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Kingwongjang123's Application

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Killdogx, Aug 20, 2014.

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  1. Killdogx

    Killdogx Celebrity Meeper

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    IGN : Kingwongjang123
    Skype : Yes. [Kingwongjang123]
    TeamSpeak : Yes. [Kingwongjang123]
    Mic Use : Always
    Age : 15
    TimeZone : Pacific Time Zone [Texas]
    Time Online Weekday : Summer : 3-8hrs / School Day : 2-4hrs
    Time Online Weekend : 3-8hrs
    Rank Change : Elite -->> Helper

    Introduction : Helllo Meepz. I'm Kingwongjang123 and like to be called King. I live Texas with my lovely family. I was in boy scout for 3 years. Past 3 years I've been learned really great things. What most of you do not know about me is, I love sports, music and arts. When I was 6, I started playing piano and soccer. My mom put me in art academy when I was 8. In kindergarten, I learned guitar and violin for years. So I love to play instruments, play sports and draw some pictures.
    I went lots of different countries to learned a lots of things. I've learned that I have to look for my future.
    I've never got below 90's in every single classes and always got the honor rolls. I am going to be freshman this year. I'm looking to play football. I love to be outdoors and play sports with my friends and family. My hobbies are play sports and play meepcraft.
    I started playing, when there were meepnetwork. From that time, I used my brother account to play meep. But when meepnetwork changed into a meepcraft, I bought my own account and started to play. First time I joined server and got 100k I thought I was rich enough to create towns and being a rich guy. But I saw hornemans and got shocked. But now I know how the meep works and owning great towns and now I am having fun with it.

    Why I should be helper/mod

    Experience :
    I have been playing in meepnetwork. I'm not like really new to this server. I have been playing meeps while and I know all the basic commands in towny, skyblocks and etc. In my time, I owned lots of town and managed them. I had over 130+ residents when I had Spartans. I took care every single residents that are new. It's really hard to mange huge towns. You have to communicate with all the residents that are need help. In the boy scout, I have learned how to mange people and lead them to good way. Through the many activities, I've learned how to be great leader. With this skills, I think it will be easier for me to being a great helper.

    Work Ethic : I have finished middle school. Through middle school, I earned every single honor rolls and earned lots of trophies by playing sports, music and drawing great pictures. Now I'm done with middle school and becoming high school students. I'm going to have to do exact same thing as what I did in middle school. I meant I'm going to try harder to be really great students with lots of activities. I never quit anything that I'm working on. I have to see that I finish whenever I do something.

    Dedication : There are lots of servers out there. But I always play in meepcraft. I see lots of people made threads like "bye" or "quiting meep." But for me, I started play meepcraft, then I'm going to play until servers down. I'm not going to quit playing meep.

    Involvement : I have been involved in meepnetworks. I'm involve in teamspeak and forums. I'm pretty active on 3 aspects.[Teamspeak, forums, and In game.] I'm always on forums like all day. whenever my mom see me doing tap to looking at the forums, she kept saying that I should stop looking at the forums. So I'm well-known-player, but will be popular-player later. I'm active in shout and towny chat. Also whenever players in creative, I do /warp creative and find commands that they need help on, and /pm them for what they need help with. I spend 4hrs in towny and about 1hr in kitpvp. Whenever I see hackers, I'm just reporting them or /pm to them to stop using hacks and if they keep using it then, I /pm to staff members about what happen in kitpvp. People who knows me, know that I am very involve in all 3 aspects.

    Performance : I have been involve in many activities like sports and know about to being a team player. I am performing at the highest level now and I will keep performing as a helper. I am a straight A’s student. When I do building jobs on the server, It took me about 3hrs. It's not ugly and mess. When I build a like town spawn, I really get into that and finish them within 3hrs. It might took 3 days to build to other people but I'm getting focus and took 3hrs to build it. I will perform at the highest level. I have always performed highly with my clients and I will continue if I become a helper. I learned it from a boy scout. You can't finish or do it by yourself, whenever your in the team.


    Competitiveness :
    I have little bit of competitive. But this could be really big. When I go play in halo and using rocketlauncher to kill other players, people kept saying that you are using hacks or something like that. But actually I have no idea how to use hacks and how to add it into your minecraft. So I kept typing that "I don't use hacks." But from now on, I don't usually play halo and more and I stop arguing about that and being competitive.

    Immaturity : I have no idea that I'm immature but I could be really immature in sometimes. When using teamspeak and talking to brandon, sometimes, I am being really immature. But most of times, I fix this problem and try not to be immature.

    Conclusion : In conclusion, this was my helper app. Once again, I will be really great helper because I am mature, smart, friendly to others and helpful. I know that I have to learn more stuffs even if I become a helper. I never am mean to other players. But I will try to fix my weakness as much as possible. All criticism and feedback is greatly appreciated and Thank you for reading my application!
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
    superbros1211 likes this.
  2. pizzafest

    pizzafest Popular Meeper

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    +1 gg i hope u get helper right amonut not immature evverything to be helper gg +1
    Killdogx likes this.
  3. Owen Powell

    Owen Powell Popular Meeper

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    -1 Don't see you in game enough to be staff and the app was meh
    Killdogx and Jiltism like this.
  4. RaidByNightOnly

    RaidByNightOnly Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 Reapplying after Exactly 2 weeks makes you seem rather desperate and Activity in shout is lacking because I never saw you in Shout :/
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  5. Nanominer

