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Best Posts in Forum: Towny Guides

  1. theEditson

    theEditson Popular Meeper Elder

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    Editson’s Guide To Towny Perms

    This section is an all-inclusive guide to setting up and using Towny Perms for your plot or town, and also how to successfully set up and operate a Grinder while maintaining 100% control of it.

    This thread will not cover 100% of commands, only the maintaining & controlling of perms to your liking. For a complete command listing of Towny perms, go to this link:


    Understanding Permissions

    Controlling Towny permissions can seem extremely confusing at first, but this should clear up any misconceptions or questions you may have and make things a lot easier. Here is a breakdown of how perms work, and some things to remember/understand when using them.

    There are 3 types of perms:

    1. Town perms (/town or /t)

    2. Res perms (/res)

    3. Plot perms (/plot)

    They each follow the same syntax, but the commands are slightly different:

    - /town set perm [resident/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/itemuse/switch] [on/off]

    - /res set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/itemuse/switch] [on/off]

    - /plot set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/itemuse/switch] [on/off]

    - /town toggle [fire/explosions/pvp/mob]

    - /res toggle [fire/explosions/pvp/mob]

    - /plot toggle [fire/explosions/pvp/mob]

    Here’s a list of what each of those corresponds to:

    - Resident = any player that is a resident of your town (not embassy owners)

    - Friend = any player on your friends list (to see it, just type /res)

    - Outsider = any player on server

    - Ally = any player from an allied town in your nation

    - Build = Place any block

    - Destroy = Remove any block

    - Itemuse = Use an item (fire charge, flint & steel)

    - Switch = Open/use any door, pressure plate, button, lever, chest, etc…

    - Fire = Fires spread from one block to another

    - Explosions = TNT explosions

    - PVP = Combat between players

    - Mob = Mob activity on plot

    Understand that these perms are structured

    Because there are 3 sets of perms for 3 different types of situations, you must understand which perm overrides which. Here is the order in which is the easiest to think about them:

    Towny < Res < Plot

    Your town perms affect your town only. Specifically, your town perms are only applied to any plot that is marked ‘Unowned’ whether it is for sale or not.

    Your res perms affect each of the plots you own anywhere. This means the plot says it IS owned, and not unowned.

    Plot perms can be applied specifically to one plot at a time to override certain perms that either town perms or res perms were previously applied to. Non mayors can apply this to any plot they own, and it is beneficial because they can keep the same perms with res perms on every plot they own, but can change 1 perm on 1 plot for a certain reason…

    Here is an example to put this into perspective:

    - I own 5 plots ( I am not a mayor), and I want my friends (on my friends list) to be able to use my chests on any plot I own, BUT one of the plots is a huge storage area and I DON’T want anyone to be able to do anything on it… then here is what you would type, in order.

    While standing anywhere in the Towny server, you would do:

    /res set perm off

    (this sets all perms for all plots OFF under /res)

    /res set perm friend switch on

    (this sets the ability for your friends ONLY to be able to use chests, etc, on every plot you own)

    Then, walk over and stand on the plot you would like to apply overriding/plot perms to, then you would do:

    /plot set perm friend switch off

    (this turns off the ability for friends to use chests, etc, on this one plot only, which overrides the /res perms you set earlier)

    You can apply a number of combinations of this depending on the amount of plots you own and what they are used for/how they are used. One thing to remember is that the ‘resident’ perm under /town perms is different than the ‘friend’ perm under /res and /plot perms and they do not correlate or mix.

    You cannot apply perms for people on your friends list to plots that you do not own personally… Visa Versa, you cannot apply resident perms on plots that are owned by you or any other player… their plot is reserved for them and their own /res perms. Unowned plots are the ones set up under Town perms (resident/outsider/ally).

    Important Notes***

    It is important to note that when you first join the server, your /res perms are automatically set to all on for friends only. Be aware that when you add friends to your friends list (with /res friend add [player]), they will be able to do anything on your plots, unless you manually turn them off. It is a smart thing to do, as is learning and understanding all of this information. To turn off every perm for everyone, you can do:

    /res set perm off

    It’s also important to note that when you change your res perms, the plot perm that was manually set for each plot will stay the same. Also, the plot perms are also set by default to be on for your friends, for the first plot that you own. To turn them off to be safe and to know you have everything off you can just do:

    /plot set perm off

    (Just to be safe, on plots that you want no activity on, except for yourself)

    Using this guide, you can create some nice combinations and truly master the access on plots in your town or plots that you own. My other thread will be on how to set up the perfect grinder using a simple build and utilizing Towny perms to control access and keep things safe. To read that you can click HERE (to be added)

    If you have any questions or suggestions on how to fine-tune this guide, then feel free to post a reply and I will review it personally. The sole purpose of the thread is to solidify the understanding and execution of Towny Permissions and to reduce the number of Meep crimes committed around the misuse of them.
    SuperDyl, iKitten, cooey and 38 others like this.
  2. The_Squirrelman

    The_Squirrelman Popular Meeper

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    Public Guide for Starting and Maintaining a successful town

    Written by The_Squirrelman


    The main player-based goal in towny can mean many things. It can mean building and expanding your own town in solitary fashion, or with one or two friends. It can mean joining a town, becoming an assistant, and successfully helping administer and expand the town. It can mean being a homeless wanderer until you have the necessary funds to start your own town, for people to join, and for the town to grow. I’m here today to show you how to go through with the last option, the opening, running, and maintenance of a successful town.


    You may be asking, The_Squirrelman, what makes you experienced in managing towns? You’re in a town with two people, and there are obviously much larger towns out there. Why should I listen to you? Before I went into private towns, I’ve owned one town, and co owned another. The first town I owned had about 45 residents, not the best, but an admirable number at the time. The second town I co-owned with a good friend of mine, CaptaineAli. This town was large in wealth, with up to 400 million in items, bank money, and resident money. We kept about twenty residents, and the town was prosperous, one of the wealthiest towns on the server. With proper management, new ideas, extra time on our hands, and hard work, our massive town contained a 10 stack grinder, hundreds of plots, and everything one could ask for in a town. From three stables totalled to more than one hundred horses, large quartz mansions, villager spawners, passive mob grinders, potion machines, you name it we had it. In my eyes, that is the towny owner’s dream, and I hope I can help aspiring town owners to that place one day.

