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Denied Best Posts in Thread: Mockingbae

  1. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

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    Member Name Mockingbae

    Additional In Game Names: MockingOG, creeper2812

    When you were banned: Around 15th Feb

    Reason for ban: It's complicated

    Ban Length: A long time

    Staff member who issued ban: Deinen

    Why we should consider your appeal: To staff members and anyone reading this appeal, I am here to prove to you for the final time that I can be (am) a good person, and that I won’t do stupid things on Meepcraft again.

    Oftenly I ask myself, what happened, for me to get to the position of which I am? Where did it go wrong? Well, first I’d like to just talk about my history. It started back in early 2014, where I scammed a player whom I am now close friend with of 100k. I got banned for a short time, and when I returned I even still had the money. I thought, hmm, this is easy, why not just keep doing it? At the time I was with my then-family whom I loved very much, as a foster kid in Australia I could safely say it was by far the best family I had ever been with. Well, March rolled around and with stress and the beginning of what looked like depression popped up in my life, on top of that annoying quality you have when you’re 13, I was contiously a nuisance to the server. I built next to towns, I harassed, I trolled, but one day I pay spammed the whole server (which at the time was possible) and as a result crashing it, with Fuzzlr on. That was a lengthy ban, from around mid March to mid May. As I got unbanned, I was back to scamming. Not once, not twice, but three times I used alts to rank scam. With me tugging the staff’s arms, I finally convinced them that I could be let back on the server. At the time of this, my depression was still showing more and more by the day. Well, I was unbanned, and not 5 hours later was I banned once more, this time as the victim of a chargeback. As my longest ban, and for the first time with a ban that wasn’t at all my fault, the chargeback ban lasted for over 3 months. During those 3 months, I was moved from my then foster family to a new one in Brisbane, Australia. Again, even though I missed my 2 brothers, this was another good family. I felt pretty lucky. Well, started by the Meep community was a fundraiser to pay my chargeback fee, and I was unbanned. I enjoyed my time on Meep, I started what would turn out to be an amazing town with a great community, known as Lotus this town would be one of the last on Meep to have an actual active community of it’s own. Sadly though, with my dicing habits I did a 1.6 million dice and didn’t pay. I got, what at the time was an unappealable ban, and raged. I harassed Onis to the point of that being a permanent ban for me alone, as well as posting things on these forums I to this day really regret. I was permanently forums banned, I was permanently banned in-game. For the next 3 months, I tricked the IP check system and played as creeper2812, and managed to convince the staff that I was his ex-brother. Creeper2812 is indeed my ex-brother’s account, however it took about 3 tries to guess his password, and with him playing Steam games and disliking mine craft, he was never aware. Well, 2 months had passed and I felt as if this was the time I came back and apologised. And so I did. I was unbanned on the forums and a few weeks later my in game appeal was accepted. n00bslayer was back. As we moved into November and December, I got amazing news. My mom’s application to have me returned to her in my home country of Denmark had been accepted and I was happy as anything. I thought this would be the start of a new life, and although at the time I was pretty careless in-game, my scamming days were over. Sure, I got petty bans for sexual references, caps, swearing, etc, I truly did not think I would ever scam again. Well, my conditions in real life got pretty rough over christmas and January. I was staying with refugees at a Sydney “international refugee centre” which really, really sucked. Had I not had my iPad’s personal hotspot, which is the only thing I could thank the government for, I wouldn’t have been on Meep at all. The end of January rolled around, I got home, I settled in, things were going good. February came and the depression that had been doubling up inside me really just exploded all at once. Valetine’s day came, and even though I’d barely known her for a month, I had grown very close to this friend, and her suicide was just enough for me to go completely insane. I needed a break from Meep, from school, from family, from my life. I need to quit. I thought, why not do this the good ol’ way eh? And so I did, by scamming around total 2 million meebles. I regretted it even the next day, and tried my best to make up for it. I even convinced someone to pay them all plus 100k each back in return for my unban. Of course it didn’t work, this was what I had brought down on myself, an unappealable ban. I was devastated. The depression in me now was too much to handle, and I cut 5 times down my left arm. My mom noticed something was seriously wrong here, and I got help. Back at Meep, a friend of mine whom really wanted me back bought a citizen account for a million meebles, and gave it to me. I changed the name, I changed my identity. I became the friendly, helpful, the furthest from a scammer one could become person. I became Mockingbae. And boy I did a good job, I got under everyone’s nails as Mocking, got everyone to trust me. Heck, I even discreetly asked some people for their opinions on myself, being n00bslayer. I had the best fun I’d had in a while. We’re a few days into April, and I need to let off steam. I knew I was risking a ban, but there comes a point where even the friendliest of the friendly need to rage a bit. I went on an alt and spammed inappropriate things in shout, having a good laugh at some of the reactions. Of course though, it didn’t end good. In fact, it completely ruined my second identity thing. The only comfort I had was that what I did was language, and unlike scamming, it didn’t hurt anyone. Well, what could I do? It was time, I thought, to with one of several bangs prove to everyone that I am a good kid. And I did. Only 1 person (who I really don’t believe) said they weren’t fooled. People told me that they were glad I had changed. I was glad I had changed.

