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Best Posts in Thread: A survival game

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I think it would be really cool if we took out one of the broken/not used plugins and replace it with a survival map. The difference is that this survival map would not link up with MeepCraft economy, no meebles, no spawners, etc. This would be a truly survival gameplay, the wild west, living off the land, meeting others, trading. Defending your bases and hiding your things.

    I remember I joined MeepCraft originally because I was looking for a thing like single player, but with a ton of players. :) I think it would be cool to play in basically a dog eat dog world.

    Another idea I'd potentially like is if we made donor less of an impact on this server, perhaps give donors just a kit with a couple extra tools & food, or something. As an Ultimate I'm ok with giving up the perks in this world, to enhance gameplay.
    Toostenheimer, cooey, Dockson and 8 others like this.