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Best Posts in Forum: Other

  1. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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  2. Sirrr_Pig

    Sirrr_Pig Bacon

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    A lot of you know that my fiance and I recently had a daughter. Since, there has been many complications.

    Im really not sure if this is allowed or not so hopefully it is.

    Anything would be appreciated by us.

    Ranger0203, Bob4444444, Qaws and 26 others like this.
  3. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    FamousZamos has been permed.
  4. Qaws

    Qaws Popular Meeper

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    As many players of Meep are young adults, becoming young adults, or might have a while to go, I'd like to share some advice, experience, and a little guidance. Hopefully I can help at least one person out there.

    Now I'm not claiming to be flawless, and I'm not claiming to have the most extensive criminal record out there either, however, I have had a couple altercations with the law. For now though, let's leave it at that.

    I'd like to start out with a warning. A couple years ago, my older brother was of college age, and of course, dabbling with parties as we all do. He'd had a little too much to drink, and when the police were called by neighbors (as so frequently happens when you get too loud), he was asked to step into the, front yard. He complied of course and was slammed with a public intoxication charge.

    If you didn't know, there are two main types of charge classes; misdemeanors and felonies, the latter being reserved for the more serious of crimes. Now, there are a couple sub-classes, Class I, Class II... so on.
    Let's focus on misdemeanors. These are common, petty, not-as-serious crimes. Alcohol, minor theft, traffic violations. The less severe, the higher the class, kind of an inverted system.
    :blackeye:Class IV- minor <-- public intoxication
    :grumpy:Class III- moderate
    :hurting:Class II- hefty
    :hungover:Class I- severe

    So here he is, sitting with a Class 4 misdemeanor, which constitutes a fine of UP TO $250
    That's alright now, only $250, no jail. So why am I telling you?

    My brother didn't tell my parents. :banghead::facepalm:

    Sure if you commit some stupid crime like that, they'll be pissed, who wouldn't?
    But what he didn't know that if you pay the fine you admit guilt.

    On your record that charge shows for a couple years, if you apply for a clearance for any federal job, it will be there forever. YOU DO NOT WANT CHARGES ON YOUR RECORD:stop:
    Your parents are there to assist you and make your journey through life a lot less difficult. Your parents will know what to do in case of legal trouble, and if not they will find out what to do.
    Did you know? If you commit an act and get caught, you can still get out of the punishments.:jawdrop::D

    I will give you two cases to have reference to.
    3.am TIMES SQUARE 6 DEC 4
    Unfamiliar with the laws of New York City, I was riding the 6 train out of Manhattan back to my Ft. with two mates. I had a 6-inch spring assist knife on me, clip exposed as to not have it concealed. I did not know that knives altogether are prohibited in NYC. This is legally called Mistake of Law, and while being a defense, it will almost never get a charge dropped or reduced.

    So I was swiftly pulled of the train by an undercover, to whom I wholeheartedly complied.
    DO NOT RESIST OFFICERS they will beat you into submission and then you have a whole 'nother list of fancy charges.
    Long story short, it was a Class I misdemeanor*; possession of a deadly weapon, thankfully nothing more. *Class I is punishable by UP TO 1 year in jail and/or $2,500 fine. :greedy:

    The critical difference in my case vs my brother's was that I asked my parents for help. I had no idea what to do, I was in a holding cell for god knows how long, and I refused my phone call because it was 3 am. The cop bought my Chinese food which was great, they have to offer you food.​

    Anyhow, my parents assisted me in finding a lawyer and not only did I skip out on jail time, in exchange for 3 full days of community service and 6 months probation, I got my charge expunged. Expunged means it's off my records for good (except federal jobs, again, they see everything).​


    Another case I've had to deal with was one of speeding.
    How much was I speeding? 81 in a 55 zone.
    Reckless speeding, Class I misdemeanor. Again. :meh:
    Why? Well I was late for a class but the why doesn't matter unless you're bleeding out or seconds away from having a car baby.

    So again, this time I talked to my parents, but as they aren't responsible for me anymore, they guided me towards what to do and how to do it, reducing my charge from a Class I to a speeding ticket of over 9MPH​

    That's a $250 fine my friends.
    Better than a year in jail or $2,500 don't ya think? Also, the ticket isn't on my record, it's not a charge.