    Nanominer Well-Known Meeper

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    I'm gonna go with +0.5, because you are definitely a player that knows responsibility, but the app was a bit on the dark side.
    Keep up the good work though!
    Killdogx likes this.
  6. Jiltism

    Jiltism Celebrity Meeper

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    -1 Bad app and cannot take take ANY constructive criticism. After his last application, he posted on my profile "you don't even see my activity so how can you say that" or something along the lines of that because I -1 ed his app. Plus, he's only mature when he wants to be, like his staff app. He's a pretty nice guy; he just needs to work on his maturity a bit.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
  7. teakizz99

    teakizz99 Active Meeper

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    Kingwongjang is mostly active during the quietest hours of Meep. I'm in GMT+7:00 so I always play when there's 70 or so players on Meep and nearly every time I come online and go into ts, I see Kingwong on both aspects of the server. (This probably explains why a lot of people don't see him online very often.) Kingwongjang is very very friendly, and I cannot emphasize that enough. Whenever I'm on ts during the quiet hours, a lot of the times Kingwong would slip into my chat room and start talking. Also, I think that he is experienced because he has been on this server since Meepnetworks and is constantly active on the forums. Kingwong totally deserves an interview, he's a really nice guy when you get to know him. Good luck :)
    Killdogx likes this.
  8. kwildes

    kwildes Well-Known Meeper

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    Killdogx likes this.
  9. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    Btw, Texas is in the CST time zone, not PST.

    -Can't take constructive criticism.
    -App was meh. Your Dedication section has almost nothing to do with being staff.
    -Reapplied after exactly two weeks, you look desperate.
    -Don't see you in shout too often, but you're only an hour off of my tz.
    Killdogx and Draqq like this.
  10. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Your grammar can use some work.
    Youre not as active as you say you are.
    On teamspeak you have trouble getting your point across.
    Ive never seen you actually help anyone.
    benster82 and Killdogx like this.
  11. Zebo616

    Zebo616 Popular Meeper

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    Well you edited your App, and that's an Auto-Deny. But, I'll still give you my thoughts.
    + Teamspeak activity
    + Forums activity
    +/- In-Game Activity
    - Maturity
    - You seem desperate for the position
    - In-Game helpfulness
    - Multiple Grammatical errors in your app

    Overall, you just aren't trying to help out the community as much as you could. If you were a bit more helpful In-Game, I would think otherwise.
    Killdogx likes this.
  12. MoistAngus

    MoistAngus Well-Known Meeper

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    According to your grammar, English does not appear to be your first language, so I'm not going to count that against you. From what I've seen from you in the past, maturity is a real issue. -1
    Jiltism and Killdogx like this.

    RAULPTY Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    +Forum Activity
    +/- In game activity
    -You seem very desperate
    -The app had grammatical errors
    -Help in game

    = -1
    Killdogx and Jiltism like this.
  14. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    Killdogx likes this.
  15. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Shortly after I -1'd you on your previous app, you proceeded to argue with me about my reasoning on my profile (I deleted those posts.) and this shows you can't take criticism. I've seem you active a lot more, but I'm giving you a -.5, because you seem desperate for the position and that you need more time.
    Jiltism and Killdogx like this.
  16. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    #SillySilverII; she applied less than 2 weeks after her last one and got accepted :O
    Killdogx likes this.
  17. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    There's a difference, her's had gotten auto-denied due to having no skype. Tbh I don't count that application at all since she fixed that problem.
    Killdogx and Grandblue like this.
  18. Grandblue

    Grandblue Celebrity Meeper

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    Good point, vote changed to -1 :D
    Killdogx likes this.
  19. chaos546

    chaos546 Canadian Forums Stalker

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    Okay okay, this is going to seem really biased to some people, but I've had a lot of personal experience with you that makes me feel really cautious when it comes to this application.

    My first reason is the fact that I've had to ban you before. It was awhile back, but something that really stuck with me was the fact that not only did you angrily argue with me, but you also lied. Lying to staff members is never a good thing; you tried to convince us that you didn't have time to retype a simple command before leaving. This made me reluctant to trust you, and your future actions haven't given me much of a reason to rethink that.

    Furthermore, I've seen you do a lot of minimodding on the forums, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. Seeing people act like they are a staff member is a red light for me. It shows they are going to apply, and makes them seem like they are sucking up and very desperate.

    Finally, also concerning the forums, you have (had) a tendency to necro long-resolved Q&A threads. This again shows you to be desperate and honestly makes me feel like you are trying far to hard to show us you answer people. Due to this, I question your motives. You should apply for Helper because you like to help people, not help people so you have a better chance at Helper.

    in case you can't tell I'm a -1 until you show me these things no longer apply to you.
  20. jmelara

    jmelara Popular Meeper

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    I really can't decided. I am on when you are on. When I am on ts you act pretty immature I have to be honest. Second you are super desperate, and impatient, I told I was going to buy villager access from you in a few days. The next day I got on ts you kept repeating "buy villager access" about a thousand times. That is not a good thing for a helper to be so impatient.

    To contrast you are pretty nice. I am your friend and you are pretty cool. My problem is that is not really what a ideal helper should be like. Personally I think I am being a bit bias by not giving a -1 but I think you are trying to improve. Good luck and try to apply all the comments :)
    Killdogx likes this.
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