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Best Posts in Forum: Denied

  1. nath.banana

    nath.banana Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    lets be honest, meepcraft isn't safe for kids between 8 and 10
  2. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    In conjunction/opposition - What if:

    To distribute fly notes in some systematic way, would it be possible to use an NPC to send a player on a quests to some coordinates in wild. Within 1000 blocks of those coordinates perform some task, either kill X mobs, X type of mobs, collect X items, etc to return back to the quest-giver, and get a fly note of X hours.

    Perhaps this could be a daily quest.
  3. iiTzJDL

    iiTzJDL Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    it'll ruin pvp?

    +999999999 update to 1.9 as soon as it comes out
  4. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    You've posted 4 threads in the past 15 minutes please stop
    KaiUsesThis, cooey, SX1 and 10 others like this.
  5. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

    Likes Received:
    this isn't going to happen hun, sorry.
  6. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Don't forget, you also get the most op kit in kitpvp,
  7. PseudoGod

    PseudoGod Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    lol it's pretty dumb how the most ACTIVE admins on the server do not have console when fundamental plugins like voting are broken and other things can't be fixed because ppl with ability to use console never come online
  8. Achmed

    Achmed Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Like all suggestion threads I post, please be open minded and borderline respectful. I welcome a good debate. I understand that this entire thread has a passive-aggressive undertone, and I'm sure many people will read this is a load of rambling BS.

    This is a follow on from a previous post (Is it too hard to make money?).

    Currently, myself and the majority of the people I've talked to feel that the economy is too strict.

    Making money in this economy is a chore. It's not FUN. The point of a Minecraft server is to have FUN and the point of an economy server is to become rich (i.e. make lots of money), and it's incredibly BORING trying to become rich when the only legitimate way to do so is to do hours upon hours of mundane, repetitive work. This is why we are currently seeing so many ban appeals of players who've resorted to all sorts of illegal activities in order to get the same rush they used to get out of being rich.

    As a more experienced player (joined Nov 2012), I find it incredibly underwhelming earning a fraction of what I used to while working infinitely harder. I have to place blocks for an hour straight to earn 10-15k, and I'm a level 54 builder. Think about that for a second, the highest ranked builder on the server having to slave away for an hour to earn what he used to be able to in a few minutes. It's not fun and if I were new I certainly wouldn't hang around for long.

    And it's not just experienced players who find this new economy off-putting; put yourself in the shoes of a brand new player. They come to this server, have no clue how to talk in shout to ask for assistance or simply introduce themselves, they have no sense of direction and don't know how to get to towns, they see the quest masters and just go 'wtf is they' and walk off, they realise that making money is boring and simply log off, never to be seen again. No wonder our player count is declining. We need a short, sharp tutorial.

    Now enough of my (hopefully) refined ranting, time for some proposals.
    -Bring back paid minigames, you know, things that are actually fun to do. *By minigames, I'm referring to simple, easy to learn, games which don't require a huge number of players (which, let's face it, we don't have) and are popular among the community. Infected in particular <3 <3
    -Buff jobs: Yes Klutch, you've buffed jobs a thousand and one times. But many older players will gain no satisfaction from earning a meagre 2.5 meebles for cutting a log or 1.3 for placing a block. I remember when I got paid 12 meebles for chopping a log and 4 for placing a block, those days appear to be long gone. I'm no economist, but if jobs are buffed then shouldn't inflation allow the value of the meeble to remain relative anyway?
    -More donor shop options: We have nothing to spend our earnings on. Yesterday, Vkl earned 325k from dicing. I asked him what we were going to do with it, he responded with something along the lines of "idk, let it rot in the town bank". Ten minutes later he decided just to dice it away because there was nothing fun to spend it on. Bring back grappling hooks, bring back tnt, bring back glass picks, bring back fun.
    -Add a tutorial: We need a short, sharp tutorial that will teach players how to teleport to towns, earn money, join a town and talk in shout. Keep it literally that simple. We don't need signs telling players how to /plot set perm ally itemuse on, we don't need signs advertising our empty and too often broken minigames, and for the love of Jay-Zus Christ we don't need a plethora of signs attempting to indoctrinate a moral code into players.

    This is a Minecraft server, making money should be fun. We shouldn't be confined to hours of mundane work to earn what feels like a fraction of what we used to, and then find out that the only thing we have to spend it on is paying upkeep and dicing.

    Now to lighten the mood, please enjoy this picture of a baby sloth sitting in a mug.
  9. Peero

    Peero Celebrity Meeper

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    This isn't a hate thread, more like a suggestion thread on some things I think they can improve upon. I, and many other people who play skywars often, have all thought the same thing. I know it's still in development, but we don't know whats being added so mine as well suggest some stuff.