    So long story short, I want to warn all of you before you get into trouble.
    Of course, don't break laws, but if you have a habit of that, be careful.
    Once the inevitable happens and you get in trouble, DO NOT assume you can handle it.
    The best course of action is to tell your parents, call around for lawyers and discuss. Most lawyers, in fact, give you advice on your case even when you don't hire them.

    So as you start driving and having more freedoms, watch out, be smart, and always communicate with people who are there to help you.

    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
    ~Peper~, fasehed, cooey and 17 others like this.
  5. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    I would like to first address my post to fellow "trolls" on the forums and I guess I would identify as one of these people but after I assessed this situation I will gravitate from that type of behavior. We have a serious problem, everything is all fun an games until someone gets hurt and in this case we severely hurt Burritoh's feelings. He had no malicious intent and only did good yet we met him with insults simply because some of us felt he was seeking attention. Upon further review if I or others didn't like his joke threads we simply could have not viewed them and not given them attention. Instead we verbally attacked him and made him contemplate leaving the server and ironically many of us are a part of this "Make Meep Great Again" mumbo jumbo when we are in fact a part of the problem. There is no excuse for this kind of behavior and as a respected member of the community among old players I would like to ask you to apologize to Burritoh but you can do that privately and not publicly if you wish, inbox him and show him we really didn't have the malicious intent we gave off. The only way we will improve as a server is to be more receptive of other players and we are certainly not making Meepcraft better by driving those who wish to help out. Sure, looking back things could have handled better, warning points could have been issued early to shut down this despicable behavior but it was left alone not due to turning a blind eye but just a lack of awareness. However, that in no way justifies the type of behavior I observed and took part in. On a side note I heard that some staff may have partaken in this type of behavior and just speaking as a former staff that isn't acceptable but that doesn't make it acceptable as simply a player either. As staff you are tasked with representing the server and someone that wishes to help should not be isolated by anyone, especially staff members. Plainly put, we took the joke way too far.

    A separate section for a whole different type of "trolling" aka plain harassment that is disgusting on so many levels. I heard that someone actually told Burritoh to kill himself (you know who you are). You stooped to a level below VKL_ReWindz (sorry Frank) who is regarded as probably the most toxic and worst Meepcraft player that has been on the server. Your comment is disgusting and he did nothing to warrant that kind of hate speech directed at him. I talked to him on Skype, he was genuinely upset as a whole by others that may have thought they were joking but you.... you are a disgrace to the server and you should be removed. You have no place in this community nor any other gaming community out there. Telling someone to kill themselves when they already feel vulnerable is plain disgusting and I don't think there's anything you can do to make it up to him because you truly don't mean it. I won't even encourage you to apologize because you won't truly mean it nor will it change Burritoh's view of you.

    On to my personal message to Burritoh, I apologized extensively on Skype so I think I may be beating a dead horse at this point. I in no way wanted to upset you to the point where you felt alienated and I initiated this type of behavior with the "charge back" comment and for that I am sorry. You did nothing wrong yet I met you with only harsh words and it wasn't right. I love this server and I in no way wanted to play a part in driving a member away that is a genuinely a good person, and so generous to others in this community. I sincerely apologize for what I have done and from now on I will part ways from my trolling past. I hope you reconsider the community and me as a whole and change your point of view. Yes, I was a toxic player but this situation brought awareness and I will part ways with my former self. No one wants to see you go, staff don't, Fuzzlr doesn't, and regular players don't want to see you go. Please reconsider the server and dismiss mine, and many others' unwarranted actions that are truthfully regretted.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2016
    cooey, Cherrykit, Splendy and 16 others like this.
  6. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    You're going to miss yourself ?
  7. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    I unsuccessfully attempted to explain, for a good 45 minutes, to someone that a black person from Africa isn't African-American.