    What is a town, and what does it need?

    Well yes, as a mayor, you should know the proper commands to run a town, and what it really is. A public town is really what you define it to be. The most common kind of town is a player living space town, where town residents live in the town, build houses, use town facilities, and keep valuables at their towns.

    Town commands a mayor should know:

    ./t new (TownName) - Creates the town with the specified town name, at the location you’re standing.

    ./t - Allows you to see your town’s information, such as residents, bank value, taxes, nation, coordinates, etc.

    ./t deposit (Amount) - Allows you to deposit money into your town bank. Money in the bank will pay upkeep.

    ./t withdraw (Amount) - Allows you to withdraw money from the bank.

    ./t add (IGN) - Adds a player to your town.

    ./t kick (IGN) - Removes a player from your town.

    ./t claim - Claims Unowned plots for the town. Must be claimed next to town plots.

    ./plot claim - Claims a plot for oneself

    ./plot set embassy - The plot becomes an embassy, a plot that can be claimed and owned by non - residents.

    ./plot set shop - Sets the plot to a shop plot, allowing plot owners to set up chests shop

    ./plot set arena - Plot becomes PVP, and has an Arena tag.

    ./plot set reset - Sets the plot to an original, Unowned, unbuyable state.

    ./t set homeblock - Sets the town spawn to current location.

    ./plot forsale (Price) - Puts plot for sale at the set price, allows town residents to buy plots.

    ./plot notforsale - Makes plot unclaimable by residents.

    ./t set tax (Amount) - Sets a daily tax for town residents. This tax is auto paid every 24 irl hours.

    ./t toggle public - Toggles whether or not non town residents can teleport to the town, or view coords.

    ./t toggle fire - Toggles whether or not firespread is on in the town.

    ./t toggle mobs - Toggles whether or not mob spawns are on in this town.

    ./t toggle explosions - Toggles whether explosions are on this town.

    ./plot toggle fire - Toggles firespread on an individual plot.

    ./plot toggle mobs - Toggles mobs on an individual plot. Great for grinders and livestock.

    ./plot toggle explosions - Toggles explosions on a single plot.

    ./t set name (Name) - Allows you to change town name at any time.

    ./t rank add (Name) Assistant/VIP - Adds specified resident to rank of Assistant or VIP.

    For a more specific guide on towny perms, feel free to see the following link: http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/

    PHASE 1: Getting Started.

    First, you need to earn a good sum of money. Parkour, ./jobs, and selling enchanted items, parkour, and for those good at pvp, acquiring and selling player heads are all good ways to make good sums of money. A presonal recommendation for amount of money that should be made before starting is 75k. Enlisting a partner who can be a co-mayor will ease this process along the way, both in money making, building, and running the town.

    Pick a guy/gal you trust. There has to be trust, there has to be attentiveness, and there has to be ability to cooperate well. If you guys are a great cohesive team, your town’s success chances are likely to be multiplied.

    Once you and (hopefully a partner) have acquired a good sum of money, make the town. Have a vision for it while you look for location, so that you know when you find the right location. Take your time, as moving a town is both expensive and impractical. Also make sure that nearby regions of your town are unoccupied, so that you have plenty of room for privacy and expansion. Make sure it’s a scenic locale as well, so that border residents at least have something pleasing to look at.

    Go to your location, have the to be mayor ./t new name, then IMMEDIATELY toggle the town to private, using ./t toggle public. Then, invite your to be co-mayor/assistant, add them to the appropriate rank, and get ready to work.

    PHASE 2: Building Up.

    Now you’ve got your perfect locale, your spot, and you’re ready to go! What now? Well to start, you want to take care of your upkeep. Find the biggest nation you can, and join it. It’ll give you a plot bonus, allowing you to have more plots without seriously affecting your upkeep. Now, it’s time to construct.

    Though it may be tempting, DO NOT CONSTRUCT YOUR SPAWN FIRST. Your money has just begun, and unless you’re a donator, or you have incredibly rich and generous friends, you need to build utility buildings. Grinders, farms, generators, auto-brewers, stables, and other machinery that produce machinery are the kinds of builds you need. Begin producing merchandise, selling it, creating business contacts, and finding regular customers. A suggested money goal is 200-300k, before you start preparing to make your town public.

    First, you want to build your spawn. Make it suitable to your needs. If you’re looking for cost efficient but nice looking, consider some one or four plot tower drop ideas. If you’re thinking big, you might consider hiring a builder. When doing so, always ask to see previous builds, and if needed, ask a staff member to check that this building was actually built by your possible builder. Unless you have a specific design in mind, recommendations for larger and more pretty towns spawns are 3 by 3, 5 by 5. If you’re going extremely large building, go ahead, but make sure it looks nice. Square buildings are the best, due to the fact that the rest of the town’s planning is more organized, allowing one to divide their town into four sections, with main plotwide roads going out north, south, east, and west.

    When you’re done with the spawn, begin planning residential areas, town staff areas, utility areas, and others. Set out the plots, and make sure there’s room for expansion. Make the main roads one plot wide, so they can actually look nice, but otherwise, just put a border of your choice between residential plot areas. Leave a good amount of plot areas, and give every player 1- 2 plots to be safe. Also, take some time to discuss with your co town runner(s) the rules, as you will probably be opening soon. Still, always remember to keep making more money.

