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Accepted Best Posts in Thread: Th3b3astdr4gon's Long Awaited Appeal


    TH3B3ASTDR4GON Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    IGN (In-Game Name): TH3B3ASTDR4GON
    Date/Time: 3-4 months ago
    Reason: Scamming (Trolling) A Staff Member
    Ban Length: Perm
    Staff Member: Bluecarneal
    Why we should consider your appeal:

    I have taken some time since I posted my last appeal which I didn't really think to much into (messed around). I realize what I have did was un-needed and I was in a rage for outside of minecraft reasons. I realize I was arrogant and downright mean sometimes on meep. For the couple of months I have been gone I have tried to fix my ways! I realize I have made a bad reputation for myself name and the punishment was needed. I also would like to say sorry to bluecarneal for the 300k they lost when I scammed them messing around. That was an idiotic move on my part. I most likely wont be un-banned but would like you to consider my appeal and realize I have changed!! I cant wait to rejoin if possible and reunite with my old friends!! Thank you for reading and please consider!! I also know I was strongly disliked but would like to fix this reputation and leave a better legacy by coming back. I most likely wont be un-banned but would like you to consider my appeal and realize I have changed!! I cant wait to rejoin if possible and reunite with my old friends!! Thank you for reading my appeal and please consider!!