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Best Posts in Thread: Pay to shout? What?

  1. Sqreix

    Sqreix Celebrity Meeper

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    What is this? What is that? Jk, I won't copy my other thread. But here's my point

    You locked the thread and moved it to the completed section without even replying or requesting the suggestion? My point is, remove the pay to shout. Dude, you still pay. It'll be much better if you add more tokens depending on the rank. You're actually removing our freedom of speech, freedom to suggest and freedom to try make the server much better. Look, I know what you want to do is reduce this thing called 'spam' but let the staff members do their job. typing /kick <name> <reason> isn't that hard. If the person does it again just tempban him to let him learn his lesson. I know that what you said in global was to lure and keep in players but look, you just failed. This is just sad for the new players especially when you're new and you wanted to make some profit by making shops. They can't even afford a pwarp or a pholo! Yes, I know with the /jobs you added pay to shout to bring back money. But 100 meebles? A dirt for like 5 cents? Do I really need to get 2000 dirt just to pay off a shout? And don't tell me about this token plugin what so ever. You added the spam filter and says "Slow down you're typing too fast". It's not my fault if I can type that fast. It's naturally me, give us the freedom we want. But not too much that we can abuse it, just the freedom of speech. I thought global was the way to communicate with everybody. If we get charged 100 meebles per shout (If we lose the tokens). We don't even get a warning that our tokens are 0 or we have 1. Listen to the community, listen to the 13 year old suggesting this. I hope you understand us and let us enjoy this game.

    I hope you have a nice day and have some fun:

    Previous thread: http://meepcraft.com/threads/remove-pay-to-shout.44376/

  2. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Voting is supposed to be for paying taxes and upkeep, not for paying for shout.
    Bbjs, Sqreix, RaidByNightOnly and 4 others like this.
  3. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    I would rather free shouting for everyone then jobs.
    I think many people would agree.
  4. Lemoh

    Lemoh Popular Meeper

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    +1, Remove the god damn pay to shout thingy, I know that it's to remove money from the economy but this method is ridiculously stupid.

    It's stupid because you're taking the "community" part away from us by paying 100 meebles which is quite a lot in my opinion and if you want to help a new player you have to pay to shout JUST TO HELP. Some people stayed because of the unique global chat and the nice community and now you're literally taking it away from us... and as MisterBacon said there is Helpers for a reason to moderate the chat and the server, this thing is just limiting us from becoming a friendly server. :rage:
  5. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

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    come on.

    Isn't meep's community held together through the friendships and community itself? Communication drives meep!

    If noobs have to pay to talk, donors should too.
    Noob's don't know how to make money right away.

    anyways, when I joined way back when, when you did have to pay 3 years ago..

    I didn't know how to make money, since meep is pretty complex
    I knew how to chat
    I looked for towns, looked for help

    shortly after, there was NO meebles left in my balance and I was unable to find out what to do

    I quit, came back a few days later and still had the same issues.

    Meep during it's prime; didn't have pay to shout...

    so that statement is wrong.

    Meep during it's prime had jobs(i think), vshop, bank, solid staff team, quick customer service, and a great active community.
    Bbjs, SX1, metr0n0me and 2 others like this.
  6. Landonator419

    Landonator419 Celebrity Meeper

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    Does everyone pay for shout? Also, if we all pay, they should make it like old meep and make it to vip or premium+ Get shout for free (I think it was vip+).
  7. jrs25872

    jrs25872 Popular Meeper

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    Why do we have to PAY TO SHOUT.
    We shouldn't need to pay to say something. BRING BACK OUR FREEDOM

    "This server is doomed, because we don't have freedom to speak without paying"- Meep Freeman
    "We are starting a meep strike" -Crystal232
    "Aint nobody got time for that" -jrs25872

    Ok im done talking