    PHASE 3: Opening

    Now, here there are two possible splits/options. You can either open up your town, ./shout advertise your town with a nice message, and invite people one by one, or, you can hold a grand opening. The grand opening would consist of displaying your town’s wealth, builds, or others in a fashion that would make a player actually come, and possible move or stay. However, this method rarely works well and is never cost effective, so I personally suggest the first route, ./shout advertising. It both costs little, and is better for new towny members to see and join. As you add residents, begin making the utility machines look nice, make them easier to use, and overall attempt to add on to them and increase their efficiency. Be sure to enforce upon people looking for towns of your excellence, facilities, and open attitude. Open some shops, using the ./chest plugin, as a small method of income. Be sure to sell grinder or farm access for certain prices. Show possible new residents around the town, inviting as many as you can on a tour. And all in all, be a friendly guy to your townspeople, but be enforcing in terms of your rules, unless change is necessary.

    As you continue, make some defining structures, such as towers, or other markers, and open more facilities. Kindly ask your players to make buildings look nicer, and as you add more residents to your town, so should your plot bonus. Keep claiming land, and start making non merchandise producing town areas, such as race tracks, obstacle courses, mob arenas, PVP arenas, and host town events, to increase town popularity, and give the residents some fun. Along with a rules board, once you feel you have enough, add what all your facilities and fun sites on your board. Keep adding residents, accepting any you feel will cooperate with you and can pay taxes. Make sure your taxes are low however, as most new players want a low tax town. When you've got lots of people, town tax will accumulate in larger quantities.

    In addition, keep in mind, ALWAYS keep finding ways to make money. Whether it’s selling horses with the stables you’ve made, selling grinder access, or just using the grinder to sell enchanted items, it’s up to you. Just be sure to keep that town bank a lot fuller than it needs to be.

    PHASE 4: Maintenence

    You now are rising in residents, and people love your facilities. However, how do you make sure your residents stay? A huge starter is hiring assistants for your town. As resident numbers rise, try adding a resident in another time zone who’s responsible to help manage the town. They can help you with many things, such as handling plots, adding residents, and fixing machines.

    Now, you're in the process of just holding down what you have. Keep adding new residents, keep adding facilities, and keep hosting new events for your residents' and non residents' fun.

    Suggestion List:

    Possible Facilities:

    -Grinder: Blaze, Zombie, Skeleton

    -Passive Mob Farm: Pig, Cow, Sheep, Chicken

    -Horse Stables and Breeding Center

    -Slot Machine

    -Auto Potion Brewers

    -Chest Shops

    -Pre-built Houses

    Possible Fun Buildings:


    -Race Tracks for Horses, Boats, Pigs

    -Archery Range

    -Jousting Lanes

    -Horseback Combat Arena

    -Afk Machines

    Possible Events:

    -PVP Tourneys

    -Racing Events

    -Drop Parties

    This is the end of a comprehensive guide for Starting and Maintaining a Successful town. This was written by The_Squirrelman, and last updated 06:16 PM EST, August 15, 2013. If there are any questions or concerns to be voiced, be sure to inform The_Squirrelman, or a Supermod+. Thank you, and the staff hope you found this guide useful and enjoyable.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
    iKitten, Sqreix, DET2102 and 22 others like this.
  3. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

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    A preview of the new starters guide that players will receive when they join the server.

    The MeepCrafter's Guide to the Galaxy
    Written by Fuzzlr

    Page 1 - Introduction
    Page 2 - The Worlds of MeepCraft
    Page 6 - Rags to Riches Meebles Guide
    Page 18 - From Hamlet to Metropolis: A Towns Guide


    To be continued! The finished guide will be about 30-40 pages long.
  4. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    Towny is not the easiest plugin to work with at times, as there are hundreds of commands that each do slightly different things. Mastering these commands takes time, as any do not pull up in any of the Syntax messages. This borrows from several other guides that previously existed, but have been updated and reworked to create one comprehensive guide to all towny commands in the current version of Meepcraft's Towny plugin, as well as other info about towns. Note that this guide does not have a method for making a successful town, as there is no one way to make a town.

    Controlling Towny permissions can seem extremely confusing at first, but this should clear up any misconceptions or questions you may have and make things a lot easier. Here is a breakdown of how perms work, and some things to remember/understand when using them.

    There are 3 types of perms:

    1. Town perms (/town or /t)

    2. Res perms (/res)

    3. Plot perms (/plot)

    They each follow the same syntax, but the commands are slightly different:

    - /t set perm (resident/outsider/ally) (build/destroy/itemuse/switch) (on/off)

    - /res set perm (friend/outsider/ally) (build/destroy/itemuse/switch) (on/off)

    - /plot set perm (friend/outsider/ally) (build/destroy/itemuse/switch) (on/off)

    - /t toggle (fire/explosion/pvp/mob)

    - /res toggle (fire/explosion/pvp/mob)

    - /plot toggle (fire/explosion/pvp/mob)

    Here’s a list of what each of those corresponds to:

    - Resident = any player that is a resident of your town (not embassy owners)

    - Friend = any player on your friends list (to see it, just type /res)

    - Outsider = any player on server

    - Ally = any player from an allied town in your nation

    - Build = Place any block

    - Destroy = Remove any block

    - Itemuse = Use an item (fire charge, flint & steel)

    - Switch = Open/use any door, pressure plate, button, lever, chest, etc…

    - Fire = Fires spread from one block to another

    - Explosion = TNT explosions

    - PVP = Combat between players

    - Mob = Mob activity on plot

    Understand that these perms are structured

    Because there are 3 sets of perms for 3 different types of situations, you must understand which perm overrides which. Here is the order in which is the easiest to think about them:

    Towny < Res < Plot

    Your town perms affect your town only. Specifically, your town perms are only applied to any plot that is marked ‘Unowned’ whether it is for sale or not.

    Your res perms affect each of the plots you own anywhere. This means the plot says it IS owned, and not unowned.

    Plot perms can be applied specifically to one plot at a time to override certain perms that either town perms or res perms were previously applied to. Non mayors can apply this to any plot they own, and it is beneficial because they can keep the same perms with res perms on every plot they own, but can change 1 perm on 1 plot for a certain reason

    Source - Permissions
    Commands have been organized by the lowest towny rank you require in your town to access these.
    • Mayors
    /t new (TownName) - Creates the town with the specified town name, at the location you’re standing.

