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Denied Best Posts in Thread: Ban Appeal.

  1. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    "MeepCraft does not tolerate selling or buying anything related to MeepCraft in exchange for real currency or irl items. The only exception to this rule is with donation related items, such as ranks.If scammed, MeepCraft and its staff hold no liability and is not required to give a refund."

    The section in bold is what is pertinent here. This statement frees Meepcraft from being liable for bad/scamming transactions. Any previous wordings have dealt with specifically they will not moderate these transactions. They never once stated that this is not a bannable offense, which is clearly covered in:

    2. Deceiving Another Player
    Any attempt to deceive another player by promising a service or any amount of money and failing to follow through with the deal made (Scamming), sending teleport requests to kill/entrap someone. This includes accepting a teleport request with intentions to kill the player, (Luring), or doing anything to take advantage of another player against their will violates this rule. (including dice scams etc.)

    More to the point, it is unsettling in how you willingly partake in hurting another player(s) just because you thought it was legal. I think we have to ask ourselves, do we want people like this within our community? You have been previous staff many times, Nerf, there is no way you can argue that you thought this was an acceptable or morally correct thing to do. You in clear conscious set out to take away from another member of the community without regard.

    I accept any warning points I may receive, however there has been no legal precedence set anywhere that you could scam people without a ban. To argue that this is indeed the case is simply not correct, logical, or acceptable.
    Flamedemond, TrisDa, Lilliya and 13 others like this.
  2. DianaB72

    DianaB72 Celebrity Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:
    The reasoning for not moderating irl sales before is that we could not show the item was received or not received. Here you have clearly laid it out that you had every intention to scam 700k. This is unacceptable. This is denied.
  3. SJP

    SJP spicy jalapeno pepper Elder

    Likes Received:
    When was this? I don't recall Diana ever supporting scamming.
    http://meepcraft.com/forums/complaints-about-staff.77/ Report me if you wish.

    You took someone's money with the intent to walk away without giving what you promised in return.
    I support a permanent ban on this instant of scamming because you thought you'd get away with scamming 700k because it was outside of MeepCraft staff's jurisdiction.

    I will quit staff if this ban appeal is accepted because it shows that MeepCraft supports scamming.
  4. iiwars

    iiwars Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, so if someone scammed you one million meebles because you wanted to get maybe a new album on itunes. That you worked hours on getting. Would you like if someone did that to you? Like its common logic to not want to mess up someone else's game play. They probably try harder than you do. You're just sitting there giving out a fake MineCraft account gift code away to get money. It's not even close to fair game play or breaking any of the other rules.
  5. iiwars

    iiwars Celebrity Meeper

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    So you just ignore the whole part of outside transactions and just go with the aspect that he scammed? Totally legit to be honest. x'D
  6. iiwars

    iiwars Celebrity Meeper

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    To be honest, I call bull crap on that. No staff is going to try and let someone hurt someone else's game play.
  7. Wishingsstar

    Wishingsstar Popular Meeper

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    "Unban me now"

    1. Atleast it wasn't perm.
    2. If you scammed a gift card, what says you wouldn't scam a rank?
    3. Demanding the quote I just said on top is very rude to staff.

    P.S. You sound really rude.

    Good luck, but bad choice.
  8. Jackl01

    Jackl01 Celebrity Meeper

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    MeepCraft staff do not support the selling of gift codes. So this is your problem.