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Best Posts in Thread: My Helper Application.

  1. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:
    accepted for interview!
  2. bbycakes2012

    bbycakes2012 Half baby, Half cake

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: bbycakes2012
    Skype Username: emilylynnboyd
    Teamspeak Username: bbycakes2012
    Mic use: Any time needed
    Age: 18
    Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    Hours online per weekday: 3-5 (Roughly)
    Hours online per weekend: 5+ (Roughly)
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod) Citizen to Helper


    Hello everyone! My name is bbycakes2012 or you can call me Emily! I Have been playing meepcraft since January 2014. I'm 18 years old & I will be 19 this July. I'm a very active person, I love running cross country and playing soccer. Cross country is my favorite thing to do besides play meep! I placed second In my region last fall and 56th in AA school division at state in November & I'm looking forward to running again this fall. I'm a Senior at BHS & I get to graduate early this December. I plan to go to college in Florida fall of 2016. I like to play video games a lot. I played MC on my xbox for over a year before ever playing MC on a computer. Since I am still kina new here, Many of you may or may not know me in game or on forums. I don't think I am very "Well known" or "popular" on meep but that's okay with me because I play for my love of the server & the experience! I bought premium after playing Meep for around 1-2 weeks, then in April I got Supreme. Recently, I have received Ultimate as a gift from my boyfriend. I have many friends on Meep and have experienced many fun things. I plan of staying around for a long time, helping as much as I can for this server to grow further, regardless if I become a helper or not.

    Why I should be a helper:

    I've given this a lot of thought if I should apply or not, whether I'm qualified or not. I think I could be a good helper. I know I can eventually be a great helper! I have good work ethics and determination to be able to give a solution to a problem quickly and efficiently. My love for the game, for the community and the experiences that I have had during my game time makes me confident that I can be of much help to any new members or old members of the Meepcraft community. As I already have been helping new and old players alike in my town and in shout for a few months. Due to my patience, my passion and my determination, I can be capable to assist any mod-request to the fullest of my capacity, in the most helpful and respectful/mature as ways possible.

    1) I know many commands yet I haven't mastered them all, sometimes it takes me a minute to figure out what one to use in a situation ( like /plot set commands).
    To get better at that I'd just have to start using them more. I'm co-mayor in my town & I'm starting to use these commands more frequently.
    2) I'm not active on teamspeak at all, I don't really like talking on it.
    I guess that's something I will just have to get used to and get over it the more I'm on it & the more people I begin to talk to!
    3) I think in the fall (September - November) I wont be able to play as much due to my senior classes. I will have cross country practice every week day & work 3 days a week after practice & meets. I can still play but I will have to focus on school more due to its importance.
    4) Last but not least, I don't think I would know the right /ban times/legnth or requirement of that. I'm worried I would wrongfully kick or ban someone for the wrong reason or be too slow at it. But I'm assuming I would go thorough some kind of "training" to learn all this & it just takes some time to learn how!

    I believe I am qualified for the helper position because I'm determined and a good worker. I'm more then willing to take the extra time to learn anything I do not know or correct something I have wrong or done wrong. I'm more then willing to own-up to any mistakes I may make or have made in the past or future. I can get what I need to do done and make sure I do my job right and not joke around. I'm a very friendly & easy to talk to person who likes to have fun on meep like everyone else! ( I don't want someone to think I'm not any fun & serious all the time!) My love for the community and the server altogether makes me believe I could be a good staff member!

    Thank you for reading.
    - Emily.
    Please comment any thing I cam improve on!
  3. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    I'm going to start this by saying that I adore you, bby.

    You are one of those people that I notice; always kind, always trying to help, always understanding, and even when something can't be solved or is messed up you are extremely polite. I think your temperment is absolutely wonderful for Helper; I have never seen you lost your temper, nor have I seen you be anything less than kind.

    While you application was not the best on a whole, I feel that you did address the important points. It leaves a little bit to be desired, as you could have elaborated more on your points, but on a whole you kept it short and to the point which is not necessarily a bad thing.

    I'd like to address a few points with your weaknesses. With TeamSpeak, I want you to know that I was/am the exact same way. If you ever need tips on how to deal with/get more comfortable with TS, feel free to ask me. I've had to work hard to get through my anxiety with TS, so I completely understand feeling uncomfortable.

    My one issue with your application was the fact that none of your weaknesses were anything to do with personality. le on a whole this isn't a big deal, there's something I noticed in your wording that alluded to something I am experienced with. This is the fact that you mentioned being worried about not knowing the right ban lengths. To me, this makes it seem like you have a little bit of anxiety, like me :p. I just wish you could've specifically mentioned this in your weaknesses if it is true, because in my experience being worried/overcautious/underconfident is bittersweet when it comes to staffing.

    Regardless, I've actually been planning on asking you whether or not you were interested in applying, so I'm ridiculously glad to see this. I would love to see how you hold up in an Interview. Good luck!

    [EDIT:] In case you didn't get it from what I said; I'm curious about whether or not you just forgot anxiety or if you even actually have it.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  4. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

    Likes Received:
    This is really one of the first Staff apps I have actually took the time to answer to. There is a whole bunch of nonsense I could grade you on like everyone else, but I have my own system that I use and a huge part of that system is asking if the applicant truly wants to help the community. From my experiences with you, you seem kindhearted and you have the potential to be a great helper. Get on ts more and don't bescared of the community you plan on serving.

    Last edited: May 13, 2014