    /t delete - Deletes the town you own town, must follow these rules

    /t set mayor (Name) - Set the central mayor within your town.

    /n new (Name) - Creates a new nation, which other towns can join.
    • Co-Mayor
    /t withdraw (Amount) - Allows you to withdraw money from the bank.

    /t kick (Name) - Removes a player from your town.

    /t unclaim - Unclaims the chunk you are currently standing in for your town.

    /t set homeblock - Sets the town spawn chunk to current location.

    /t set spawn - Sets the town spawn block to current location (must be in the home chunk).

    /t set taxes (Amount) - Sets a daily tax for town residents. This tax is auto paid every 24 hours. This must also follow Meepcraft Towny Rules regarding taxes.

    /t toggle taxpercent - Toggles whether or not your daily tax is a flat rate or a percentage. This must also follow Meepcraft Towny Rules regarding taxes.

    /t set plottax (Amount) - Sets the daily tax residents pay for plots owned in your town. This must also follow Meepcraft Towny Rules regarding taxes.

    /t set shoptax (Amount) - Sets the daily plot tax for residents for plots of the shop type. This must also follow Meepcraft Towny Rules regarding taxes.

    /t set embassytax (Amount) - Sets the daily tax for plots of the embassy type. This must also follow Meepcraft Towny Rules regarding taxes.

    /t set name (Name) - Allows you to change town name at any time.

    /t rank add (Name) Co-mayor/Assistant/Recruiter/Builder/ VIP - Adds specified resident to rank within the town.

    /t rank remove (Name) Co-Mayor/Assistant/Recruiter/Builder/Vip - Removes a towny rank from the player in your town.

    /t toggle public - Toggles whether or not non town residents can teleport to the town, or view coords.

    /t toggle open - Toggles whether or not players can join the town with /t join (town name).

    /t toggle jail (number) (player) - Sends a player (must be in your town) to a designated jail plot.

    /t plots - Show info about the plots in your town, and the taxes earned from them.

    /t outlaw add (name) - Ban a player from joining your town.

    /t outlaw remove (name) - Remove a player from being banned from your town.

    /t outlawlist (town name) - View banned players from a town. Include no name to see the list for your own town easily.

    /t say (message) - Send an announcement to all members in your town in a special chat.

    /townlist - View a list of all plots your town has claimed.

    /townlist tp (Number) - tp to a plot your town has claimed.
    • Assistant
    /t claim - Claims Unowned plots for the town. Must be claimed next to town plots.

    /plot set embassy - The plot becomes an embassy, a plot that can be claimed and owned by non - residents.

    /plot set shop - Sets the plot to a shop plot, allowing plot owners to set up chests shop

    /plot set arena - Plot becomes PVP, and has an Arena tag.

    /plot set reset - Sets the plot to an original, Unowned, unbuyable state.

    /plot set inn - Makes the plot display an "inn" tag when walking on the land, no current use

    /plot toggle outpost - Makes an outpost plot a normal type (same as plot set reset), or turns a normal plot into an outpost, which withdraws 2,000 Meebles from the town's bank to do so.

    /plot set farm - Makes a plot into a farm plot, where residents can break/place farm related items, but not edit normal blocks.

    /plot set jail - Makes a plot into a jail that troublesome players can be sent to by co-mayors.

    /t toggle fire - Toggles whether or not firespread is on in the town.

    /t toggle explosion - Toggles whether explosions are on this town.

    /t toggle mobs - Toggles whether or not mob spawns are on in this town.

    /plot toggle fire - Toggles firespread on an individual plot.

    /plot toggle explosion - Toggles explosions on a single plot.

    /plot toggle mobs - Toggles mobs on an individual plot. Great for grinders and livestock.
    • Recruiter
    /t add (IGN) - Adds a player to your town.

    /plot fs (Price) - Puts plot for sale at the set price, allows town residents to buy plots.

    /plot nfs - Makes plot unclaimable by residents if it is currently for sale.

    • Resident
    /request - Runs a message in world chat to ask players to invite you to a town. This does not work if you are already in a town.

    /t - Allows you to see your town’s information, such as residents, bank value, taxes, nation, coordinates, etc.

    /t spawn - Return to the spawn block set by your town.

    /t spawn (Town name) - Teleports to the spawn of another town which has their permissions set for the town to be public.

    /t outpost (Number) - Teleport to an outpost in your town, sorted by number. View the number of outposts your town has in /t.

    /t online (Town name) - Shows all residents currently online in your town, with colored named meaning the following:
    • Gold - Mayor
      Aqua - Co-mayor
      Yellow - Assistant
      Pink - Recruiter
      Purple - Builder
    • White - Resident

    /t deposit (Amount) - Deposits an amount of money into your town's bank.

    /towny prices (Name) - check taxes, upkeep, and plot costs of yours or another town.

    /tstats (plots/residents/money) (town name) - View data and predicted trends for a town.

    /res - View your resident data and current /res permissions (see above for more data about resident permissions), as well as the number of plots you own, town you are a member of, and town ranks you hold.

    /res taxes - View the current amount of taxes you pay (note that town staff currently still pay taxes, despite this saying otherwise when run).

    /res friend add (Name) - Add a player to your /res friends list to be controlled under the friend permission (see above under permissions).

    /res friend remove (Name) - Remove a player from your /res friends list.

    /plot claim - Claims a plot to your name

    /plot unclaim - Unclaims the current plot you are standing in (must be owned by you).

    /plotlist - View the number of plots you own, and their locations.

    /plotlist tp (Number) - Teleport to a plot you own from the list.

    /towny map - View a map of land claimed by towns nearby, as well as who owns said plots, and the town you are currently standing in.

    /towny map big - Views a larger version of the towny map from the previous command.

    /tc (Message) - Type in the town chat channel.

    /nc (message) - Type in the nation chat channel.

    /n - View the nation you are currently in

    /n (Name) - View info about the nation you specify.

