IGN (In-Game Name): ohDraqq
When you were banned: Few days ago
Reason: No Reason
Ban Length: Perm/IP Ban
Staff Member: No idea
Why we should consider your appeal:
Is it really that hard just to give me a reason why I'm banned?
@Cooleysworld (http://prntscr.com/5mzb56) -
Actually, I don't always say that meep is terrible and dying..I have never said it was terrible. I've not said it was "dying" since like the first week I got unbanned. Since the title must be in some Spanish, this is an appeal for forums..not in-game. If I should be somewhere where I want to be like you said, I want to be on forums..why am I banned then?le bumperino--- Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2015, Original Post Date: Dec 31, 2014 ------ Double Post Merged, Jan 1, 2015 ---
I needed to post my masterpiece somewhere.
Hi there Guest! You should join our Minecraft server @ meepcraft.com
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