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Comments on Profile Post by Fizzy

  1. chaos546
    Thanks ^.^ I have, and was denied due to refusing to get TS/a mic.
    Aug 6, 2013
  2. chaos546
    Anyways, considering what I've said and done, unless the staffing is changed, it farfetched to believe that they'll accept me.
    Aug 6, 2013
  3. Fizzy
    I think that's a bit of a stupid rule to be honest. When I was staff we didn't even need Skype to join, we all were active on the forums, and didn't need to communicate to work with each other.
    Aug 6, 2013
  4. Fizzy
    I haven't seen anything from you that would make me believe you wouldn't be a good staff member lol.
    Aug 6, 2013
  5. chaos546
    It is a stupid rule xDDD It's one of those things that makes me facepalm every time something reminds me of it
    Aug 6, 2013
  6. chaos546
    I disapprove of most of the current staff and have posted many opinions about them and other issues. So I'm pretty sure that most of them hate me with a burning passion.
    Aug 6, 2013
  7. Fizzy
    Which promotions do you disagree with?
    Aug 6, 2013
  8. marvelgamer13
    Hope that burning passion doesn't give you more enemies. (Other than staff) Wouldn't want to see that happen to our new staff member. :3
    Aug 6, 2013
  9. chaos546
    I had an entire thread about it that was deleted.
    I don't really like any of the admins except for Pimp. They've all said and done things that make me want to punch them in the face except for Pimp, who is the only one that acts like an admin should.
    Aug 6, 2013
  10. chaos546
    Honestly, I could go on and on, but I'll just summarize by saying that I only think these people should stay in their current positions or be promoted:
    and Tony.

    The rest either have given me a bad impression or no impression because I've never seen them before.
    Aug 6, 2013
  11. marvelgamer13
    Skaros, Mr. Squirrel and Akira talk to me. I agree for their promotion :3
    Aug 6, 2013
  12. Fizzy
    I don't mod the admins, Cooley's a bit inactive but I like Deinen. I agree with your list pretty much, but I would remove MeGusta and Aki.
    Aug 6, 2013
  13. Fizzy
    Mind the admins*
    Aug 6, 2013
  14. marvelgamer13
    3: Why kill Aki? But Deinen is cool, he's probably the only admin that speaks with me.
    Aug 6, 2013
  15. chaos546
    Deinen seems pompous, arrogant, and acts like everything is a joke.

    Did you not hear that when Onis locked Sarah in a cage, he came and didn't let her out, just sat there yelling at her?
    Aug 6, 2013
  16. marvelgamer13
    Aug 6, 2013
  17. chaos546
    Aug 6, 2013
  18. marvelgamer13
    Wow. Onis is a bad admin. Never talked to him, but that action is quite mean.
    Aug 6, 2013
  19. chaos546
    He also called her a slave that could be bought or rented and a zoo exhibit. Not to mention that he called me a retard and unfairly banned/muted tons of people.
    Aug 6, 2013
  20. marvelgamer13
    The evil reincarnation of satan has been born in his body. 3:
    Aug 6, 2013
  21. chaos546
    I think it's more like CG. Just wait; He'll end up saying 'at the end of the day' soon.
    Aug 6, 2013
  22. marvelgamer13
    Yep. Man I didn't even know Onis before know, he's really cruel. 3: Me no like him for his actions
    Aug 6, 2013