    Source - Commands

    Other Info

    Towny Plots - A single plot is consistent of one Minecraft chunk. Chunks are naturally 16x16x255 blocks. Hit f3+g or f3+fn+g (Depends on your operating system) at the same time to view Minecraft's built in chunk border system.

    Claiming a towny chunk automatically withdraws 350 Meebles from the town bank. Claiming an outpost plot takes 1,500 Meebles.

    Rules - Any questions regarding server rules about towns can be found here. If you have a specific question, you may file a /modreq in-game, and a staff member will work with you directly.

    Warp Signs - Signs can be set up to allow players to warp within your town by right clicking a sign. To set one of these up, put [Outpost] on the first line, and then the outpost number in the second row. You are allowed to put any other info you with onto the third and fourth lines.

    Making a Town - Towns cost 150,000 Meebles to create. When created, you receive 50,000 of those Meebles back by having them automatically deposited into the town bank.

    Making a Nation - While not covered in this guide, nations are a collection of towns. To make a nation, you must already be a mayor. Upon running the command "/n new (Name)" 2,500,000 Meebles will be withdrawn from your town bank.

    Upkeep - Towns pay a daily upkeep every twenty-four physical hours. Check when taxes will be next collected with /towny time. In the current economy, each plot claimed by your town adds 50 Meebles to your upkeep. Nations also pay 2,000 Meebles every time taxes are collected.

    Claiming Limitations - There is a limit to how much land a town can own at one time. This can be boosted through several means
    1. Adding residents: Each resident in your town allows the town to claim an additional eight chunks of land
    2. Joining a nation: When a nation has 150+ residents in it, all towns in the nation can claim an additional 250 chunks, regardless of how many towns are within the nation.

    Change Log

    This guide will continue to be updated as more changes are made, as well as any edits/additions necessary.
    Created: August 11th, 2017
    Towns Update, new commands added: August 29th, 2017
    Towns Update, new commands added: February 13, 2018
    More info on towny prices added: March 8th, 2018
    Added list of colors from /t online: March 16, 2018
    New commands added, mistakes corrected: December 2, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
  5. Uiopy1

    Uiopy1 Celebrity Meeper

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    Uiopy1's Towny Command Compendium!

    Hey there! Uiopy1 here! Long ago, I went through and memorized all of the Towny Commands, so now I know all about Towny. This guide is to help you learn about the various commands of Towny. But first, some links.

    Towny Command List: https://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/Commands
    theEditson's Guide to Towny Perms: http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/

    Please note that all commands can be found by doing /towny in the Towns World, and the different sections can be viewed by doing /towny ?, /nation ?, plot ?, /resident ?, /town ?, /townyadmin ?, and /townyworld ?.

    Red commands mean that they are broken/currently disabled/not working on MeepCraft.

    Table of Contents
    1. Towny Chats
    2. /Towny
    3. /Nation
    4. /Plot
    5. /Resident
    6. /Town
    7. Permissions
    8. /TownyAdmin
    9. /TownyWorld
    10. Conclusion

    Now lets get to the commands. We'll start with the chats.
    Towny Chats

    /townchat [msg] or /tc [msg]
    Sends a chat message to everyone online in your town.
    /nationchat [msg] or /nc [msg]

    Sends a chat message to everyone online in your nation.
    /global [msg] or /g [msg]
    Sends a message the same way as /shout.
    Admin Chat
    Moderator Chat

    /channel [leave/join] [channel]
    Joins a channel
    /leave [channel]
    Leaves a channel
    /join [channel]
    Join a channel
    /chmute [channel] [player]
    Mute a target player in a target channel.
    /mutelist [channel]
    Check the list of muted people in a certain channel.
    /chunmute [channel] [player]
    Unmute a target player in a target channel.

    /Towny Commands

    Most of the commands in /Towny are used for displaying General Towny Statistics.

    Displays all of the Towny Commands.
    /towny map
    Shows the nearby Townblocks as well as whether they are claimed by you, your town, an ally, enemy, etc.
    /towny prices
    Shows the prices of making a town, making a nation, Towny Upkeep, etc.
    /towny top
    Displays the highscores of residents, towns, nations, etc. Has several sub-commands.

    • /towny top residents [all/town/nation]- Shows the towns or nations (or both) with the most residents.
    • /towny top land [all/resident/town]- Shows the residents or towns (or both) with the most claimed land.
    /towny time
    Displays the time until the next tax day.
    /towny spy
    Admin command used to spy on all chat channels
    /towny tree
    Shows basically the same as /towny universe, except it lists the residents, etc. For use only by console.
    /towny universe
    Displays all the stats of Towny, including the number of Towns, Nations, Residents, TownBlocks, etc.
    /towny v or /towny version
    Displays the Version of Towny currently used in MeepCraft.
    /towny war
    Shows the below sub-commands. Only works when nations are at war.

    • /towny war stats- Shows the stats of the current Towny War. Only works when nations are at war.
    • /towny war scores- Shows the scores of the current Towny War. Only works when nations are at war.
    /Nation Commands

    The commands in /nation are used to display stats of your nation and that of other nations.
    Aliases: /n, /nation.

    Shows the stats of your nation. Won't work if your town doesn't belong to a nation.
    /nation [nation]
    Shows the stats of a target nation.
    /nation list
    Displays a list of all the nations in Towny.
    /nation online
    Shows everyone online in your nation. Won't work if your town doesn't belong to a nation.

    /nation deposit [$]
    Deposits X meebles from your balance into your nation bank.
    /nation leave
    Leaves your current nation. Mayor-only command.
    /nation new [name]
    Creates a new nation with a target name. Won't work if you are already in a nation. Mayor-only command.
    /nation king ?
    Lists all the nation commands for kings.
    /nation withdraw [$]
    King command to withdraw X meebles from your nation bank to your account.
    /nation add [town/town town]
    Adds target town or towns to your nation. Assistant and King command only.

    /nation kick [town/town town]
    Kicks target town or towns from your nation.
    /nation ally add/remove [nation/nation nation]
    Adds or removes an ally or allies from your nation.
    /nation enemy add/remove [nation/nation nation]
    Adds or removes an enemy or enemies from your nation.