    Me: "What do you call a person from China?"
    Her: "Chinese"
    Me: "Okay, what do you call a person from France?"
    Her: "French"
    Me: "Okay, then what's a person from Africa who lives in Africa?"
    Her: "African-American"
    Me: "But why? He's not American; he's lived in Africa his whole life"
    Her: "No, 'African-American' is the term you use to describe individuals from Africa. You're being incredibly insensitive"

    This went on for about 45 minutes, until I let her win and changed the wording on the presentation behind her back. She was furious when I presented that slide, too.
    Qaws, Pmx728, CrazyYoungBro and 14 others like this.
  8. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Thought it was going to be a Kling thread, bummer.
    CluelessKlutz, Klitch, smk and 14 others like this.
  9. Billybob12

    Billybob12 Active Meeper

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    I am sorry for just being plain out rude. Being toxic, immaturity, and just random stupid stuff. I didn't have the right to just be mean. If you can plz forgive me for what I did to you. Shoutout to _Piro_ and bad_spider I am sorry for being rude to you in particular. I just talked on TeamSpeak on meepcraft and how my friends treated me I am now inspired to be nice and loyal like they are to me. They said they don't like bullying and harrasmen to like I used to do and I looked back at myself and realized I was doing it so now I descided to stop doing it. No one likes that and it truly is toxic and no one likes that. Truly that is desperately the main reason my bans are super long. Staff shoutout I am sorry for being defiant and not listening and doing bad things after told not to. I have changed my ways. I wil, try not to beg, be toxic, be rude, be immature. And plain out rude. I hope you all can forgive me and I hope you can trust me again and I can make some new friends. Thanks for reading this and I apologize. I hope to see you in game and prove this true to be.
    Summers, Burritoh, zsuzsu1 and 14 others like this.
  10. xXAdotXx

    xXAdotXx Bibliophile Extraordinaire

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  11. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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    zsuzsu1, Lemoh, Zoe89 and 13 others like this.
  12. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    Just wanted to outdo the last guy, hope everyone's well. x
    cooey, Zoe89, GroovyGrevous and 13 others like this.
  13. Niiicck

    Niiicck Retired SuperMod

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    Hello Meepers, I honestly don't know where to start. I joined in October, played for about a year, then become really active and started to really enjoy MeepCraft. I then applied for Helper, that's where it all began. I went through so much with everyone. I made some crazy memories, made some friendships with people I will never let fade away. MeepCraft seriously has impacted my life, I would never think to say that a minecraft server I found when I was about 11 impacted my life. It seriously has, this server has made me happy when I was in a bad mood, I've met so many people that shared wonderful memories with me. Each and one of you I'll remember.

    Its been about a whole 11 months I've been a staff member. Every single month has been a journey I will never forget. The venting about personal situations on slack, the decisions, the communication, and even the arguing I will miss. The thing I will miss mostly about this server is the community, no other server has a community like this one. Other servers may have higher player counts, better plugins, but NO SERVER, I mean NO SERVER, can even compete with having a community like ours.

    It was time I left, I don't think MeepCraft is "trash" I don't think MeepCraft is going to die in a few months, no. It was just time for me. I'm not leaving the server, I could never just drop MeepCraft. I will probably go inactive, but I will always, be apart of this community. I will keep in touch with all of you, I promise to. I may even return in the future as a staff member.

    Anyways, thanks MeepCraft for all the experiences and memories I will remember, its been great ride.
  14. Qaws

    Qaws Popular Meeper

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    In recognition and appreciation of my mother's upcoming launch, I'd like to make a small post.

    So throughout the past couple of years, I've had the pleasure of watching the small progressions of a certain spacecraft. My mom has been the vehicle manager for a couple of projects, working for OrbitalATK as a 'systems engineer'. I have no idea what that means. But she always brings me in and beams when she explains satellite specifics and cargo tests. I nod respectfully, yet oblivious to anything she tries to tell me.

    She's proud of her work, her management, and her profession. As I type this, she lies passed out on a bed here in Cocoa Beach, Florida, after a terribly long day at work. Her latest vehicle, Cygnus 6, is set to launch within weeks of today. Stories are cool and all, but lets get to the good stuff.

