I secretly finish my homework on the bus, before school, or during the period I'm in, like math. My teacher just wants us to work on our homework when we know what the lesson is. Lol
But then I have a perverted science teacher.... he apparently was caught looking at girls' bras when:
1. They didn't do their homework, so he made them do push-ups.
2. He looks over while stamping.
master procrastinator right here
i'm literally procrastinating from doing homework right now
my fave white shirt got stains on it so waiting for that to dry >.>
He's impatient. If some kid doesn't have their homework section filled, they have to write rules of conduct. I had to do it because I forgot a word to add to the homework part. -_-
i have a teacher who is honestly so creepy
he tries to give us candy but he says it really creepy like
"heyyy kids, you want some caaandy?"
i'm like "o-o"
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