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Comments on Profile Post by Wubb8t

  1. shains
    Your things will not be given away, they're going to be wiped completely from the server anyone who tries and takes stuff will have the items removed and will receive a punishment.
    Nov 26, 2013
  2. shains
    Please respond via comment and not with more posts if you have more to say.
    Nov 26, 2013
  3. Wubb8t
    Ok, so what happens when I get back on the server?
    Nov 27, 2013
  4. shains
    There's no guarantee you do. IF you do, you'd have your rank but it would be like you're a new player.
    Nov 27, 2013
  5. Wubb8t
    Ok I see, but will every single plot I own on meepcraft be cleared (every block I placed) be deleted, or just the items in my chest...
    Nov 27, 2013
  6. Wubb8t
    Sorry if I'm being a pest :(. I'm just trying to get understanding of what my future with meep might be
    Nov 27, 2013
  7. shains
    Any plot owned by you will be regenerated back to the wild when it was originally there.
    Nov 27, 2013
  8. Wubb8t
    So every block I placed will be deleted?
    Nov 27, 2013
  9. shains
    Every block on your plots.
    Nov 27, 2013
  10. Wubb8t
    Is it possible to give my plots to someone else. Because they weren't just my plots. They include PVP arenas community centers parks and farms, that I (the town builder) created over time for the residence of the town. The town would be almost completely barren without my plots. Please I'm begging you, can you please give them to someone else please. :(
    Nov 27, 2013
  11. shains
    Nov 27, 2013
  12. Wubb8t
    Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

    God bless :)
    Nov 27, 2013
  13. shains
    Please do not post things like that on my profile.
    Nov 27, 2013