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Accepted Best Posts in Thread: Ghetto_kiwis Ban Appeal

  1. Ghetto_kiwi

    Ghetto_kiwi Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN (In-Game Name):ghetto_kiwi
    When you were banned: 5-7 months ago
    Reason: Chargeback
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Consoler
    Why we should consider your appeal:
    Well as you know back in march i think i was banned for chargeback... and since then i havent had the money to get me unbanned i was wondering if we could drop the charge back and if i am loyal enough to prove that i wont charge back again(even though it was an accident) id love to be back on this server. this has been my #1 server since i joined. even though i am banned its still #1. sorry for causing trouble and everything else. but if i havce to i will pa.. i just kinda need the money cause we are struggling at the moment... but thanks for your time and i hgope to be back on meep soon:)
  2. Ghetto_kiwi

    Ghetto_kiwi Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Still waiting for a reply, and my card to come in the mail..