-1; not going to be biased here like most people. I will tell you the honest truth from my point of view whether it may be regarded as hateful or not.
- Activity is a requirement. You've failed to meet this requirement.
- In-Game:
- I don't care about how often you were online 'back in the day'. This is now, and I hardly see you online in-game enough. And its not because of the timezone difference - No. I converted the time. I am online when you claim to be.
- I know you're not logged on quietly and just /pm'ing whoever needs help. You always set off an alarm for attention on /shout whenever you're online so its pretty obvious when you're online or not. Your shouts are not as helpful as they should be, and they often display immaturity. I also constantly check the tab list, and I do often switch from different servers back and forth.
- Nor can you use your previous history as staff to make up for the lack of activity. You've been demoted twice. I don't see how that can make up for anything, it just shows you were never fix for the position to begin with.
- You've been gone on and off and claimed more than once on /shout - mind you not even a month ago - That you were quitting Meepcraft. This was merely conducted for the sake of attention, considering how it was phrased, the huge scene you made of it, and how you'd keep returning. We need stable staff who are certain they will stay put here for the sake of the community, not for their own selfish desires.
- Forums:
- Your current posts seldom show anything helpful.
- In addition to the last point mentioned in the previous section; You even wrote a forum thread that you were quitting Meepcraft not too long ago (http://meepcraft.com/threads/leaving-akira-shakira.5758/).
- You claim to be managing some servers here (http://meepcraft.com/threads/goodbye-sorta.9154/). Meepcraft needs staff who can be fully devoted to their position here. You've also admitted to having no real interest left in Meepcraft. What about the community?
- Teamspeak
- Teamspeak activity is a requirement to even be considered for this position.
- As mentioned in your weaknesses section, you are aware this is an issue. Why bother applying if you do not meet all the requirements? This shows you are not fully dedicated as you cannot bother to meet the standards beforehand.
- Do not pull the sickness card on us too.
- Application was poor and lacking.
- Introduction:
- Do not merge reasons for acceptance here.
- Simply introduce yourself to us.
- Give us your background here not in the reasons section.
- Reasons:
- You've been a staff member twice before, and yet you post such a horrid application and show such poor conduct whilst online. I expected a better application from you, not a recycled one from your previously rejected one (http://meepcraft.com/threads/helper-application.6421/).
- Its been over two months and you still have the same issues as then. The same issues you claimed to have been working on. I've seen no progress.
- You're still the same immature Akiratohiama I knew two months ago.
- You still have not worked on your activity regarding Teamspeak.
- You only gave us two weak and poorly elaborated reasons here. You gave us a huge vague list in the introduction. Put the reasons in the reasons section and leave the introduction to obviously - introduce yourself. I refuse to touch on the list mentioned in the introduction as it is not in the correct section, and on top of that there is no elaboration. Just a hastily written list.
- Reason one: Staff experience - You state that you are familiar with the commands, which is good. However, that is pretty much it for staff experience. And then you mention your demotion and claim to have improved. Well aside from the points I've already touched on, can you tell us exactly what you've improved on? What have you learned from this then? You just gave us a point but did not elaborate on this.
- Reason two: Maturity - This you buffered on your own whilst admitting to it in the weaknesses section. Why use it as a reason for acceptance then? Even so, from what I've seen, most of the content which you put on /shout is immature. Rather than stirring more reason for your fan club to fawn over you, help those who are asking for help on /shout.
- Weaknesses:
- I am not happy with the fact that you come here buffering a point you used as a reason. I do like that you acknowledged this as an issue because it is; however I am not happy with the fact that there has been zero improvement since you last posted your application and told us you'd improve.
- Teamspeak - I already touched on this. Even so, I'll say it again - Teamspeak activity is a requirement that you must meet to even be considered for this position. Why apply if you know you fail to meet it? You've been staff before, you should know better.
- Conclusion:
- At least you have the concept of a conclusion down unlike most applicants. However it still wasn't the greatest conclusion.
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Best Posts in Thread: Helper Application.
UMADBRO?, Yokosuka12, Highlanders3Ruth and 7 others like this.
In Game Name: ShadowBunnyAkira
Skype Username: Akiratohiama (Olivia Kowalsky)
Teamspeak Username: Akira Teh Speshulest / Akiratohiama
Mic use: Yes, When I get on Team Speak or Skype Calls
Age: 13
Timezone: Central Time Zone
Hours online per weekday: Around 3-4 Each day, 15 Hrs Min (Monday - Friday) 20 Hrs Total Max (Monday-Friday)
Hours online per weekend: 7-9 Hrs Min Saturday, Sunday, 8-10 Hrs Max Saturday-Sunday.
