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Comments on Profile Post by Nager

  1. MrHollywoot
    it has to be stated before anything is said. Posting voice recording prior to that warning can be held against the individual if it ever came to that level.
    Sep 16, 2013
  2. Nager
    But seriously... This is a minecraft server... Nothing like that would get anywhere in court.... Who knows? Maybe it's legal in his state/country. Not everyone is American, although, the accent :P
    Sep 16, 2013
  3. MrHollywoot
    i agree but if i found out somone was recording my voice messages i would ask them to be deleted instantly
    Sep 16, 2013
  4. Nager
    I wouldn't care. It's the internet, I have uploaded pictures of my house to here, I know where chirp lives, he knows where I live. Chirp knows my password... I'm 11, and I don't care, you're 25, people don't care about your voice, face etc. if they're planning to mug you, which they're probably not :P
    Sep 16, 2013
  5. MrHollywoot
    its not about mugging me...its about further issues down the road some
    Sep 16, 2013
  6. Nager
    What do you mean lol? What could come "Further down the road" .
    Sep 16, 2013
  7. MrHollywoot
    so in 40 years you run for president and somone pulls this stuff up were you said "your a bleep bleep bleep bleep" example
    Sep 16, 2013
  8. Nager
    OooooOoooo!!! Is Hollywood running for president!!!111elevenone111!!!slash///? Find out in next episode of MeepCraft!
    Sep 16, 2013
  9. Nager
    For real this time, how is there proof it was actually you? Because in 40 years you probably won't sound the same at all...
    Sep 16, 2013
  10. MrHollywoot
    ya never know
    Sep 17, 2013
  11. Nager

    MITT ROMNEY?!?!?!
    Sep 17, 2013