    /nation set
    Sets several nation options.
    • /nation set king [resident]- Sets target resident as King of your nation. King only command.
    • /nation set capital [town]- Makes target town the capital. Mayor becomes King. King only command.
    • /nation set taxes [$]- Sets X meebles as tax for your town being in a nation. King only command.
    • /nation set name [name]- Sets nation name. King only command
    • /nation set [title/surname] [resident] [name]- Sets title to target resident. King only command.
    • /nation set tag [upto4lettertag/clear]- Sets nation tag or clears it. King only command.
    /nation toggle neutral
    Sets whether your nation will pay daily to be neutral during Towny war. King only command.
    /nation delete [nation]
    Admin command to delete a target nation.
    /nation new [name] [capital]
    Admin command to make a new nation with a target capital.
    /Plot Commands

    Plot commands are used to change the options on your plots.
    Aliases: /plot.

    Shows all the options you can change on plots.
    /plot claim [rect/circle] [radius]
    Resident command to claim an area for sale in their town. Must be standing on the plot.
    /plot unclaim [rect/circle] [radius]
    Resident command to unclaim an area and return it to the town for sale at $0 meebles. Must be standing on the plot.

    /plot forsale [$] [rect/circle] [radius] or /plot fs [$] [rect/circle] [radius]
    Set plot or area you own for sale (while standing on it) for a target price.
    /plot notforsale [rect/circle] [radius] or /plot nfs [rect/circle] [radius]
    Takes the plot or area you are standing on and makes it not for sale.
    /plot perm
    Shows the permissions of the plot you are currently standing on.
    /plot set
    Sets a plot to a special area.
    • /plot set shop- Sets a plot to a shop type. Shop type plots can have chest shops on them.
    • /plot set embassy- Sets a plot to an embassy type. Embassies are plots that can be claimed by other towns.
    • /plot set arena- Sets a plot to an arena plot. Arenas are PvP plots for arenas to be built on.
    • /plot set wilds- Sets a plot to a wilds plot. Wilds plots are plots that anyone can build/destroy on.
    • /plot set reset- Resets any shop/embassy/arena/wilds plot to a regular plot.
    /plot set perm
    Please see the Permissions Section of this guide.
    /plot toggle [pvp/fire/explosion/mobs]
    Toggles PvP, fire, explosions, or hostile mob spawning in the plot.

    /plot clear
    Removes all WALL_SIGNS and SIGN_POSTS on a plot.
    /Resident Commands

    /Resident commands are mainly used to edit a player's general permissions, as opposed to a specific plot.
    Aliases: /resident, /res, /p, /player.

    Shows your stats.
    /resident [resident]

    Shows a target player's stats.

    /resident list
    Lists active residents.
    /resident tax
    Shows the tax you pay daily.
    /resident toggle or /resident set mode

    Manages the /res modes.

    • /resident set mode map- Turns on map which refreshes when moving across plot borders.
    • /resident set mode townclaim- /town claim is automatically used when crossing plot borders.
    • /resident set mode townunclaim- /town unclaim is automatically used when crossing plot borders.
    • /resident set mode plotborder- Turns on smokey plot-border view when players cross townblocks.
    • /resident set mode spy- Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.
    • /resident set mode tc- Makes /tc your default channel.
    • /resident set mode nc- Makes /nc your default channel.
    • /resident set mode clear or /resident set mode reset- Clears all current modes you have turned on.
    NOTE: Mutiple modes can be turned on simultaneously by doing EG: /resident set mode MODE1 MODE2

    /resident friend [add/remove] [resident]
    Adds a friend to your friend list. Online match only.
    /resident friend [add+/remove+] [resident]
    Adds a friend to your friend list. Online and Offline match; name must be exact.
    /resident set perm
    See the Permissions Section of this guide.
    /Town Commands

    /Town Commands are mainly used for adjusting options pertaining to your town.
    Aliases: /town, /t.


    Shows your town's stats.
    /town [town]
    Shows a target town's stats.
    /town here
    Shows the stats of the town you are standing in.

    /town leave
    Leaves your current town.
    /town list

    Displays a list of all towns in Towny.
    /town online
    Shows you town members online.

    /town new [name]
    Creates new town with you as the mayor.
    /town new [name] [mayor]
    Admin command to make new town with target mayor.
    /town add [resident/resident resident]
    Invites player or players to your town.
    /town kick [resident/resident resident]
    Kicks player or players from your town.
    /town spawn
    Teleports you to your town's spawn.
    /town spawn [town]
    Teleports you to target town's spawn.

    /town claim
    Claims a Wilderness plot for your town. Plot must be attached to edge of town.
    /town claim outpost
    Claims a Wilderness plot for your town. Plot doesn't have to be attached to edge of town.
    /town claim [radius]
    Claims area of TownBlocks around you for your town.
    /town claim auto
    Claims as many TownBlocks around you is possible given money in Town Bank and available TownBlocks.

    /town unclaim
    Unclaims the TownBlock you are standing in and gives it back to the Wilderness.
    /town unclaim all
    Mayor command to unclaim all TownBlocks.
    /town unclaim [radius]
    Unclaims area of TownBlcoks around you.

    /town withdraw [$]
    Mayor command to remove X meebles from Town Bank.
    /town deposit [$]
    Deposits X meebles into your Town Bank from your account.
    /town buy
    Shows available bonus TownBlocks for sale.
    /town buy bonus [amount]
    Buys X amount of available bonus TownBlocks.
    /town delete
    Mayor command to delete your town

    /town delete [town]
    Admin command to delete target town
    /town outpost [#]
    Teleports to town outpost, and if multiple, provide the outpost's number.
    /town ranklist
    Displays residents and their ranks.
    /town rank [add/remove] [resident] [assistant/VIP/co-mayor/recruiter]
    Adds or removes a rank from a town member.
    /town set
    Shows all /town set sub-commands.

