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Comments on Profile Post by TheDebatheist

  1. Muunkee
    Because I have trouble saying what I need to say when I feel pressured, which you do to me +
    Nov 22, 2015
  2. Muunkee
    Sometimes I just have no idea how to respond and choose to wait until I have more info on it.
    Nov 22, 2015
  3. TheDebatheist
    Haha, I have no idea whether the former is a compliment or a 'put-down'. That still doesn't explain why it's been weeks without further comment though.

    For the latter, that's commendable if accurate. No worry in being cautious in cases where you're unsure. Again though, if you don't know something, why not ask? What information are you waiting for?
    Nov 22, 2015
  4. TheDebatheist
    That didn't mean to sound as cynical as it did. Just skeptical. We humans post-rationalise a lot. But so long as what you've said is true, I have little to no problem with those reasons. Just that, it's been quite a while for you to still be pondering, or waiting for more information.
    Nov 22, 2015
  5. Muunkee
    Yeah, I can't blame that on anything, I mainly just simply forgot.
    It's just really damn difficult for me to argue with you, I don't really know how to explain it.

    It's partly the part where you expose the loopholes and make me look like the worst person alive xD
    Nov 22, 2015
  6. TheDebatheist
    I'm not here to attack you, don't worry :) We just put our ideas on the table, scrutinise the hell outta them, and then pick and choose which ideas make sense after looking at all the arguments/evidence etc. Contrary to the seemingly popular mentality on here, this isn't about 'winning'. Just, learning. And that includes for me too!
    Nov 22, 2015
  7. TheDebatheist
    + you're definitely not the worst person alive. Just challenging what you believe (and vica versa). S'easy to live in lil' bubbles (both online and IRL) where most people already agree the positions we hold. We don't get challenged much, & our values arn't put under any pressure/tested. It's super commendable that you're getting stuck in, I just wish we could follow through on one!
    Nov 22, 2015
  8. TheDebatheist
    & heck, if you have evidence for something I disagree with, I want to know! I don't want to be wrong!
    Nov 22, 2015
  9. Muunkee
    Yeah, I knooooow, you just intimidate the hell out of me and that's honestly a new experience for me.
    I'll see about looking at the stuff and replying in the next few days or so. At least to some of them, some I'll leave alone simply because I no longer want in.
    Nov 22, 2015
  10. Muunkee
    If you really want, it would be a hell of a lot easier for me if we did something like this in PMs. I'd feel better xD
    Nov 22, 2015
  11. TheDebatheist
    The more private a conversation, the more difficult it is for me to justify the time being spent on replies. That might sound mean, and I promise it's not meant to. Just that, the more potential positive impact, the more time I'm able to spend on a given topic. A purely cost-benefit way of looking at every conversation. Were you thinking of Skype, or on here?
    Nov 23, 2015
  12. Muunkee
    I don't care, either one, and I will probably end up replying in the threads anyways.
    Nov 23, 2015
  13. TheDebatheist
    Skype sounds best. 'TheDebatheist'
    Nov 23, 2015