    1. Remove Kits or Change them - Edit: Kits have been changed a lot, were added and removed. I haven't tried all of the kits yet, so I cannot give an opinion.

    2. The Maps - I love how the maps look and I know the archs put a lot of effort into them, but they just aren't skywars maps. The islands are to spread apart, and are also very hard to navigate (a lot having details in the way such as water or holes). I think that a good builder who also plays skywars should build the maps, as they would make the maps look good while also making sure they are fit for skywars. There is also a lot of obsidian (which is unmineable for most players). The maps are very big with the middle being VERY far from the player, so they should be shrunk down a lot. I personally really like the design and ideas of the maps, but they are more looks than actual gameplay, in my opinion.

    3. The Loot - The loot is VERY bad loot, and I mean VERY. Sometimes I spawn with no sword in my chests, which is pretty much a death sentence. I also get a lot of duplicate loot. Things that I think should be removed are: The duplicate loot, the cakes, raw food and leather/gold armor. The leather and gold because some people can spawn with diamond and iron and just destroy others. Things that I think should be added: more food, player trackers and xp bottles (once lapis is added for enchanting).

    4. The Bugs - This is literally just a list of bugs I've found and others found while playing in case staff don't know any of them.
    • Remove clearlag. It's skywars so loot should never despawn.
    • Remove the water at the bottom, just leave void like every other skywars.
    • If you update the water with a block, it falls down into the void.
    • The rates for lava and water buckets are pretty low, and should be upped.
    • A lot of the kits in /sw kit aren't capitalized smh. (Fixed)
    • There is no lapis on the map to enchant with.
    • Player collision really shouldn't be on. (it is on sometimes, other times not, It's weird)
    5. Remove 1.9 PVP - I really hope this is already planned. It's no question on whether the majority of the server prefer 1.8 or 1.9 pvp. Most of us want 1.8 pvp.

    That's it for now. And once again, this isn't a hate thread, just a thread I wanted to make to point out some things that could be improved upon. Thanks to @ajlpikachu for helping me test and write this.

    And yes I know that skywars is being worked on, but since we don't know what going to be added, this is just a list of some things that I think should be added. And for the 3rd time, I mean no hate by this thread, and just want to help make Meep Skywars enjoyable for all.

    And if you have any suggestions or feedback, let me know and I'll edit the post! Thanks!

    Also big thanks to all the people who liked and gave feedback (including Fuzzlr :O) This thread blew up overnight haha.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    Lady_Hestia, cooey, 2leah2 and 10 others like this.
  10. superbros1211

    superbros1211 Most Popular Meeper

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    MeepCraft has a problem, it isn't growing. When I first joined, MeepCraft regularly had over 500 people on at a time, this was good because it meant we had a large player base, a strong stream of donations, active forums and chats, and a big community.

    Over the past few years our server has been struggling to have over 100 players on at a time and I think we really need to fix this before it get's worse.

    I propose we use this thread as a way to discuss ideas which we think will grow the server. So if you've got an idea suggest it, then we can all discuss it.

    I'll start this off.
    • Let's make another awesome trailer like this one, which is professional and upload it to the official MeepCraft channel. If we are lucky it will get lots of positive views! The new spawn trailer is good, but personally I think it is flawed because of the intro, lack of players and fancy animation
    • Custom texture pack for MeepCraft - nothing too 'out there', it will be something unique for the server
    • Do another round of big advertising - give rewards to players who are genuinely helping new players, perhaps incentives for members of a town if their town brings in new players who stay.
    • Cut down size - I believe the server is far too big for the current player base. The massive spawn is creates large distances between players in the world. This means that when someone joins the server it appears empty and lonely. We also have way too many TeamSpeak channels, do we really need all 36? Or does this potentially make it look empty and reduce discussion?
    • "I think that the thing we need to get done is to make it so that people that has a lot of money has something to spend that money on. And then make it so that the money flow will be redirected to the people that do the work in wild. This would also create a flow up towards the richer players, the reasons for this is that when the money moves more around in the economy it can make it so that it is easier to make money. But you also have something to spend it on. This would create a outflow of money and a inflow of money. Almost like the state invests money in to the community and by doing so the money moves in to a company and then the company gets taxed. It is a circle we need to improve because right now the circle ends after buying the Ultimate rank." - @PainCakexx1997 Much easier said then done, but I do think this is a big issue.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2016
  11. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

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    Meep Behavioral Rewards System
    A suggestion by phoenixpuppy

    Here's my suggestion, obviously s the title states it's a behavioral rewards system that rewards players for good behavior. At the end of each month staff members will pick four (or whatever number you want) players that have been exceptionally helpful and kind to other players. From the four the meepcraft community will then vote on who they thought was the most helpful. If there is a tie the prize will be split.

