Additional In Game Names: Kapleo When you were banned: April 30, 2014 I think, maybe a week before or something. Reason for ban: Transparent...
IGN: Kapleus When you were banned: April "28" Reason: X-ray Ban Length: Appeal Staff Member: Quaddy Why we should consider your appeal: Maybe...
(sorry) IGN: Kapleus Date/Time: a month and some weeks (by mid April) Reason: x-ray Ban Length: appeal Staff Member: Quaddy Why we should...
Hello guys, I followed the instructions you gave me, I've waited over a month and here I am... I've learn my lesson, please let me back into the...
IGN: Kapleus Date/Time: Like a week ago Reason: x-ray Ban Length: appeal Staff Member: Quaddy Why we should consider your appeal: Well... like...