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Best Posts in Thread: Togs's'ss's Mod App. <3

  1. Alien_Venom

    Alien_Venom Popular Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:

    Active - Check
    Good at Job - Check
    Australian - Double Check

    hippapajo, Uiopy1, liam1910 and 25 others like this.
  2. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: TogsTheWolfGirl
    Skype Username: I honestly don't know. You tell me, k?
    Teamspeak Username: TogsTheWolfGirl
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 22
    Timezone: Aus
    Hours online per weekday: Erm maybe three to four?
    Hours online per weekend: Ditto ^
    Position Changes: Helper to mod Ya'll.

    Introduction: Hi there. I'm Ash, also known as togs or stone cobra, because I'm as fast as a stone cobra. Reflexes like a sloth man, slow and steady. I write, almost all the time when I'm not playing Meep, so there's that. I'm a mother, and my little one is pretty damn sweet. She's got this gorgeous little attitude and a stunning sense of humour. I'm engaged to be married to one of the grumpiest guys you'll ever meet. He's lovely to me though :) I'm Australian though my mother was full blown French and my dad was American. My favourite band is fall out boy, they make me dance a little bit. My fave colour is lime green, my fave car is the Lambo, my fave movies are Harry Potter (nerdy durdy dur,) and my favourite T.V series is a pretty tough toss up between the walking dead and game of thrones.

    Why you should be Mod?

    Because I love you guys so much I could 'splode. No really. I do love meep. It's my favourite thing to do in my down time, and being helper hasn't sent me fleeing yet; So I thought I'd try and give mod a shot. I'm all for helping to improve the server and helping players while I'm at it. I'm known to go above and beyond as a helper, doing things that aren't required in order to help the person a little more. I love messing around with you guys and giving people a hand at the same time, so I really want to get more involved.

    Weaknesses: I'm a potato, which was reported in my helper app. All jokes aside though, I have anger issues. They have so far not affected me in game, they pretty much pertain to real life situations; After long stints of harassment/annoyance. I'm a mother, as previously stated, so I'm known to leave the computer with little to no warning for random amounts of time, as I like to spend a lot of time teaching her new things and playing games. I can also be a bit of a slow typer, because I'm a perfectionist with words. Like Picasso only not dead.


    Guys, contain your excitement. This is gonna be amazeballs. (Assuming I get accepted for interview. (Diana I love you ok love me too, yes?)) Ya'll know you want me as your mod. You couldn't deny it even if you tried. I can see it in your eyes. Like true love, only with more onions.

    I know apps are supposed to be long and ungodly; But lets just pretend for a moment that we're all reasonable. Do you really wanna read an app where I run out of things to say and start talking about my childhood obsession with statues? See, it's started. You cant unread that. Let's just base this on my past interactions with players and my ability to claim modreqs. Yes? Yes. Ok I love you TTYL ILY OMG XOXO K BYE.

    P.S I really did have a thing with statues and I collected a LOT during that time. True stuff, you can google it. Not really.
  3. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    I am using this application as an excuse to express my thoughts on this, and various other helper applications I've seen with remarks. I fail to see the justification of the excuse of 'not enough bans'. I still feel the Helper's primary role involves in helping. While this does include Bans, it should not be dictated by them. A helper should be expected to have forum activity, knowledge of the rules and how to enforce them, how to mediate, and how to interact with the community.

    I feel that Togs, while not having the pleasure of knowing her that well, has these capabilities. She has a great personality, is mature, and easy going. I think this is a perfect attitude and personality for staff in MeepCraft. She can connect to the players, instead of being the person just laying down the law. This is equally as needed as the people who are distant and laws down those laws.

    I put my vote behind Togs for moderator, just as I did for Cooleysworld with fuzzlr, Sirrr_Pig, and many other people who have been staff here. While I cannot assume Togs will hit adminship, I think she is a capable, qualified and perfect fit for the MeepCraft staff team. I think her personality will benefit the staff, server, and community.

    TL;DR: I think we need more people like Togs, who will help maintain the "game" feeling of this server and bring enjoyment into the player's MeepLifes.
  4. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    If I were being biased, I would give you a +1 with no doubts. After further analyzation, it has occurred to me that right now you don't seem ready for the position of mod.

    You have dealt with very little ban situations, and do not have complete knowledge of ban reasons. Your modreq count has been fairly low the past couple weeks. I have not seen anything from you that tells me you are completely ready yet. For all those reasons, my vote stands at a -1.
  5. Chaos_Realm

    Chaos_Realm Celebrity Meeper

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    I don't usually put my opinion on mod apps. But when I do...

    1. In game activity +1
    Togs is on "holding the fort" quite often during the times when most mods have gone to bed.
    I keep seeing this whole "not active" garble... Come on when I am on and you'll see her plenty. There are a number of helpers and mods that I don't see often but I know that is because of time zones, you folk need to realise this is a 24/7 server.

    2. Forum Activity +1
    This requirement (along with skype/TS activity) IMO is 80% irrealivant as it doesn't prevent staff doing their job properly.
    As long as planned staff meetings are attended there is no issues with not being on there every day. Sure there is a mininum expectation from a social standpoint to get to know people better but not mandatory. Anyway you're active on forums. TS/skype idk.

    3.Mod Application +/- ?
    All I can say is that it was different. A welcome change. OK maybe I do have something to say here.
    As a very general observation, people are saying that app was "immature" "she's immature". Again MY opinion: Kids trying to act mature over-do it and they get a sense self rightiousness. These faux personalities are the ones that crack and do stupid things. You're kids, loosen that tie around your neck and relax a bit, we're here to have some fun.
    Someone that is open and honest to them self and others around them is much easier to be around.
    The old adage: "A champion team will always beat a team of champions" is something that should be held close when considering Togs' app. A staff team that work well together will demonstrate a unified front and the resulting community will reflect this. Not being staff I have not worked with Togs, but the staff should be asking themself if she is suited to the team.

    Also someones writing style is not sole identifier of a persons ability to make mature decisions, which is more important.

    There is probably a bunch of contradictions and what not with my response but what I was trying to say is Togs deserves a chance at mod... Plus I am sick of there being many occations where no staff are online due to Timezone issues. Vote 1 more Asia Pacific mods.

    Chaos - out.
  6. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    It's always full of enormous conversations that I have no place in. But I do check it regularly.

    My absence has been due to a personal medical issue that I would rather not talk about publicly; Though I will tell admins if necessary. My absence resulted in low modreqs and even lower bans.

    As for my sucking up, it was a joke :p I'm totally aware that Diana doesn't make the decision alone.
  7. iiwars

    iiwars Celebrity Meeper

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    +1 I see you on a lot in the morning or night your time (idk Australian time x'D) Who cares if someone ban rate is low. Also there probably isn't many modreq at night. there like usually 80 players on.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 6, 2014, Original Post Date: Mar 6, 2014 ---
    Also how would a non-staff know someone modreq count x''D
  8. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    <3 Alien. Double points for the gif.
  9. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:
    accepted for interview
  10. TogsTheWolfGirl

    TogsTheWolfGirl Popular Meeper

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    Guys I'm not that inactive. :p I'm on when you're all sleeping. Only about 70-90 people are on when I'm mostly on. My timzone sucks :(