well ohDraqq hacked me so I am quiting meepcraft
ok well i just got hacked so bye forever
I would like to give my elite rank to my other account. this is so I can "start all over." is this posiable? if so ill give you the account name...
why draqq?!
I was really bored that day. I still do not know why I posted it.
oops that was a typo i said weekend when i ment week Even though I'm not really active on Saturdays because of school, but I still try to get on...
i am in troop 910 they push you to get eaglescout my brother is going to get it at 12. also he did not mean on the staff application. here is a...
amen and thank you!
In game name: gaeibel46 Skype Username: graham.eibel (I prefer Skype over team speak) Teamspeak Username: gaeibel46 Mic use: Always[IMG] Age: 14...