is going to be in a Figure 8, laps depend on the event same with the prize.

    Builders Note - This building still needs interior, if you wish to help please /msg SimpleArchitect or mail me in game. Or just msg me on the forums.

    We need Residents!
    We have plenty of houses for players to live in, just no residents. The town bank has enough money in it to last 3-5 years. Upkeep isn't an issue atm. Lag and getting and keeping residents is. We're shifting away from making the town look beautiful since it already does, to making it more user friendly. Easier to understand.

    Promotional Trailer!

    @Bluapol is going to be making a Promotional Trailer for the town. This man is extremely talented in what he does and should be treated with full respect.
    Also make the town look pretty. This means adding things such as

    • banners
    • red and white wool banners
    • Trees, Bushes, Flowers etc
    • Random Decor buildings
    • Horse drawn carriages

    (Please don't add items that will dramatically decrease ones fps, the town's currently laggy af atm anyways. I'm trying to work on this issue so that any player can come into the town and not lag hardcore.)

    Will be adding more onto this at a later time.

    Official Freyview promotional trailer is out!


    Freyview ‘’To-do’’ list.



    Keep everyone in line, look at applications and decide upon them with group input from other town staff members.

    Maintain a good friendly environment.


    *SpeedyLemonade - Focus on the Middle Districts Expansion, maintain a good friendly environment. Keep upto date on houses that get abandoned, keep track of the assistants under your name so on.

    *SimpleArchitect - Same exact thing.


    Keep track of the town residents, who joins and who leaves. Keep track of their name, and the District they live in.

    ***MUST READ***

    Always get a screenshot of a new town resident agreeing to pay such said amount for the house, and agreeing that they’ve read and understand the housing/houses rule books.


    Get as many residents as you can, sell houses. Agreeing to become a Recruiter will involve receiving a free Royal District or Middle District house. (Must recruit 10+ active residents before you can upgrade your position in the town.)

    -Architects (Falls under Assistant)

    The town is divided into two districts, Middle and Royal. Speedylemonade runs the Middle District as SimpleArchitect runs Royal. We each have our own Assistants under us and so forth. You’re not allowed to build in a different district or your instructors without his/her permission. Unless given special access to the town which in case would have to be agreed upon by both Co-mayor’s and the Mayor.

    We’re the best looking town on the world's largest Economy server, ofc we’re going to have rules.

    Will update as time goes on.

    Fin: 12/8/15
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2015