    She's had two failed missions, both at fault of the rocket, and thankfully, not her or her team's. Here's one of failed Cygnus 4, a simple resupply launch that clicked off course before they had to self destruct.
    Like that?
    Here's Nasa's version of an 'inside look'

    Enough of that though.
    She's had many more successful missions, one of the most interesting in my opinion is the Dawn mission, a spacecraft launched to investigate the small celestial bodies Ceres and Vesta. Check em out if you want!

    Her last, Cygnus 5, again a resupply mission launched almost a year ago, was a success!
    Who doesn't love slowmo...

    Anyways, that made it to the space station, I included a couple gifts for mah bro Scott Kelly, and it was shot off a couple weeks ago!

    Full glory shot of Cygnus 5!

    Anyways, I'm awfully proud of my mom, and if anyone is interested, check out NASA news for updates on the launch, message me, I can skype you links.

    More info!
    (I know these gifs are terribly large but they're so so cool)
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  15. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    If you are under the age of 13 you must have a parent or guardian confirm their email to sign you up for your forums account.
    Pmx728, Peero, Toostenheimer and 12 others like this.
  16. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

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    hey no one asked for my advice but im gonna drop some knowledge ANYWAY (also anyone else who has been to college drop some knowledge too)

    1) Pick a college nearby: In-state and within a day's drive from your home unless you're planning to aim high (like some specialized school, Yale, etc) .

    It costs so much more money to go out of state and the price difference isn't worth the experience. (I LOVE akron but i have rich parents who can afford to pay for it, most people bear that debt themselves and it's a terrible mistake they carry with them for most of their lives.) Being within a day's drive of home means you can visit without having to spend $200 and taking time off work like I do. I'm one of the more emotionally detached individuals and I still get homesick sometimes, and there's absolutely nothing better than escaping the meal plan for a couple days to home-cooked food AND not having to PAY for food.

    2) Scheduling. Check how far your buildings are from each other and how long you have between classes. the first semester here I signed up for 2 classes on the opposite side of campus and only had 15 minutes to get from one to the other. uphill. it wasn't great and it sucks to be late because everyone stares at you.

    Also, utilize ratemyprofessor.com and check the scores of the professors as well as rate your professors at the end of the semester. It's saved me from a lot of loose cannons.

    DON'T TAKE A 7:45am!!! You won't want to wake up for it. There may be a voice in your head that says "oh but I wake up early for highschool so I'm used to it! I can do it." That's the devil speaking. Don't listen to it.

    3) GO TO CLASS. It sounds stupid but if you calculate it out, it costs like $150 a class so if you don't go you're just wasting your money. When your parents aren't around to force you to school, it's very easy to lose motivation. Most classes let you miss a weeks worth of class without penalty (my university requires this) but that's only 3 days if its a M/W/F or 2 days if it's a T/TH class. save those absences for if you get sick or have an unexpected event pop up that you CAN'T MISS (two of my friends got married and I'm glad I could go without penalty).

    Also, some teachers give out rewards for not missing any class. My prof last semester awarded 20 points to full attendance and my prof this semester is giving out an entire letter grade to anyone with full attendance.

    GO TO CLASS EVEN IF YOU'RE RUNNING LATE! Even if you end up with partial credit that day, it's better than fully missing class. just avoid eye contact with everyone who stares as you walk in, own it dude.

    (note: doctor's notes/funeral programs are the only thing that get you out of class without any penalty or without using up those free days. But doctor's notes cost money to obtain and most of the time when you're sick you don't need to go to the doctor for it, so keep that in mind.)

    4) Sit towards the front of class, if not the very front. The prof gets to know your face and is more willing to do favors/make special accommodations for you. Also, you're more likely to pay attention to what they're saying and won't be able to play on your phone. For classes where participation is part of your grade, the prof is more likely to remember every time you participate if your face is already familiar.

    5) Set a homework schedule and stick to it. A big struggle of college for me is that it was the first time I ever had to study and do homework, and I absolutely bombed the first semester. academic probation, lost my scholarship, the whole nine yards. Over time I learned that setting aside a specific time frame for homework and prohibiting myself from doing anything else during that time worked really well. It eliminates the anxiety/stress of looming assignments because you can reason: I'll do that during homework time, this is me-time.

