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Accepted Best Posts in Thread: Puppychuppy's Ban Appeal

  1. PuppyChuppy

    PuppyChuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN (In-Game Name): PuppyChuppy
    When you were banned: Don't remember.
    Reason: Chargeback.
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: CONSOLE
    Why we should consider your appeal: To be honest, I don't think this appeal will pass without any money requirement/Fee. But I'll explain myself. See, there was a guy a few months back named "OwenEvan" he was in my town. He was offline for more than a month. Then he comes back and all of a sudden he's getting more active. getting rich. within a few weeks, he was 10x richer than me. He even made it to /baltop. Anyways. He would upgrade his rank. Slowly exlusive, elite, supreme and then.. ultimate. I was very jealous. So jealous I didn't even talk to him for a couple of days. Then one day he says it's his birthday and he has money etc. I say that's cool and make a ":/" face. So after a bit, he says "Puppy look at shout" Those aren't the exact words, but same meaning. Then it says Puppy has been promoted to ultimate or something. Basically it means I bought ultimate. think again, I didn't. I said to owen "what...!?" and he says I bought you ultimate. I knew there was something fishy going on, and I told him is he going to chargeback.. He says no, and he told me he used his parents Paypal without their permission. I already knew what was gonna happen. He was banned some time after. But I wasn't. Many months passed by, I thought maybe it doesn't count? But then, As my "appeal" for macro usage was accepted I did /suicide. Respawned and was banned for charge back. At that time, I raged. Even had a couple of suicide thoughts. It took so long to get unbanned for macro thing and this. Wow. Then I thought about the $20 fee. Even more stress. I wasn't talking to anyone in my household for a day. Just constant regret. All the time on meep. I used my money to buy others ranks for in-game money. My mom always used to say "You're wasting money on games". I'm fearing the day she asks me where all that money went, why won't you play the game you put so much money on? I bought all my ranks untill supreme. Ultimate was a surprise. I did not ask owenevan if he can buy me it. Nothing. The admins say that it's your fault because you trusted the person. I didn't ask him to. I miss my friends. I miss stevecrazy, cascade1324 and my town. I'd like to come back to meep... Please forgive me. :(
  2. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

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  3. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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  4. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    What happened was that he was banned for macro, unbanned with the banished, and then rebanned because of chargeback. Sorry for posting here, just wanted to tell you.