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Best Posts in Thread: Hestia's Helper app

  1. abbythrowsstuff

    abbythrowsstuff Celebrity Meeper

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    Bravo for putting this in your weaknesses, still -1 even more so because you put them in your weaknesses. Health issues are a part of you but they aren't a weakness. To save some writing, I'm just going to copy and paste my last post.

    You blamed your contact on a mental and physical disorder.
    It takes control to get over these things.
    You seem to lack the prior.

    Honestly I can't get over the fact that you made a thread to say that "My actions are because of my physical pain which caused mental disorder." That is ridiculous. As someone who has a myriad of mental disorders-schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, to name a few- I find it as a giant slap in the face. Me feeling like I want to off myself isn't going to play on the server, I feel like death, and I still go to work and I slap a smile on my face and I act like a decent person. Yes, you're bound to slip up once or twice but, correlation does not mean causation. The fact that you have mental disorders does not constitute bad behavior.

    And you constantly try and excuse things and you need to live up to your actions. I mess up, almost daily as a helper. But, I live up to my actions, I know that my actions were wrong when someone points it out. It seems like you will go "I did something wrong" -> "Here's this this and this to explain why I did something wrong and why I was not wrong because of this this and this."

    Seriously, you're insulting the rest of us half the time.
    Its staying that way for a long time.
    osymigosy, Klitch, Jackl01 and 4 others like this.
  2. Oroperion

    Oroperion Celebrity Meeper

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    What if we let a mass-murderer out of prison and give him a second chance? I'm sure nothing will go wrong.

    While that analogy is a bit extreme, it's the same principle. You said something that would have gotten almost any other player banned. I'm not sure why you were not banned, but you weren't. I would be thankful that I was not banned if I were you, and not constantly apply for staff every two weeks on the nose. The reality is that what you said was unforgivable. I really do not see how you could ever be trusted with staff again. It's clear that you have some emotional issues which may prevent you from doing your duty as a staff member. Though you may be OK and think logically half the time, it's the other half of the time that have people, myself included, concerned. I'm adamant about my -1.
    BooBear1227, osymigosy, mrli1 and 3 others like this.
  3. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    This is what, your fourth application? Whatever.

    EMPATHY IS NOT A WEAKNESS. There is nothing wrong with being empathetic and it shouldn't affect the way you work. If anything, being empathetic should make you a better staff member.


    Same issues as before, don't trust you and lack the emotional capacity to handle staff successfully.