    • /town set board- Sets message seen by residents of your town upon logging in to Towny.
    • /town set mayor [resident]- Gives resident mayor status. Needless to say, mayor only command.
    • /town set homeblock- Sets plot where your spawn will be.
    • /town set spawn- Sets town spawn, must be inside homeblock.
    • /town set name [name]- Sets town name.
    • /town set outpost- Sets a TownBlock as an outpost.
    • /town set perm- See the Permissions Section of this guide.
    • /town set tag [upto4lettertag/clear]- Sets town's tag or clears it. Mayor only command.
    • /town set taxes [$]- Sets taxes. Also sets percentage if taxpercent is toggled on.
    • /town set [plottax/shoptax/embassytax] [$]- Sets tax for plots, shops, and embassies.
    • /town set [plotprice/shopprice/embassyprice] [$]- Sets prices of plots, shops, and embassies.
    /town toggle
    Displays the /town toggle sub-commands.
    • /town toggle explosion- Toggles explosions in the town.
    • /town toggle pvp- Toggles town's PvP.
    • /town toggle fire- Toggles firespread in the town.
    • /town toggle mobs- Toggles hostile mob spawning in the town.
    • /town toggle public- Toggles outsiders and allies from using /t spawn [yourtown].
    • /town toggle taxpercent- Toggles taxing by percent/flatrate.
    • /town toggle open- Toggles public joining to your town.
    /town join [town]
    Command to join a town that doesn't require invites.

    Permissions are helpful tools that let you customize whether or not certain people can do certain things in certain places. This is my version of permissions in Towny. For a more professional perms guide, go to: http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/.

    There are 3 different types of perms with mainly the same structure.

    /res set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
    /plot set perm [friend/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]
    /town set perm [resident/outsider/ally] [build/destroy/switch/itemuse] [on/off]

    Some of the above can be left out of the command structure entirely. Examples:

    /plot set perm switch on- This would make EVERYONE be able to switch on the plot.
    /res set perm friend build on- This would make my friends be able to build on any plot I own.
    /town set perm off- This turns all permissions in your town off.
    /res set perm ally off- This would make allies not be able to do anything on any of my plots.

    And of course, these:

    /plot set perm reset
    /res set perm reset
    /town set perm reset

    The above all reset all perms in specified perm area.

    Once again, I highly recommend you visit http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/ for a MUCH more extensive permissions guide. This one here only covers the basic commands.
    /TownyAdmin Commands

    /TownyAdmin commands are for use only by Admins. So unless you are an Admin, skip ahead to the end.
    Aliases: /TownyAdmin, /ta.

    Pulls up the TownyAdmin Panel, which displays memory, threads. war status, health regen setting, etc.
    /townyadmin delete [playername]
    Deletes a player's data
    /townyadmin town
    Shows sub-commands for /townyadmin town

    • /townyadmin town [town]- Admins can view towns through here.
    • /townyadmin town [town] [add/remove] [resident/resident resident]- Admin command to add or remove target residents to target town.
    • /townyadmin town [town] kick [resident]- Admin command to kick player from target town.
    • /townyadmin town [town] rename [name]- Admin command to rename town.
    • /townyadmin town [town] delete- Admin command to delete target town.
    /townyadmin nation
    Shows sub-commands for /townyadmin nation.
    • /townyadmin nation [nation] add [town]- Admin command to add a town to a nation.
    • /townyadmin nation [nation] rename [name]- Admin command to rename a nation.
    • /townyadmin nation [nation] delete- Admin command to delete a nation.
    /townyadmin reset
    It is not mentioned in the command list, but I would imagine it isn't good.

    /townyadmin toggle [war/neutral/npc/debug/devmode/withdraw]
    Toggles war, ability for nations to be neutral, npc on a player, debug mode, devmode, or withdraw mode.

    /townyadmin set
    Shows /townyadmin set sub-commands.

    • /townyadmin set mayor [town] [mayor]- Allows Admin to set mayor of target town.
    • /townyadmin set mayor [town] NPC- Sets town mayor as an NPC.
    /townyadmin givebonus [town/player] [#]
    Gives plot bonuses to a certain player or town.
    /townyadmin reload
    Reloads Towny's config.
    /townyadmin backup
    Creates a backup.
    /townyadmin newday
    Runs the new day code.
    /townyadmin unclaim [radius]
    Admin command to unclaim an area.
    /townyadmin purge [#ofdays]
    Deletes old residents after X days.

    /TownyWorld Commands

    /TownyWorld commands are for changing the settings of the different Towny Worlds. Many of them are intended for those with OP, so please skip ahead.
    Aliases: /TownyWorld, /tw.

    Shows the world settings of the world you are currently standing in.

    /townyworld list
    Lists worlds.
    /townyworld toggle
    Displays the /townyworld toggle sub-commands.

    • /townyworld toggle claimable- Toggles whether TownBlocks are claimable or not.
    • /townyworld toggle usingtowny- Toggles the use of Towny in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle PvP- Toggles PvP in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle forcePvP- Toggles whether PvP is forced on all towns in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle explosion- Toggles explosions in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle forceexplosion- Force explosions on in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle fire- Toggles firespread in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle townmobs- Toggles hostile mob spawning in towns in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle worldmobs- Toggles the mobs listed in the world mobs in the world.
    • /townyworld toggle revertunclaim- Toggles to revert on unclaim feature for the world.
    • /townyworld toggle revertexpl- Toggles the reverting explosions in the wild for the world.
    /townyworld set
    Displays the /townyworld set sub-commands.
    • /townyworld set wildname [name]- Sets name of Wilderness.
    • /townyworld set wildperm [perm/perm perm]- Deprecated.
    • /townyworld set wildignore [perm/perm perm]- Deprecated.
    • /townyworld set usedefault- Deprecated.
    /townyworld regen
    Regenerates the MC chunk in which you were standing in back to the seed.
    /townyworld undo
    Undoes /townyworld regen.

