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Comments on Profile Post by Toostenheimer

  1. CreeperCristi
    I tried at least, these days you don't even have to try
    Nov 17, 2015
  2. Toostenheimer
    You just gotta be like "oh i used to be on dis server when it ferst started, but it wuz on a friendz account"
    Nov 17, 2015
  3. CreeperCristi
    Yeah, I know right...
    Nov 17, 2015
  4. CreeperCristi
    I remember somebody saying that it was really hard to get staff back like 2013 or something or other, I kinda wish it was like that...
    Nov 17, 2015
  5. Toostenheimer
    I'm just wondering who the hell accepts these players for staff. You don't even know them, and you don't know what they've done for the server or they have been staff on others.
    Nov 17, 2015
  6. CreeperCristi
    And then when actual good people try to apply, denied...
    Honestly I preferred it when there wasn't that many staff members...which was like 9 months ago
    Nov 17, 2015
  7. Toostenheimer
    If I was staff, I would be the most inactive staff member here.
    And I'm immature
    Nov 17, 2015
  8. CreeperCristi
    I get what you mean, but yet I was denied for no reasons given by castro, presuming I had nothing to improve on, and yet that "Chris Kline" guy (Who is apparently one of the many many idiots on here if I'm not mistaken) gets accepted for interview?
    Nov 17, 2015
  9. Toostenheimer
    he's one of the most immature players here, and he has his own server up as well. I was a moderator there, then he took it down.
    Don't know why.
    Nov 17, 2015
  10. CreeperCristi
    Thats what I mean, I don't think some of the staff on here really know who they're accepting... (No offence to them)
    Nov 17, 2015
  11. Toostenheimer
    Like IHeartSummers, Blokhead (who the hell is that kid), etc.
    Nov 17, 2015
  12. CreeperCristi
    I swear that IHeartSummers person only did it for the tag and perms...
    Nov 17, 2015
  13. Toostenheimer
    (gets accepted)
    "Mom look at me! I got helper!"
    "That's nice sweetie."
    "Now I won't do a single damn thing as helper! HORRAY!"
    Nov 17, 2015
  14. CreeperCristi
    Thats why I want the staff level higher again...
    Nov 17, 2015
  15. Toostenheimer
    they've been accepting many young-aged kids like 10-13 year olds, and they don't realize the responsibility given to them once they earn Helper. They just want the tag and perms, nothing else. They don't care about helping other players.
    Nov 17, 2015
  16. CreeperCristi
    Sad, but true...
    Nov 17, 2015
  17. CreeperCristi
    *Makes a thread about this* *Locked by biased staff member*
    (Not that I mean to bash them, some of the current staff members like klutch actually gets their work done)
    Nov 17, 2015
  18. Toostenheimer
    Staff (ESPECIALLY HISTORIC): You guys r gettin 2 toxic. Cut the bullcrap yer sayin m9.
    Nov 17, 2015
  19. CreeperCristi
    *Protests justly* *Gets warning point*
    Nov 17, 2015
  20. CreeperCristi
    It's absolutely ridiculous...
    Nov 17, 2015
  21. Toostenheimer
    Staff take things too seriously. Like, holy hell.
    Nov 17, 2015
  22. CreeperCristi
    Thats for sure, I think that Dat_coffee guy got a warning point from adloves, just because he said something that adloves didn't like... (Not that I'm saying that coffee isn't an idiot, I'm extremely glad hes forums banned)
    Nov 17, 2015
  23. CreeperCristi
    Like, Adloves personally didn't like it, not against the rules or anything
    Nov 17, 2015
  24. Toostenheimer
    Quality Staff, amirite.
    Nov 17, 2015
  25. CreeperCristi
    I could honestly rant on for hours to be honest
    Nov 17, 2015
  26. Toostenheimer
    WE could rant for a LONG PERIODICALLY TIME.
    Nov 17, 2015
  27. CreeperCristi
    /thread rant?
    Nov 18, 2015
  28. triscope
    am I noob
    Nov 18, 2015
  29. Zoe89
    Some of 'em are good.
    Nov 18, 2015
  30. CreeperCristi
    Yeah, I ain't complaining about them
    Nov 18, 2015
  31. CreeperCristi
    But then theres those ones who haven't even tried and yet they get accepted...
    To be honest, I feel there should be more of a goal before you get to apply for helper, like being on the server for at least a decent amount of time, well-known member title required, 200 likes etc.
    Nov 19, 2015