    For example, I have only Tues/Thursday classes this semester, so from 12pm-4pm on mondays I do tuesday's homework/readings, and from 12-4pm on wednesdays I do thursday's homework/readings. It means I only do homework 2 times a week and I have much more stress-free time for hobbies and such. If I finished my homework before 4pm, then yay! I have more free-time.

    6) Don't date during your first semester. If you're entering college in a relationship, that's fine but remember to focus on your studies first. it costs a lot to go to college and you should never give up that opportunity for anyone else. If you're single, stay single! Whether you notice it at first or not it's a LOT of stress to enter this completely new environment with a whole bunch of freedom and responsibility. Take a semester to settle in first. Also girls, don't date upperclassmen. they're sharks and toxic. People don't usually date out of their age group unless their age group already knows they're toxic. (shain actually told me this advice)

    7) READ YOUR SYLLABUS. Professors don't always announce when assignments will be due or if there's a test coming up. They put that information in their syllabus. KEEP YOUR SYLLABUS. Take time to make a calendar of all your assignments that semester either on your phone or in a planner of some sort. Also, some tests require you BUY the answer sheet at the bookstore and bring it with you on exam day. Don't show up to a test with no test paper, my boyfriend did that after studying all night and got an automatic zero for being unprepared. Read. Your. Syllabus.

    Check your assignments and see if any require the "required textbook". Tons of my classes never use the book, and that's a huge waste of money. Wait until the second week of class to order textbooks you're sure you'll need, and only buy them new if you need a code. If your class seriously requires the textbook during the first two weeks, check the school's library for it, they usually have a copy on reserve you can check out for a couple hours until yours shows up. (Or just always use the free one in the library, up to you my dude.)

    8) Join a club. People don't talk that much during class to strangers so you'll have to actively seek people out. Colleges have SO many clubs and they actually have funding, so go to your involvement fair and scope out a couple things you might be interested in. It also makes you feel more connected to campus, and you'll recognize more people when you're involved. I moved 1000 miles from home and jumped into a bunch of clubs so I could familiarize myself with the community, and now I can walk to class and run into people I know (and like) as well as be lucky enough to get a class with them so I have someone to study with.

    9) Take advantage of the free resources. Besides a TON of free shirts, your college has a lot of resources available included in your tuition. Milk that. My library has 3D printing, rents out macbooks (free), free computer repair services, free math tutoring, free writing lab, etc. There's a career center that can scrutinize your resume and help you build a better one, as well as give mock-interviews. There's also a ton of free events on campus, from movies to magicians to comedians to petting zoos and most everything you can think of. My university has a free giant gym and two huge swimming pools, as well as health services for only $15 a visit(which can replace your primary care doctor if you move far from home) with free vaccination drives, free check-up days, women's health services & BC pick-up, and free mental health services. We also have a lot of buses that bring you around campus for free with your student ID that run from like 7am to 11pm. These features are very common throughout colleges in the US, you just have to see what your college offers and UTILIZE IT!

    10) Don't trust your adviser. In most college management structures, as soon as an adviser is actually good at their job, they're promoted to higher management and replaced. The only ones left advising are the ones who aren't very good or are brand new. Probably the #1 complaint about colleges in any review is that "my adviser screwed me over". Every single person I know has had their adviser make a mistake and cost them time and money, throughout all of my friends at many different colleges.

    As mentioned above, there's free resources on your campus, and usually this includes a "scheduling day" of some sort put on by administration once a semester, where the people who are actually adept at scheduling and familiar with the university's programs/requirements are the ones who help you create your schedule and plan your path to a degree. I attended one of these and found out I could graduate a whole semester early for over $1,000 less than I paid last semester, as well as get my amazing Tu/Th class schedule.

    11) Your GPA doesn't matter that much. Unless you're going on to graduate school, nursing school, law school, etc. A degree is a degree. Keep your GPA high enough to keep your scholarships, but don't worry about getting a 4.0. This doesn't mean blow off your work, but instead means that when a class is really difficult, it isn't the end of the world. It's okay if your GPA takes a hit, you're only human. Even if you fail the class, don't panic and drop out (like a friend of mine did). Just work harder next semester and devote a little more time to it, talk to your professor, and seek out tutoring sessions. It should be easier the second time around.

