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Best Posts in Thread: Lakewood Beta: If we're not laking around, we're chopping wood...

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    For many people, when they hear Lakewood, they see think of this iconic town

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    However, these days the town resembles the scene from a post apocalyptic world than anything similar to a running town. Opting to leave the dreary flat lands of Lakewood Alpha, a group of people set out to form Lakewood Beta, and to focus on the finer things, but bring the inclusiveness that Lakewood strove for. This is our attempt to be a nice town for people to start their future MeepCraft careers, and for a fun and friendly community feel. This is Lakewood Beta


    Offering a central, open, and easily navigated spawn, players can easily find one of the many amenities we have such as

    Lakewood is nearly always accepting residents, we have low taxes*, and an abundance of things to offer.

    Help Wanted: We are looking for an individual skilled in terraforming on a mass scale, and landscaping on a minor one. Assistant town position offered with large degree of creative freedom.

    Lakewood Staff

    Deinen - Founder
    _Skaros_ - Founder
    AndrewRobins247 - Architect
    DirtyCanadian - Ghetto King
    Buildmaster1000x - Engineer
    bass_flow - Refounder
    ThatFrenchLord - District Manager
    Y4cky - Architect
    TheBasedGod - Assistant
    iOblivion - Assistant
    kyle_schutzman - Recruiter
    lucaria13 - Recruiter

    * Taxes are currently:

    Resident: 0
    Plot: 0
    Embassy: 0
    Shop: 500

    ** New taxes effective March 5th, 2015.
    Resident: 100
    Plot: 65
    Embassy: 250
    Shop: 500
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2015