    Also I'd suggest a player of the year as well. Whoever got the most monthly prizes wins the player of the year.

    Banned players would not be allowed to participate until 2-3 months after their ban.

    Prizes could be one of the following or multiple (again suggestions).

    Monthly winners:

    1mill-100k meebles
    in game title (Player of the month, POM)
    no town taxes for a month

    Yearly winners:
    Rank upgrade
    In game title ( POY, player of the year).

    just a suggestion.
  12. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

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    Why is plargiarism barely frowned upon? It's a real illegal offense and it's something you should never do. The fact that we are encouraging a plagiarizer to apply again for a staff position here scares me.

    I suggest that if you plagiarize, your applications will not be considered for 6 months or something alone those lines. Make these kids understand that plagiarizing is not allowed and greatly frowned upon on Meepcraft and all of society in general.
    Lemoh, Qaws, Dausious and 10 others like this.
  13. PainCakexx1997

    PainCakexx1997 Squirrel Power!

    Likes Received:
    If we want meepcraft to have a stable economy and a flowing economy these are some of the things that will most likely have to go. By flowing I mean that cash changes hands more often. At this point some markets are stagnated and the reason for this is commands like /smelt and /fix. I know what you are about to say, But paincakexx what about commands like /feed. Well the thing about /feed is that atm there is a huge amount of food in circulation. People are giving out food for free, there will never be any money there because food is so easy to get. The reason /fix and /smelt is so bad is that it makes it so that the people with high ranks can trade down words to the people without ranks but the people without ranks can't trade with the people with these ranks. And I am talking about the Diamond, Coal, Lava bucket and blazerod market. I know that we have the command /fill as well, but the reason I don't think this will be a issue is that people are lazy and I think it will be easier to use coal or blaze rods then lava buckets with my suggestion.

    /fix, something needs to be done with this command. It makes it so that diamonds are almost useless to some degree, the same goes for enchanted books. Because /fix is here the server economy is stagnated. I know that the server needs to get donations to get money but I think that having automated commands makes this in to more of a command game then minecraft. But that is not the only reason, if we look long term on this suggestion what would a more flow in the economy give to the server? Well as we know the more people there are in a economy the more money will be in that economy. If we made it easier for new players to get money then I think that more players would choose to stay on the server, and that means that more money would flow upwards as well as to new players.

    But I think /fix is only part of the problem, /smelt is also a command I think needs to get some restrictions. The reason that /smelt is a problem is that it negates the use of coal, lava buckets and blazerods. These are items that doesn't cost much at all but in the long run they can have a effect on the economy. These commands fixes or makes something without sacrificing anything, there are no drawbacks at all with these commands.

    What I would suggest is making it so that using /fix will demand some kind of material to fix it. Lets say that you are fixing a diamond chestplate and some other diamond items. Then /fix would demand 1 diamond for each item that was fixed as a fee. This would make it so that people would buy diamonds on a regular bases. Could also have it so that ones a item has been fixed 5 or 10 times the items stats would go down 1 lvl. Let's say you had a efficiency 4 diamond pickaxe then the 5 or 10 time you /fixed it it would go down to efficiency 3 and then you would have to use a enchanted book to get it back up to efficiency 4. We could also add a command so that when you want to make your item get its stats back you don't have to pay any experience for it. Doing /enchant and then a display would pop up on the screen where you put the item in and the enchanted book. This would only work on fixed items. This is so that it would not effect the market for the new players without ranks.

    For /smelt I am suggesting something similar. 10% of the items needed to smelt something as a fee for using /smelt. It can be coal, lava or even blaze rods. This would make the money flow go bough to poor players and to rich players. Remember this is a long term solution.

    Please state you opinion, and please put your reasoning as well. The reason this suggestion has been put here is to listen to what the community has to say. This is not something that has already been decided on, we want to listen to what you have to say about it. And remember it is just a suggestion.

    And please forgive my english it is not my native language. Paincakexx1997 :)
    FatIsNoob, Lilliya, 2leah2 and 10 others like this.
  14. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I don't care when the airship is departing. I don't care who just voted. I really don't care about who won in capture the flag. Make a command that turns off everything besides player chat if possible. Maybe it's a donor perk preferably elite+.

  15. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    Following up from the town hall meeting,

    The minecraft chat box is far too small to input any information at all, therefore we need a substitute for the tiny amount of characters you can fit in the chat box - without the further need of another /msg.

    A simple addition -

    /modreq addline, allows you to further add on to your modreq.
  16. Chaase5

    Chaase5 Popular Meeper

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    With the help of @Foretvert, and a couple of other PvPers, we have come up with a thread that gives the perspective of the Ideal Terrarium. Despite appreciating the opinions of non-pvpers, we would prefer that only those that actively pvp to reply here, seeing as only those that actively pvp will be pvping here. We realize that the new Terrarium was implemented a short while ago and realize that it will probably stay that way until spawn updates, however, we would appreciate this thread being taken into serious consideration.

