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Best Posts in Thread: Bass_flow moderator app

  1. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: bass_flow
    Skype Username: bass_flow
    Teamspeak Username: bass_flow
    Mic use: yes
    Age: 15
    Timezone: GMT
    Hours online per weekday: 2-4 hours
    Hours online per weekend: 3-6 hours
    Position Changes: Helper to Mod

    Introduction: Hi i'm bass_flow but my real name is liberty. I love cycling playing badminton and everything to do with computers and technology; but by now I hope most of you know who I am. I have been a helper for a good one and a half months now and I feel that its enabled me to become a better part of meep the community.

    Why you should be Mod ?
    Over these past few weeks as helper I have really developed not only my problem solving skills but my skills as a person. Before I would tend not to go on teamspeak at all because I was too shy to speak to anyone. But now I can log on to teamspeak and have a general conversation with pretty much anyone. I have also improved my social skills as I can quite freely talk to new players when answering their modreqs.
    When it comes to modreqs I feel that I could quite happily have any situation thrown at me and be able to deal with it. I have completed over 200 modreqs in my time as helper, not all of those solved without help because I needed help at some points but all of them solved correctly and with the player happy. I have also helped players in local chat and private chat as many players find it easier to come to a staff member direct.
    Helping new players on meep is my no.1 thing to do when I'm online because I enjoy it so much. I love meeting new players that I would never normally meet. Helping new players feel welcome on the server is a key thing to this server and without it we wouldn't have as many players as we do today.
    As a moderator I would be able to develop all my skills further. I would try to recruit helpers and assist new helpers to the best of my ability, for example I would check up on them now and again to see if they need a hand. Also I would answer any questions any helpers have. I would also continue answering modreq but also take on the more challenging modreqs that only moderators+ are able to complete. I would also spend more time on forums completing requested bans for helpers.

    I understand that over 200 modreqs isn't the best amount of modreqs done in he amount of time I have been helper, which brings me on to my weaknessess
    surprise inactivity + other commitments
    Now am in year 10 I get twice as much homework as I did last year and at unexpected times which can cause me to only be active for about 30 mins in one night. I also help out in the community in real life which has caused me to be less active. But as this is scheduled it wont be a surprise inactivity.

    My time as helper has been good so far and I hope that in the next few weeks I can continue my time as a staff member as a moderator.
  2. Qwikin

    Qwikin Guest

    Likes Received:

    Seriously, it's her staff application, let her defend herself. It's cool that you wanna step up for her, but again, let her offer her OWN defense.
    Gh05t, CatsDogs, Mainkreke and 5 others like this.
  3. DancingCactus

    DancingCactus Legendary Meeper

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    Whether you are "friendly" or "helpful," I can find lots of cases of extreme immaturity when dealing with certain situations on the forums. In game, I see you act quite boastful with your position, which many staff members do, but these acts of repeated infancy is enough for me to downvote this application.

    Here some examples to show I'm not full of bs:

    Anyway, as always, my comment will be ignored, and only the staff's opinions will matter.

    Good luck.
    Dart_Knight, stephen, Gh05t and 5 others like this.
  4. SSSoul

    SSSoul Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I don't see you IG much other than that 1 modreq u did. Timezone?
    You do seem more into the game than moderating. By applying for a moderator position, you're supposed to be more focused helping, though you still are 100% allowed to actually play
  5. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

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    I was going to give you a +0, however when I read your replies on this thread my vote quickly changed to a -1.

    You need to be able to handle constructive criticism. Just because somebody gives you a -1 does not mean that they do not like you. I think you're a great person, you just need to prove that you can handle constructive criticism. Also, I only see you on TS once a week at most (this could be because of timezones).
  6. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

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    -not very active in game, or on TS
    -low modreq count
    -app was lacking
    -0.5 good luck though! :)
  7. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:

    - inactive
    - demanding
    - immature
    - annoying

    Your both unbelievably bias and perverted. Let's not forget you said she was hot on your profile page.
    Gh05t, nasapc123, Flamedemond and 3 others like this.
  8. adtheren

    adtheren Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Both of these quotes show an inability to deal with constructive critism, and as many others have stated, you tend to be immature and impatient.


    My phone doesn't want to cooperate with me today :/
  9. the_sexy_ninja

    the_sexy_ninja Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You seem very impatient and demanding from what I saw on Aki's thread. You seem to want everything to go your way. When I see you online, I don't see you in shout much. Your forum activity is great, but none of it is anything constructive. I don't think you're ready...

  10. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Bass; I've read every response on this application since you started it, and some things I agree with and other things I don't. I rarely post on Moderator applications, but there are a few things that made me want to post.

    First of all, I see you online quite often. You do tons of modreqs, from what I've personally seen whilst online myself, which is great. We seem to acrually get on at the same time quite often; I normally see you on Skype and ing-game when im on, depending on when I go on.

    Like many people already mentioned, you dont really shout all that much. While I don't either, I'd still like to see you join in the conversation at least ever so often. Doing this allows the community members to see how friendly and helpful you really are.

    Again, although this has already been mentioned several times, you really need to work on taking criticism well. I haven'tbeen a Helper for all that long and I've already been cricriticized few times. I need to see you take the criticism with more dignity and less lashing out.

    The last thing that has already been criticized here that I wanted to mention was your grammar. I'm really a stickler for grammar; and although you aren't atrocious, it irks me. Its just so much more professional to use proper spelling and grammarr. Its also not as hard as you'd think; I've seen a close friend of mine go from having worse grammar than you to having better grammar than me sometimes.

    The last thing I wanted to mention to you was your forum posts. I'm not going to say you are inactive here; you have great activity. You just dont always contribute to the conversation, which is something that bothers me.

    All in all, I'm a -.5 right now because I dont really think I feel comfortable with you being promoted at the present time. Good luck, though :)
  11. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

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    Oh what to say. Before reading this app and seeing some of your responses, I would have been a 0. As staff, you are criticized ALOT. You have to take it better than this. Criticism is 90% of what we deal with in a day. Patience is key. Not everything can be done as fast as we would like. Especially being a Mod. You have a few added duties. Such as Centrum monitoring, this sometimes take waiting (patience). You aren't in shout a lot that I see. I feel that you are only social in /msg for the most part and kinda stay to yourself. Everyone has stuff to learn. Nobody is EVER done learning. Im not going to call you immature, because I see a lot of instances where you handle serious situations well, BUT when it comes to people being straight out hateful or non-constructively criticizing you, you have to let it go and accept what they are telling you. If you have doubts about it, ask someone you trust or look up to "Hey, am I really lacking in this area?" or something. We cant just lash out with such things as "Im disappointed to hear that" and whatnot. Other than these things I have already mentioned, I would suggest that you take advice such as "mingle with the people" in /shout more. I admit, im not the greatest at this either, it is tough when you find yourself constantly busy with staff work. Just every once in a while, say something to make yourself known, or when someone says hi in /shout, say hi back or something. Just something to help people notice that you are on. I think that is part of the problem with your "activity" is that nobody realizes you are on because they miss the few posts that you do. Instead of giving you a +/- 1, I will just leave it at that. Good luck.