    12) Don't go home in the middle of the day. If you have a lot of breaks between classes and commute to campus, don't go home during your breaks. You'll waste gas and feel less motivated to come back and finish the day. Most universities have couches all over campus and private study rooms in the library. Catch up on homework so you don't have to do it at home or take a nap (you are scared to at first but eventually you give in to how sleep deprived you are).

    13) You're probably going to change your major, and that's ok. Start college off with the general education classes and like one or two classes for your major. If you hate your classes for your major or it's way harder than you can handle, it's ok to change your mind. I changed my major three times. If you wait a long time to make the switch then college will take longer to finish, and if you decide to stick with a major you don't like you'll suffer your junior & senior year when all of your classes are about that major. Every single person I know changed their major at least once, it's not a big deal. Don't waste your time and money on a field you don't like. Take a class that doesn't necessarily count towards your specific degree but seems interesting, college is a great time to explore your options.

    14) Drinking. I don't recommend going out to parties to drink during college, it seems fun but really just costs a lot of money and is a lot of trouble. If you do decide to drink, know your limit, and go out with people you trust. Someone in your group needs to stay sober, and you need to leave with every single person you came with, never leave someone behind. DO NOT drink and drive, that endangers you and everyone around you. If you don't have a good way to get back after going out to drink, then don't go out to drink.

    WATCH YOUR CUP! Don't accept solo cups full of some concoction. Only drink from unopened cans or bottles. If you go to the bathroom, bring your cup. If your cup is ever unattended, that cup is now poison. Get a new one. This not only prevents you from getting drugged, but also helps you keep track of what you're putting in your body (don't mix tequila with like, anything else) and how close to your limit you are. Also, drink water too while you're drinking, it helps reduce the headache the next morning.

    15) SLEEP. EAT. BATHE. SOCIALIZE. This is the most important piece of advice I can offer you. Don't neglect your most basic needs because of how socialized we are from TV and movies that college students should barely eat and barely sleep. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, and if you have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, look into sleep drugs or other natural sleep aids. If you work night shifts like I did, take as many naps as you can. I averaged 3 hours of sleep a night for three months and it drastically affected my grades and my health, I gained weight, fell into depression, couldn't focus, and ended up in the hospital.

    Eat at least twice a day, even if your classes are back to back and you feel like you don't have any time. Most professors don't care if you eat in class, and you can always ask them if you're unsure. If you commute and can't afford to buy food on campus, bring food with you. There's microwaves for public use usually in the student union and various other buildings across campus. Being properly fed means you can properly focus.

    Depression hits hard in college for a lot of people, utilize the health services on campus, they're free. If you don't want to talk to a professional, reach out to friends. Even on your worst days, get out of bed and brush your teeth, your hair, and take a shower. If you can't force yourself to make it to class, email your professors and find out what you're going to miss and be honest with them. They appreciate honesty. Take it easy on yourself and take baby steps out of that mess. If it gets too bad, don't be afraid to put college on hold. Don't drive yourself off the deep end stressing out over school as you try to maneuver your depression. It's okay to take a semester off and return when you're feeling better.

    A good way to combat depression is my last point: socialize. Build a friend group, it doesn't have to be more than a few people. They can be your support net that make it easier to wake up in the morning. They make college fun and memorable, rather than four+ years of stress. Talk to them often, and make sure you're there for them too. It only took me a couple weeks to find a group of people I really click with, and now I live with them.

    If anyone else has anything to add, feel free!! Also if anyone has questions feel free to ask. :)
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2018
    LR_Davius, Fuzzlr, Zoe89 and 12 others like this.
  17. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    They joy in watching hundreds of people jumping up and down next to the trees wondering *how did he get up there, I wanna get up there* during a drop party.

  18. Wubb8t

    Wubb8t Celebrity Meeper

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  19. Klitch


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    come home sweetie. your father and I are worried sick, bob can't sleep, and I'm pretty sure your dog has run away from sadness
    Adam34falcon, cooey, 00000 and 11 others like this.