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Comments on Profile Post by trdavis25

  1. WeAreNumberUno
    You can only have 420 (no joke) characters in a response, so I will say that your ban, was real, it was for hacking, my ban, was fake, it was for saying "I have high yells"
    Jul 25, 2016
  2. trdavis25
    Ik I even stated that. Idc about my ban. Its better to just not make a huge deal about it at staf and wait the meager 50 minutes than bother though
    Jul 25, 2016
  3. trdavis25
    Even if it was a mistaken context.
    Jul 25, 2016
  4. WeAreNumberUno
    If you got on and said "High everyone! hows it going" and got banned you would be pissed.
    Jul 26, 2016
  5. trdavis25
    I sure as heck would.be but I could deal with a insignificant 50 minute ban for it.
    Jul 26, 2016