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Denied Best Posts in Thread: xNINJABEx

  1. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

    Likes Received:
    Okay okay, STOP COMMENTING. (And carrying out useless conversation thats not relevant.....)
    Interrogator, you are banned for playing on meep using the same IP address as ninja. DOESNT matter if its you or him playing on the acct. We ban the same IP to prevent people from ban evading (playing on another account while one they own is banned)
    It doesnt matter if you're "just a friend" until we can prove your not owned by Ninja or he isn't using your account to ban evade you will probably stay banned. People ban evade using their friends accounts all the time.

    Ninja. You DID give the items you stole from 417Yoshi back so i decreased your ban from 2 days to 1 and did not fine you since you gave it back...... However, you FAILED TO TELL ME you took more than that...
    The next day BigdaddyJoseph skyped me and asked me about your ban. Someone else reported missing items, we found they were stolen by YOU. Taken at the same time as you took things from 417Yoshi. i'm VERY disappointed you didn't tell me you took more things then what I got from you. You stole over 1 Million meebles of things.... That's a lot. You should know better than to do this. The illegal Items is almost nothing compared to your theft.. Thats why you are banned for 7 days.
    It would have been only a 2 day ban for 417's items taken, not Perm.

    p.s commenting a hundred times will NOT get you unbanned faster. :)
  2. castroifyer

    castroifyer :)

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    As Y4cky said, you were banned for major towny theft. The pig spawner was just mentioned.
    You have also lied on your ban appeal, stating that you did not have any additional ingame names. I banned an account of yours named "interrorgator", on which you were ban evading.
  3. Dockson

    Dockson Celebrity Meeper

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    You have been banned by XChaosZeroX and BigDaddyJoseph for a major towny theft. Among the many items you stole, there was a pig spawner, which you can not have legally on the Elite rank.