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Comments on Profile Post by Redolwolf

  1. Pmx728
    I still have mine and could send you it
    Jun 9, 2016
  2. LadyCassandra
    Removed, or moved to Junk?
    Jun 9, 2016
  3. Redolwolf
    Thanks. why would it be removed/made non visible? Like, I understand locking the thread but removing it from existence or making it so it can no longer be seen ain't cool :c
    Jun 9, 2016
    Pmx728 likes this.
  4. GroovyGrevous
    We can -probably- bring it back if you want

    For the right price
    Jun 11, 2016
  5. LadyCassandra
    We can bring it back if needed; just message any one of us. Someone was just managing the forums and may have removed some threads on accident.
    Jun 11, 2016