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Best Posts in Thread: Monkeyhead's 2nd Mod Application!

  1. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Monkeyhead1999
    Skype Username: Monkeyhead19998
    Teamspeak Username: monkeyhead1999
    Mic use: Yes, in the afternoons and evenings.
    Age: 14, 15 in July.
    Timezone: U.S. CST
    Hours online per weekday: 1-4
    Hours online per weekend:2-6
    Position Changes: Helper > Mod

    Hey guys! I'm monkeyhead but my real name is Alexia, but everyone calls me Alex. Right now I'm in the middle of competition season for my Scottish dancing, and when we work really hard in Pikiti, which is Martial arts. I'll always find some time to draw and sketch. I like to hang out on TeamSpeak for the most part, and playing around in game is fun as well. Forums is fun when I can't get online and talk, but I enjoy everything.

    Why you should be Mod?
    On my last app, well, I made a bunch of really dumb mistakes around that time. I'm trying my best to be mature in the situations where it is needed. I try to make the most fair bans/kicks for punishments, and help out in shout whenever I'm on.

    I am active in game, on teamspeak, and on the forums. I try to spend at least two hours a day to get on, even though my times are a little funky right now. Some people come to me personally if they have a problem, and I love that they trust me enough to know I'll do the job right.

    I have been helper for about two months now. I feel experienced, and ready to take on anything thrown at me. I'm usually excited and definitely up for anything that anyone asks me to do, no matter how difficult or easy it is. I'm becoming more and more confident and things like bans and helping out are getting more easy.

    Weaknesses: When it gets really spammy and lots of people are talking and doing things, it all tends to blur and I miss some stuff unless someone points it out to me. I can be immature at times when I'm just trying to have fun and take it a bit to far. I do curse a bit to much, I try to keep that down though.

    Conclusion: I think I'm ready for mod! I try my best, and I hop you guys will think I'm qualified for this position. Feel free to be as honest as you can be in the comments. Have fun, Meepers :D
  2. qawsedrf1835

    qawsedrf1835 Guest

    +1 Just accept her already
  3. KariStar86

    KariStar86 Heroine of Time

    Likes Received:
    +1! I don't know about the staff-only side of things, so this doesn't take that into account... the ones who have replied do seem to be saying that you need more time, so I hope you ask them if there are particular areas where you should gain more experience or knowledge.

    But judging by what I see, you've taken the initiative from the moment you got Helper and already learned a lot from those experiences - including a few missteps - along the way. You're friendly, helpful, dedicated, and active in all aspects of the server and community, and I've noticed some growth in you as staff. If this isn't accepted, don't give up! :)
  4. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I think your dedication is there but you still have a lot to learn.