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Best Posts in Thread: My Helper Application

  1. MrsMegan

    MrsMegan Celebrity Meeper

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    This application has been accepted for interview.
  2. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    In Game Name: funkyrainbows
    Skype Username: I_am_funkyrainbows
    Teamspeak Username: funkyrainbows
    Mic use: yes, but I'm not on that much (read weaknesses)
    Age: 12
    Timezone: ACDT (Australian central daylight time (South Australia))
    Hours online per weekday: 30 mins - 2 hours (more in Fridays)
    Hours online per weekend: 2-5 hours.
    Position Changes: citizen to helper

    G'day mate, I'm Angus, and I'm Australian but I don't speak like that, and you would know me as funkyrainbows. I'm 12 years old and I love maths and anything that is problem solving. I've been playing meepcraft for over a year now and I'm a premium and I try to get on as much as I can, but I have things IRL that sometimes take priority. I'm active on the forums but I'm shy and don't go on TS much at all. I've always looked up to staff from when I started playing meepcraft and I've always wanted to be one myself. I'm mature for my age and many people that I know IRL would agree with that.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?
    I've had many leadership roles in the past, none that I can get proof of here on a minecraft server but I'm a school leader this year, which is a role that is limited to only the best, I've been appointed as a admin on my schools private minecraft server, but that won't cut into my Meep time and I have helped people out before lots and lots IRL and I reply to peoples questions in shout quite a lot when I am online as I want new and troubled people to have the same help that I did when I started playing Meep and I didn't know much. I don't take pity on people who I like, and treat everyone equally, but I do take previous offenses into account whenever I think what a person deserves, whether IRL or on the internet. I've owned 2 towns since I've started meepcraft and I've helped many of them get a start on meepcraft, and I don't remember there name, but someone who used to be on baltop 2 was someone who I had given a set of iron tools to when they had started.

    So what will I do? I'll try my hardest to make meepcraft a fun and enjoyable place, where the right people do the right things, rather than a server full of bad people doing bad things. I hope to bring my knoledge, curiosity, skills and my time to the staff team and help them make meepcraft a great place, for young and old. It'll also be fun to get to know fellow staff members, as making friends is a very important thing. I am a great learned and wil listen to other staff members advise, and how to use plugins that I've never used before such as hawk eye, that are needed for a staff member, and then later, I hope to teach newer staff members.

    Am I a good worker? Yes, I rarly start something and then don't finish it, or put it aside for a long time as I am an organized type of person. I am willing to spend lots of my Meep time moderating as I sometimes and I do look at chat most of the time so I can moderate chat too and I have spammers and swearers, so I'll kick/ban them! I can get things done fast, but done well as well and that is a skill that I believe is essential. I have a good judgement of what punishments people deserve, within the set guidelines and I can be put on the spot and answer a tricky question.

    My main weakness is my activity, as it is not the highest in the world due to IRL things and my parents restricting things and I sometimes have to get off adbruptly sometimes so I can't always finish something in one day, but I'll do it the next.

    I'm shy so I don't really like talking on TS but I can if I need to but I like to keep it to a minimum, and yes I do have it, so I can use it and I do have a mic.

    I'm not that good at grammar, or writing long things, as you might be able see in this application, sorry about that. I try to get better at it, but it's something that I find really hard.

    I think I would make a great helper on meepcraft, as I have many skills that are great for moderation, I read chat so I can moderate it well and I can type fast to stop bad talk as quickly as possible and I'm bright and mature so I won't do bad things, only stop them. I hope you consider me as a future staff member on this great server!

    Thanks for taking time to read this,
  3. funkyrainbows

    funkyrainbows Double Rainbow

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    Thanks for the comments so far!