    Well, that concludes my Ultimate Guide to Towny Commands. Hope you enjoyed it! Leave your comments below and be sure to like this post! Thanks for reading! I will be updating it frequently when new updates and such come out.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2014
  6. SpongeyStar

    SpongeyStar Professor in Wumbology

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    Towny is the main server of Meepcraft. Many players there everyday, joining towns or creating towns. I'm here to teach you how you can start up a great town, and sustain it!

    ~Buying the town~

    So as you know, towns cost 200k to buy. But I recommend you have 300k, so you can deposit 100k once you buy it, other wise it'll fall quickly.
    Once you have sufficient funds, go to /warp townsa or /warp townsb (whichever server you want to create your town in) then do /random. This will randomly teleport you to a part in towny wild, where you can find a place to settle your town. Once you've found a place, you can do /t new [townname] (Bear in mind you can always change the town name, it won't be like that forever!) After you do this command your town is created! Congratulations! *party time* Remember to deposit money into the town bank, by doing /t deposit [amount] because you don't want the town to fall the next day, that'd just be a waste of the 200k!

    So you have succesfully bought the town and deposited money, so it's safe. Well, towny is about having residents and plots right? Well that's what we will get to!

    ~Claiming Plots~

    Now, you are in need of plots, in order to have residents. But instead of just having plots, I recommend you build your town spawn first. It can be however big you want it to be, or just a few signs saying the rules. Purely up to you. To claim plots, do /t claim. This will automatically claim a 16x16 plot, which is the standard size. So your first plot can be your town spawn! More on the spawn next. This will cost money to buy plots, so make sure your town never gets low on funds. Once you've built a basic spawn, you can start making resident plots. Just go to the edge of the claimed plot, until it says 'Wilderness' then do /t claim. You've got a resident plot! Now you can just put a border around the plot, so its visible. I suggest putting stone slabs around the plot, instead of whole blocks. But just make sure it suits your town theme ;)

    ~Town Spawn~
    So you've bought your town, claimed a few plots, now what? Well what better way to invite residents to your town by having a town spawn! If you're a beginner I suggest making a town spawn that's just the normal 16x6 size. Make sure it has a few town rules, town info to help new players etc. If you are more experienced, go for a 32x32 one! I just stick with 16x16 since they are nice to manage. When you make this spawn make sure you do /t set spawn and /t set homeblock in the center so players can come to the town with ease.

    ~Town Upkeep~

    So you've claimed a few plots now and made a town spawn, right? Well, claiming these plots does cost money. If you do /t, you will see info about your town. You can see it says "Bank" and "Town Upkeep." These are important, because without sustaining these, it'll result in your town falling. Town upkeep is based on the number of plots you have, so the more you claim, the more town upkeep, which means the more money you'll need in your town.


    You know about the town upkeep now so what, are you just suppose to get your own money for the town? Well you don't need to! You can set daily taxes for the residents to pay automatically. To do this, do /t set taxes [amount]. NOTE: Make sure you warn all residents you are changing taxes, give a 2 weeks notice. If you want to make the message clear do "/t set board Changing taxes from [x] to [y] in 2 weeks! Be prepared."


    Let's get straight to the point here. Before your resident can claim the plot, you're going to have to put it up for sale. To do this, do /plot fs [amount]. You can set your plot to cost an amount, I recommend put it at a low amount to attract more players ;) Once you put it for sale, the resident can stand on the plot and do /plot claim. Easy! They've claimed your first plot!
    But then there's those times where there's a plot for sale, and it has something built, or someone elses things. You don't want anyone else claiming it and taking the stuff, so stand on the plot for sale and do /plot nfs.​

    ~Adding Residents~

    Okay, you have made a few plots. Well why did you make those plots? To invite residents, of course! When you are in towny, you sometimes see someone say "/w May I please join a town?" this means that there is someone in need of a town, and are eager to join one! To add someone, do /t add [playername]. When they accept, it'll say on your screen 'Player has joined the town!"
    Yay! First resident! Well, I recommend doing /msg [player] Do /t spawn and I'll show you around!
    Because sometimes there's those players who are very new and don't know about /t spawn etc...So you'll need to tell them. Once you see them at the spawn, you can tell them to read the rules (if you have any) then guide them to a plot!

    So you've made a few plots, you've made a town spawn, invited some residents so now what? Do you just sit there and wait for something magical to happen? (maybe...) No! Your residents can't just sit with their houses/plot blankly, they gotta be involved! Here's a list of things you can build in your town:
    - Town Hall - You could have weekly meetings, announcing updates to the town or getting suggestions
    - Shop/mall - Even though /shop is here, there still might be some people who prefer chestshops. Just build up a community mall or shop for people to buy things!
    - Communal Workroom - Have free to use anvils, furnaces and enchanting tables
    - Grinders - If people want to enchant they're gonna need xp. If you are elite+ build a mob grinder to get easy xp!
    - Farm - Have a food farm and an animal farm, it looks nice and people can take some food if they need it.
    - Rides - Have a local swimming pool or waterslide just to get the joy out of the residents.

    ~Towny Perms and other important things~
    Towny perms are very important in order to make a town successful. These help if you want to allow people to break things in certain areas, allow people to freely join a town without an invite or even toggle explosions on plots. I'm not a boss on perms so I'll hand you over to this thread here, which explains the main towny perms every mayor should know. http://meepcraft.com/threads/theeditsons-guide-to-towny-perms.690/
    You should also get to know the towny rules before creating/joining a town which you can find here: http://meepcraft.com/threads/towny.39525/
    Also, here is a list of commands every mayor should know (Credits to TheSquirrelman)​


    This guide was last updated on 17 July. This isn't the end of the thread, I will add more as the days go past! I hope you learn from this thread, and if there are any mistakes, please do inform me! We don't want new players doing the wrong thing, do we?

    Have a nice day,
    - Spongey :D
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2015
  7. rrh18

    rrh18 Popular Meeper

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    Great post, nice way of explaining the commands. Thanks!
    iKitten, cooey, Idanq1 and 7 others like this.