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Comments on Profile Post by Nerf958

  1. abbythrowsstuff
    i'll ask ugly unicorn about it and confirm. if anything it'll be lowered to 3
    Apr 15, 2014
  2. Nerf958
    Well thats kinda stupid. I mean if you had looked at the actual chat logs and done what staff were supposed to this wouldnt have happened, would it? And really? One word= 3 hours for that one word?
    Apr 15, 2014
  3. abbythrowsstuff
    2nd offence in a day.
    Apr 15, 2014
  4. Nerf958
    The funny part is you completley ignore the first part of my 2nd sentence, but go straight to the point were I messed up. Funny.
    Apr 15, 2014
  5. abbythrowsstuff
    I can't look through chat logs willy-nilly, you should know that.
    Apr 15, 2014
  6. Nerf958
    Not willy-nilly, you banned me right? You heard from a report that I had done that right? That narrows it down to only MY CHAT LOGS and or Uglyunicorns. It isnt that hard to take 2-5 minutes to check something that simple.
    Apr 16, 2014