I need people who can dig out 4 merged creative plots. I have divided the Y coordinates to 20 levels each 3 high. You will be paid $10k for each...
Well done with this edition! The first time I'm featured it's the one brony build I've ever made XD. Don't forget my official title for the wild...
yes but when you reopen would that be something you could do?
can I hire you for creative plot digging?
I do not remember you myself. I just came here to say that even if some of us leave, when we do bump into each other it leaves good memories. It's...
My point exactly, except I would merge it with boomo or spawn.
I don't think that anything needs to be removed, but I don't see why some worlds like parkour can't be merged with other worlds. It shouldn't hurt...
I like that profile pic m8.
Do what? Oh this! [IMG]