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Comments on Profile Post by Muunkee

  1. RaidByNightOnly
    T_T Hope you get better
    Dec 29, 2014
  2. IGotBored
    I'm not entirely sure how you find it out, it seems like a voluntary choice, hope it gets better though
    Dec 30, 2014
  3. TimtheFireLord
    I'm with Qwikinchicken, isn't it voluntary?
    Unless health class taught me incorrect information as usual...
    Dec 31, 2014
  4. Lady_Hestia
    it is not nessesarily voluntary. and there are so many possible reasons. I have severe allergies so I used to be anorexic (or not eating, i dont know if anorexia is the correct word for it)because of fear of the pain that comes with eating. I relapse every time I have an allergic reaction as well and stop eating.
    Best wishes sweetie <3
    Jan 2, 2015
  5. XxNine_TailsxX
    And thats why you were demoted
    Jan 2, 2015
  6. IGotBored
    Nah that's not it, but the reason she was demoted is rather entertaining. Hestia, that makes sense, except that you were aware you weren't eating, and you (i assume) were aware what anorexia was. It still doesn't answer how one finds it out.
    Jan 2, 2015
  7. TimtheFireLord
    Oh ok, so not all cases are the same. Like every other disorder. I'm an idiot.
    Jan 2, 2015
  8. Muunkee
    the ''And thats why you were demoted'' Is now a joke, because I'm too lazy to explain the thing over again and yeah.
    Jan 2, 2015
  9. IGotBored
    The reason you were demoted is honestly utterly hilarious
    Jan 2, 2015
  10. Muunkee
    Meh. It's more annoying than anything cause when I ask sjoe why PM's matter if the person is okay with it I got no answer.
    Jan 2, 2015
  11. IGotBored
    That's because the admins care about almost everything more than the server it seems. It's more entertaining because why tf would you even do that
    Jan 2, 2015
  12. Muunkee
    What? The sexting?
    I'm an oddball, mkay?
    Jan 2, 2015
  13. IGotBored
    That's not an oddball, that's selling your body for a virtual rank on a minecraft server.
    Jan 2, 2015
  14. Muunkee
    I have never, and will not, send any pictures.
    (anything you've heard me do was either not true or I used google images.)
    Jan 2, 2015
  15. IGotBored
    So you lied for a virtual rank on a minecraft server. Alright, that's less disturbing, +1.
    Jan 2, 2015
  16. Muunkee
    Love ya.
    Jan 2, 2015
  17. RaidByNightOnly
    That's pretty damn crafty ;)
    Jan 2, 2015
  18. Muunkee
    Jan 2, 2015
  19. IGotBored
    I mean, if the guy in question (I'll leave out names) was smart he just would've put the picture into a google image search and found that out soooo
    Jan 2, 2015
  20. Muunkee
    I never said he was smart.
    Jan 2, 2015
  21. Muunkee
    Oh, and plus I crop and edit. I'm smart. :]
    Jan 2, 2015
  22. RaidByNightOnly
    It's easy to just liek Photoshop a new background
    Jan 2, 2015
  23. RaidByNightOnly
    Insert My Comment before Monkey's k
    Jan 2, 2015
  24. IGotBored
    Sure, but searching for it would bring up visually similar images. I've backtracked a lot of profile pictures on meep to see if they were really the person or just online photos
    Jan 2, 2015
  25. RaidByNightOnly
    Qwikin, If I was to scrub out the background and add another one there is no way in hell someone could backtrack it if I did a good enough job lel
    Jan 2, 2015
  26. IGotBored
    no, because the search would recognize the same features that you didn't change
    Jan 2, 2015
  27. Muunkee
    I dunno...
    When looking at those pics that sure are a lot of visually similar images....
    Jan 2, 2015
  28. RaidByNightOnly
    Huh, Fair Point...

    But if there are lots then you have gotten away before someone figures out in most cases
    Jan 2, 2015
  29. Muunkee
    Doesn't really matter either
    I've only done a google image thing to like 2 people
    otherwise I've just refused
    I stick it /me's.
    Jan 2, 2015
  30. Cascade1324
    I got diagnosed with anorexia about 2 months ago. i got triggered by youtube videos :(
    Jan 4, 2015
  31. TimtheFireLord
    Dammit YouTube, you messed Banky up. :(
    Jan 4, 2015
  32. Cascade1324
    it did :( and now i cant stop. it sucks
    Jan 4, 2015
  33. Muunkee
    it happens
    Jan 4, 2015
  34. Cascade1324
    you seem so careless. are you even anorexic? or are you one of those self diagnosis n00bs?
    Jan 4, 2015
  35. Muunkee
    My dad told me, idk where he got that info.
    Jan 4, 2015
  36. Cascade1324
    Is it just because you don't eat a lot or?...
    Jan 4, 2015
  37. Muunkee
    I've gone without for for literally days because I'm simply not hungry.
    Jan 4, 2015
  38. Cascade1324
    Then that's not anorexic. Anorexia is where you starve yourself on purpose because you see yourself as fat but you're underweight, or you're using drugs, laxatives, pills etc to lose weight and having nothing except for that. Anorexia is not where you just dont eat because you dont feel like it, its an actual disorder
    Jan 4, 2015
  39. RaidByNightOnly
    But chronic not being hungry is a disorder as well and can be classed under "Anorexia"
    Jan 4, 2015
  40. IGotBored
    Similarly to how you can classify an apple to an orange. they're both fruits, but the argument won't hold up long. I'm with Cascade here, but this is really a pointless discussion
    Jan 4, 2015