He was using Critical Timers not Kill Aura. We have carefully observed and examined this many times and I'm extremely positive that he was using Crits.
Firstly, what are 'Criticsl timers' - In all the pvp I've played and all the bans and hacks I've seen, I've never once heard of Critical timers- Secondly, many of my hits and attacks on you and clueeless weren't even criticals, a lot of them being me just hitting you without jumping
Finally, how are you 'extremely posivite' that I had crits when we had only fought 4-5 times, and when you were still fighting as if it was 1.8 pvp and spamming you're mouse- it is also very easy to get a rythem going when jumping and attacking, especially when the oppentent isn't fighting back because of drinking soups.
I only reported you because I saw you and heard you repeatedly getting critical hits on multiple people, not just myself and Clueless.
Cluelessklutz can show you the proof videos that were used as evidence for your ban. Criticals is something that is hard to prove and we were very careful in examining this.
Us talking here will not make anything happen, so please elaborate on your ban appeal.
I personally do not have anything against you, but it really concerns me when someone is hitting people crotically at such a high rate. No I'm not a PVP Professional but yes I've used hacks before and yes I know what they do, and what to look for.
If you believe that we made a mistake, then please provide evidence that we can see.
I don't have it, as I was not online when they investigated you further. You could ask @CluelessKlutz in PM or on the ban appeal
You could record yourself dealing critical damage to other people like you did when you got banned, in F3 to make sure that no illegal clients are installed. Do this in another server but cover the IP/Server name and post the link on your ban appeal.
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