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Best Posts in Thread: Villager Trading Center

  1. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Otzi the Iceman: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ötzi
    It's a joke because he's in Gordon Ramsheep's freezer.

    Dr. Meepak Chopra: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deepak_Chopra
    A controversial natural medicine doctor IRL. On MeepCraft he sells potions that can harm or heal players.

    Hattori Hanzo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hattori_Hanzō
    Historical figure but better known for the Kill Bill movie series, in which he makes a special katana sword for Uma Thurman

    Major Tool:
    He's a retired army officer but also a major tool. Trades emeralds for tools.

    Roger Harmeeps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Hargreaves
    In the future Roger Harmeeps will give away free childrens books.

    Vil Ager:
    "I'm just a normal guy." Similar to Emit from the LEGO movie.

    Barry de Treasure:
    Collects diamonds.
  2. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    Hey Meeps! I was recently traveling through the Wilderness World and I came across a very interesting community of villagers. After speaking with the village chef, Gordon Ramsheep, we were able to convince them to move into new residential community housing in MeepCraft's spawn. Most of the villagers are now happily settled into their new homes.

    You can visit the new MeepVillage by typing /warp trade in-game. Each villager has its own trading specialty. There are currently 12 villagers - Bart Ender, Gordon Ramsheep, Otzi the Iceman, Hattori Hanzo, Dr. Meepak Chopra, DJ Salinger, Barry de Treasure, Roger Harmeeps, Lye Brarian, Major Tool, Vil Ager, and Miley Cyrus.