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Denied Best Posts in Thread: Okay what this time

  1. DiamondBoy

    DiamondBoy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Honestly, if my post warrants a ban, so be it. I find it relevant and that's that. I would rather protect my friend.

    I have been legends friend for about half a year, and from my experience he is a really good person. Sure, at some points he may forget what is right and wrong but in the end he is in the right place. He is a kind person that from my experience has only given, and he enjoys joking around and pvp. He is ranked globally number 13 in pvp, (or was, didnt check recently.) and has not ever gotten a hacking related bans on major pvp servers that are very good at weeding out hackers.

    I hope you take this into consideration, the thought of legendcaleb hacking is improbable due to his proven outstanding pvp prowess and his honesty towards the minecraft community as a whole.
  2. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I sucked at vanilla for a bit- dropped to like 9th
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 24, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 19, 2015 ---
    Oh look- waited two weeks. Twice the amount of a normal hacking ban
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 29, 2015 ---
    Hahahahaha 700 views..

    I need friends
    Bob4444444, Lemoh, Bloopers and 3 others like this.
  3. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    The fact I was on an alt was because I was banned on legend for something completely different. Yes, hacking was wrong, and if you looked at my ban history, the only thing close to me hacking was xray- a year ago, when I really didn't know the community at all. I can learn my lesson- and I can change.

    EDIT : Iate hacked when he was ultimate ;)
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 15, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 13, 2015 ---
    *sigh* I don't normally have to do this- but I really have no idea what else to do,

  4. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    X-Ray (x1)
    Illegal Mod Use (x1)*
  5. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    The last one was a mistake. Confusion happened, and he was unfairly banned, and unbanned very shortly after. Very sorry for the confusion.
    jmelara, Bluapol, metr0n0me and 2 others like this.
  6. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    No conversation needed, the hacking occurred while your main was banned (yesterday) from one IP- yours. There was no other IP, there was no other time, no there was no other user on the accounts.

    I can understand that you found the alts online, but that doesn't change the fact that you used them.
  7. Quaddy

    Quaddy Retired | SuperDuperMegaTrooper

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    legend, LadyMisanthrope has one IP on record- yours.

    Considering your ban history I found it most appropriate a permanent ban be issued, this is not your first hacking related offense.

    Although no proof was provided, I also received reports of your other alts (pruna23, PurpleEnderman02) hacking in Kit today.

    Care to explain?
  8. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Okay, thanks
    --- Double Post Merged, Jan 11, 2015, Original Post Date: Jan 11, 2015 ---
    PS : Isn't kitpvp hacking 7d anyways?
    jmelara, metr0n0me, Grandblue and 2 others like this.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    This is denied, your ban history is so extensive you undoubtedly know the rules. Taken into account you logged in an alt to hack shows that you were at the very least trying to avoid getting caught.
  10. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    Just as an important comment (please do not forum ban me, I don't have any chances left).

    Personally, I have not quite brought up to my brain that I should not hack on other servers, even from multiple perm bans. However, you are an experienced pvper, a long time member, and yet you still decided to hack on a server you paid $80 for. It's not very easy for staff to look at you and trust you to an unban right after you hacked. The fact that you did it on an alt shows you knew what you were doing, but decided to do so anyway. You really do need 1 month to learn to not hack. Minecraft is just a video game, find something else to do for a month while you learn a lesson about what you did.

    This is all said from experience. I have a relation to this appeal because I know legend awfully well, despite the fact that he barely knows me. He won't learn his lesson from just 2 weeks. Sorry to put you down legend, but I want the best for Meep and my friends, but you just don't hack on a server you love.