Position Changes: Citizen (VIP) -> Helper
Hello, I am Akiratohiama/ShadowbunnyAkira (Rainbowdogfish also.) and I am applying for mod. I have been around since a very long time ago (Almost 2 years ago.). I have had experience as staff on Rainbowdogfish over a year ago, and on Akira lots more times. I have learned from my past mistakes, and have slowly but surely improved on my skills. I am friendly, kind, and I believe helpful to the community. I have been almost as long as some of the older players, and I have staff experience from old Meep, CrueltyGaming's age, and even recently. So I have vast knowledge of commands, and how to do a interview. I have recently been inactive on Team Speak due to being sick, but I will improve more on my Team Speak activity over the next couple of weeks. Though, when on team speak, I try to talk to many people, despite my shyness, and sometimes sicknesses.
Personality wise, there is no one I hate, nor do I have a short temper. I never get mad at anyone, no matter what they say. I am always calm, and playful, sometimes acting like a two year old, or more mature. I know when to be playful, and to have fun, and when not to.
Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod?: As I said earlier, I have been Helper/TrialMod on both my RainbowDogFish and Akiratohiama accounts. In old Meep, CrueltyGaming and even recently. I have learned from past experiences what to do, what they expect, and the commands. I also have matured more, and know when to have fun and when not to. Shortly after I was demoted on my RainbowDogFish account, my Akiratohiama account became mod, and every time I was demoted, I rose back up, and kept learning more and more things every time I was a Helper/TrialMod again.
Background: I am Akiratohiama, formally known as RainbowDogfish. Let me tell you a bit about both of them.
RainbowDogFish- RainbowDogFish was a very old Helper around September-October, last seen at Christmas 2012. She was a helper, know for her silliness, and kindness. She was helper for a while, until I /smite'd one too many people, and got demoted. This account disappeared, and never came back to existence until Akiratohiama came around.
Akiratohiama- Around during the time of Rainbowdogfish but wasn't ever staff until much later. She was Elite the week after Rainbow had disappeared, and thus, Akiratohiama had appeared and told everyone.
- Immaturity - Well, as many people have covered in my past apps, my immaturity is a problem. I have a tendency to use words such as "bby, speshul or oki bby gurl". As I love to shorten stuff, or just be silly. I usually do it to anyone, and it doesn't matter who it might be. I usually love to answer someone immaturely or in silly ways. I have recently have been stopping or slowing down a bit, but I still respond sometimes in immature ways.
- Activity-
- Team Speak - As like many people, I try my best to get on TeamSpeak as much as possible. Sometimes I am on for 3 hours at a time, other times I am only on for a hour, to not at all. Whenever I go onto Meepcraft, I try to get on Meepcraft's TeamSpeak, but I can't always. I go on when I am asked to, and sometimes for fun. Sometimes I can stay off Team Speak for a good 3 days, then come back online for 4 days a week. My schedule is mixed.
- Skype - From last time I was staff, my Skype was spammed. I fixed the problem, and I am now on Skype almost always. I have it on all my devices (phones, tv, computer etc..) so I can always stay updated on what needs what.
- In Game - I am online for 7-10 hours a day, watching chat, helping people in Skyblock, to Towns and Wilderness. I am almost always /shout-ing, or /msging someone. I am mostly in Towns or Minigames, or wandering around in Spawn, but I always watch the chat.
- Forums - I am almost always on forums. I post a lot, check most to all forum posts, including staff applications, ban appeals, and report a player. I keep it open, and update every 10-40 minutes to see if I have any new notifications.
I am mostly always active, from forums to In game, to Skype and Team Speak, I am always there either talking, or helping people. I have had a long time as staff, and already know all the commands. I have been through an interview before, so I know the basics. Though, I am shy, I always can get the job done, therefor, I believe I should become mod. -
- http://meepcraft.com/threads/meepcraft-official-rules-forums.7576/
- http://meepcraft.com/threads/conduct-whilst-voting-on-applications.8460/
Last edited: Dec 7, 2013A4TC, nasapc123, the_sexy_ninja and 3 others like this. -
+1. As long as you stay mature (no kicks saying "muh keep down the language bby <3"), you'll be a great helper.MrHollywoot, Grandblue, Mysteryperson13 and 3 others like this. -
Wow, this whole time I had never known that you were Rainbowdogfish. I had always just assumed that she/you had just decided to leave xD.
Anyways, you were a good staff member before, and you are a nice person. You could work on a few of the things already mentioned though. +0.5Nerf958, MrsMegan, FluffbearRCT and 2 others like this.