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Accepted Best Posts in Thread: What the meep

  1. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN: Crusher_11
    Banned: 9/9/14
    Reason: Lure
    Staff: bobjoncreeper
    Length: perm

    Why you should unban: Cokeballs asked me to advertise his casino. So, I started advertising it. I was in wild at the time; just trying to help him out. Then, I warp there. Perryjay, cokeballs, and I were all there in our god gear. So, we all agree to have a brawl there. We started shouting "come to pwarp win for pvp brawl." Then, ginger told me to say pvp is enabled. So, I shouted it again saying "come to pwarp win for brawl (pvp enabled)." Etc. I don't know how I lured anyone. Anyone I fought knew we were having fights. We fought there for an hour; all of us were shouting about it. Bobjon was there watching us for about a half hour. Sssoul was there fighting with us for about a half hour. Perryjay was there for like a half hour.

    Bottom line. I lured no one. Anyone that came knew it was all pvp. Plus, why am I the only one banned for this!? Coke/perry/me were all shouting about it. Sssoul was there watching most of the time. Even bass flow came and said we were fine.

    Should all be able to vouch for this.

    Bobjon was there for like 30 minutes, wanting to watch. Why couldn't he have corrected me or talked to me if I was in the wrong? The pvp fights literally went on for an hour plus. No one could have come and said to stop?

    Coke and I were originally advertising pwarp win for the casino. Later on, we agreed to have pvp fights. The only people there at the time were coke, perry, bobjon (I think), and I. Coke told everyone he was toggling pvp. Once pvp was on, we were advertising pwarp win as pvp enabled fights.

    I apologize if I inconvenienced anyone. I'm really confused as to my ban reasoning. I thought we were pvping in good fun. No one complained. In total, 3 staff members (including bobjon) came (and none had a problem with it). You can check my shout logs; I was indeed saying pvp was enabled. If anyone had a problem, I will personally refund them.


    PS. sorry for editing this so many times
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2014
  2. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

    Likes Received:
    As I said before, to those who still don't seem to get it. I was simply trying to gather a story line. A player's ban history does NOT determine whether they are guilty in the new case or not. That is never the case. I will say, that I came into this expecting that you would remain banned but once again had to get the whole story and hard evidence, which was lacking. As a lot of this plays out and there are holes in the case, I am going to accept this appeal.

    You are unbanned.
  3. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    Sorry for posting, but this is something necessary for and team-related ban.

    You need proof of the two people agreeing to team, or there is no betrayal, because no agreement was made!!!!
    If no agreement was made, then killing is legal!

    Edit: And if there IS proof of this, post it. As a helper you should have it.
  4. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    He saw when tornado attack me. He saw me kill tornado. I initially did take my armor/sword from my /chest when tornado started shooting me. I also really didn't remember having any previous encounters with tornado, as to why I denied that.

    All in all. I don't see what Meep rule I broke. I did not kill jorgen. Tornado was never my team.

    And, you can check my /money log. I check my money extremely often. But, I have many ways of making money. Not making 20 meebles of noobs? I literally will go to grinders and take people's rotten flesh to sell when they drop it.

    I am the first to admit about my ban history; I know what I've done. If you want to have this case, make or break, on that sole fact. I understand.

    Where did I agree not to harm tornado? Where did jorgen say tornado was there? Where did I say I agree tornado is team? I did not kill who I tp-ed to.

    I can answer any further questions.:)

    Also, if this is going to be denied, I promised jmelara all of my money goes to the town we were building together (plus I owe him a lot of money anyways for our enchanted boom/mall partnership). I also owned monkeyhead 1 mil meebles. Please carry out my debt if this is denied, thanks.
  5. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Who and were?
  6. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    If I may say, (or if not feel free to delete this post or whatever.) Considering I do have experience dealing with circumstances such as this my input may be valuable.

    If Crusher_11 was the one who died the whole table would be flipped around, the ones who killed him would be banned for luring. So because Crusher had better armor, or even skills he is the one that is banned?

    (Just fyi I am neutral in this)

    If crusher had intentions on killing the three players, (Or one) why would he have gone there without armor on (because you said he took it out of his /chest)? If he had bad intentions why not just have it on and be prepared. And besides what logical person would knowingly go into a 3v1? (hence he didn't know the other two were there).

    However; it sparks curiosity that he had enough time to take his armor out of his /chest while being attacked, because if I am not mistaken the only reason you took it out was to defend yourself.
    Cherrykit, metr0n0me, Jiltism and 3 others like this.
  7. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I lit his trees/fort on fire. Never did I light him on fire. I flew many blocks away from him. I did not light him directly on fire at all. And as far as orange/tornado goes, I did not agree to team with them. They harmed me first and got what they were entitled to.:)
  8. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I tp-ed to Jorgen, and agreed to team with him. His tornado buddy attacked me along the lines of "he didn't trust me." I killed tornado after he attacked me (with his bow in his tree fort). I did nothing to Jorgen, and had no intention to. Upfront, he never told me his tornado friend was even there.

    2. Deceiving Another Player
    Any attempt to deceive another player by promising a service or any amount of money and failing to follow through with the deal made (Scamming), sending teleport requests to kill/entrap someone. This includes accepting a teleport request with intentions to kill the player, (Luring), or doing anything to take advantage of another player against their will violates this rule. (including dice scams etc.)

    MeepCraft does not tolerate selling or buying anything related to MeepCraft in exchange for real currency or irl items. The only exception to this rule is with donation related items, such as ranks.If scammed, MeepCraft and its staff hold no liability and is not required to give a refund.


    I do not believe I have broken any of Meep's rules involving Pvp or the wilderness.

    PS. I can re-appeal if it's needed. I originally thought that I was banned for having a pvp brawl. I didn't think I violated any rules with the Jorgen. Sorry for the wrong reason in my main appeal here.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2014
  9. KaiUsesThis

    KaiUsesThis Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I saw, no one lured, Eevn SS advertised. BobJon was there, with no problem!
  10. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

    Likes Received:
    Johnsey, this is where you are overstepping. /he does not log local chats or shout. I am asking questions simply to get answers and you are NOT helping. I am not dumb, I know how to use my tools as staff. I have been here for 11 months so I am obviously doing something right. Please refrain from posting on this appeal anymore.

    Crusher, at this time, I would like to do a bit more digging. Im sure you understand.
  11. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

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    Here's some constructive criticism about handling bans for the meepstaff.

    Look at the story on both sides.

    Jorgens and his friends side.
    • Complete with all data collected.

    Crushers story.

    Crusher has shared really important facts to his story. This being said, go and prove him wrong or right.

    He claims the following;

    One of them contained arrows and a bow and started shooting him.
    • Look in the logs for the last time they put bows and arrows in ones inventory
    • Look at the items in their inventory
    He says they were neutral until he was confused and hit.
    • Look at the chat longs for clues

    As I've typed this like 4 times because I kept press back and it kept getting erased; it may not be the best but, you should understand where I am coming from.

    This ban appeal shouldn't be so controversial.
  12. TheJohnseyClutch

    TheJohnseyClutch Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Wait was this in the wild or towny? If wild, then isn't anything legal. And monkeyhead brings up the defying part to the ban.

    When I was staff we had to unban some people because of this controversial idea of teaming.

    You do need proof of agreeing, I got scammed while staff and etc.
    Nothing was able to be done because I didn't take pics of agreeing upon what we had said.
  13. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Plus, I did not directly kill him. I didn't even know he died. I lit his trees/fort on fire. I was many blocks away from him. If he ran in it, then that is his fault if anything.
  14. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    Sounds good brother