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Best Posts in Forum: Donator Guides

  1. Telinus

    Telinus Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Hi, just because there have been multiple people asking if they could donate without a PayPal account, I've decided to do a little short guide. It might not be needed, but hope it helps someone.

    Step one:
    Click on the 'Donate' button at the top of the page.


    Step two:
    Add whatever you would like to purchase to your cart. For example, I'm going to use the Ultimate Rank.


    Step three:
    Agree to the terms of service & conditions. (Use a coupon code if available.)


    Step four:
    Now, your page should look like this:


    You want to click the 'Don't have a PayPal account?' that's highlighted in red. (If you already have a PayPal account, feel free to log in using the 'Pay with my PayPal account' option.)

    Step five:
    Fill in all of the information below. The optional blank is Address line 2, which is not needed.


    After everything is filled out, click 'Pay.' After that, your donation should be sent to you within 24 hours.

    Step 6:
    breg all uf ur meebls to every1 with /shout
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2014
  2. DevilSpawn112

    DevilSpawn112 The Sass Master

    Likes Received:
    Donations start here at the forums. Be sure to have your Credit/Debit/Paypal card ready with your paypal account information. There are a few steps to this transaction, and I am going to attempt to walk you through them.

    Step 1:
    At the top of your page, you will see the tabs, Home, Forums, Members, Rules, Donate, Vote, and Staff Recruitment. Here, you will want to click on the "Donate" tab.

    View attachment 3225

    Step 2:
    In the picture above, in the lower left corner, you see under the "Donate" category, a few more tabs, Home, Ranks, and Meebles. Here is where you choose whether you would like to donate to purchase either a rank or meebles.

    Step 3:
    Lets look at 2 different scenarios.
    *You want to donate for a rank: you click on the "rank" tab, which brings you to this page:
    View attachment 3226
    ^Here you put in your in-game name and click "continue", which brings you to....

    Step 4:
    In step 4, you have some options:
    You either chose to donate for a rank, where these are your options:
    View attachment 3227
    ^above you see your different choices for ranks, along with their price. To the bottom right of each rank option, there is a rectangular blue "buy" button. Click it for that choice.

    Or you chose to donate for Meebles, where these are your options:
    View attachment 3228
    ^above are your different choices for in-game currency, meebles. Again, to the bottom right side of each choice is a rectangular blue button. Click it for that choice.

    Step 5:
    After clicking the choice you would like, it will take you to a payment page. Here, you will enter your PayPal information, while confirming your identity of card owner.

    Step 6:
    Please wait patiently as your rank or meebles are not always automatically uploaded to your in-game account. This may take up to 24 hours. If your purchase has not loaded to in-game within the 24 hours, please file a request for help under "Donation Help" Under the forums tab.

    Please Note: If under ANY circumstances, a player claims a chargeback for ANY reason, you will be issued a permanent ban until that amount + fines are paid in full.

    Hope this helps. Happy Meeping!