    Yeah, well now comes the hard part for me to write, why should I be let back? What assurances do you have that this won’t happen again?
    Well, I didn’t write all of that above just to share my history. To me, it definitely reflects my change over time and how I am now the good player. Yeah, I have really, really screwed up in the past and I admit we’ve been down this road a few times. I’m also sure you guys are wondering how this time is any different from all the others, and that is what I am having trouble explaining. On my last appeal Deinen said “I’m a fan of you showing us first, then us lifting any bans”. Well, I believe I have shown you, all of you, who I really am now.
    I mean, I’ve had a terrible past but I have fully overcome it now. Even though I am pretty late, I believe the thing I wrote above explains pretty well how I have improved over time, from making money by scamming to that last scam ban (which was the first in quite a long time) which was not to make money, alas, it was to leave the server and never return, which I at the time thought was a good idea.
    Yeah, I’ve been given an extremely large amount of chances, I have asked for unappealable, yet here I am. I am aware staff have bent over backwards for me, and I know the fact that I went and purposely got banned makes it look like I’m giving no regard to the effort they have put in for for me. And I’ll be honest, yeah, at the time I was giving no regard. Although just by being here and appealing I am giving it regard now. I am doing my absolute best to prove to you all, to those of you who don’t believe in me, that now is the time that I am done with scamming and all the other offences I have committed. I am done making the same mistakes over and over again, I just want to return to Meepcraft and be, just like everyone else, a happy member of the community contributing good ideas and helping people.

    I’ve decided to just answer these questions that were asked on my last appeal, so that you guys don’t come and answer them again. (unless I have already answered it above).

    If you were going to go out in a blaze of glory, and did it via language, or some offense that hurt nobody, I would be much more forgiving. It's that your glory has a tendency to hurt other people.

    Look, at the time I did this I wasn't really thinking right. I had flames in my eyes, and I just wanted to take out everything on the nearest person to me. On top of that, something in me, for some reason, got the idea of tying it in with leaving Meep. Had I done an offence other then scamming, I wouldn't have felt like I'd succeeded. No, I needed to get my point across that what had happened was not ok, that I never ever wanted to come back here. I've passed through all of the hatred, now i just feel cold; and I'm here to set it right. I can't make you understand the full reason as to why I did it, although I did my best in the paragraph up top. I'm here trying to prove that I am good now, not that i was good then - because I wasn't good then, but I am now. I am asking for this chance to prove myself.

    Scamming often leads to duping/griefing? Is this something you will do?

    Well to be honest it saddens me a little that this question was asked, and this is one of those times I wish someone who knew my history (like Deinen) would handle the appeal. I have already explained as clearly as I could above that I won’t get any bans, but even then duping/griefing has never been my thing. I mean, I think I once a while back got a 5 day ban for duping about 100k, but I really don’t see it as anything major as it is not what I am known for, and not something I would ever do. As I have explained, my last scamming ban wasn’t even for the sake of scamming, rather for the sake of leaving. That makes my last ban handed out to me that I was trying to make meebles off of in some way would be sometime last year. I am way over breaking rules to make meebles, now I am over all offences as explained above.

    Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I hope I have explained my reasons well enough. You will not regret unbanning me.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    We understand that you are wanting to come back on the server but you MUST wait for us to talk it over. Please don't bump the thread again.

    Edit: Next bump will go towards the decision, and not in a good way.
    Patience is key when waiting for appeal, just like hunting.
    Last edited: May 2, 2015
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Never do this. I don't think you still fully realize the situation, this isn't because you ban evaded, this is because you scammed like 100 people as your previous name. Whatever you did, or didn't do as Mockingbae doesn't even approach to touch or make up for the scamming people.

    It's taking a long time on purpose, and you put yourself in the position to wait, so keep waiting.
  4. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

    Likes Received:
    Alright, thanks. I assume no decision was made?
    --- Double Post Merged, May 1, 2015, Original Post Date: Apr 29, 2015 ---
    Honey bunches of bump
  5. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

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    Just so you know we see this appeal and are talking about it at this time.
    GroovyGrevous, Gowlee, Pmx728 and 2 others like this.
  6. castroifyer

    castroifyer :)

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    Denied due to your antagonistic forum activity, similar to what we saw with noobslayer. Your attitude needs to improve.

    When you address the issues causing your emotional strife, then I would consider reappealing for unban,