    In order to make this as simple as possible everything will be displayed in bulleted format.


    A pvp arena should focus on functionality over aesthetics. As such, it would is extremely advised that the Architect that builds this have knowledge about PvP. Simply, the following items below should be included.

    • Flat with minimal hills no taller than three blocks high

    • Make sure there is a lot of open space to fight in

    • A few structures that do not get in the way are fine

    • No vines, no cobwebs, minimal water, minimal lava as these impede the movements of players


    PvP is perhaps one of the most underrated forms of lag in Minecraft. Due to this, PvP arenas should be optimized to present the most smooth and lag free experience possible. Below are ways to achieve this.

    • An arena with fewer blocks to be rendered is ideal. As such, maps with fewer structures and terrain are preferred

    • Move the Terrarium far away from spawn but still in the spawn world so the rest of the blocks in spawn won’t need to be rendered

    • Otherwise, move the Terrarium to its own world or on its own server and give it its own /g tag

    • Create a Terrarium portal in spawn akin to that of /warp dungeon

    • This should also help eliminate cases of new players randomly wandering into the Terrarium

    Combat Tag

    There has been much contention between pvpers and the rest of the community about escape methods from the Terrarium. Generally speaking, a player should commit to fighting once they jump into the Terrarium. Granted, there are exceptions like when a player suddenly becomes doubled-teamed when they expected a 1v1, but this will be addressed in “Rules.” We propose that a Terrarium only plugin, similar to the existing combat log plugin, be created to do the following.

    • Once a player enters combat, they are tagged as being in combat

    • During this time, no commands may be used (as it is currently)

    • After perhaps 15 or 30 seconds, a message will pop up in chat stating that the player is no longer tagged and may warp out

    • If not too difficult to incorporate, create a message in chat that can be clicked to warp to spawn once the player is no longer tagged

    • Normal escape methods should just be removed


    The current set of rules and permissions in the Terrarium should be modified to the following.

    • Disabled potions are Invisibility, Poison I & II, and Strength II

    • Ender Peals should remain disabled

    • Camping the Terrarium portal is illegal, likewise with /warp dungeon

    • Combat logging will automatically kill a player

    • Any hack, third party application, macro or other utility used to gain an unfair advantage over another player is illegal and will result in a perm ban


    Teaming, while fun to do, generally discourages solo players from entering the Terrarium. Therefore, we propose the following.

    • Teams of no more than 2 players are legal in the Terrarium

    • Any more members will result in a string of punishments that increase in severity depending on the offense number

    • If players teamed in chat, a screenshot is all that is required for proof. Otherwise, video evidence is necessary

    • Betrayals are legal

    Current Issues

    The following are issues regarding available permissions and protections on the current Terrarium that need to be removed.

    • Remove /repair and /repair all

    • Anticheat needs to be improved from what it already is: excessive hacking is too prevalent

    In closure, we suggest the above things in order to revive PvP at the Terrarium. For those that ask, KitPvP is great for the players that don’t want to be too serious about PvP and don’t want to lose their items. The purpose of the Terrarium is to obtain PvP materials for personal use or for selling and to experience god fights. This is the place for competitive PvP and it’s a truly a shame to see its decline. Furthermore, we thank you all for taking the time to seriously consider these points. Please leave your opinions, especially if you actively PvP here.

    Thanks again!
  17. Hornemans

    Hornemans God of Meebles

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    Since it seems everyone was making come kit-pvp suggestions even though @Cooleysworld made a thread about it i figured i would do the same. FYI, This is was already suggested in Cooleysworld's KITPVP thread... But i figured i would try to go into more detail here and better explain my thoughts!

    The Basic Idea (if you don't like the separate money part ignore and meebles can be used instead)

    Kits should to be able to bought with "minigame money" (that can be used in ALL minigames not just kitpvp) like "tokens" or "points" or whatever you want to call it. For every kill a player gets 1 token/point. You will keep whatever "tokens" you earned from the previous weeks or "tokens" you earned at other minigames. Once you die, you start again, but you always keep any "tokens" you earned. You can see your "token" balance by the command /token or who has the most tokens /tokentop or /paytoken to other players.

    When you /warp kitpvp EVERY TIME you will start with the "Standard" kit and you will have the option to change your kit and/or add bonus items to it. Once you kill enough and get more tokens, you can switch to different kits. The Different kits will cost like 2 tokens (or whatever cost we want). (Note 1: Kits can be separated by ranks and be free to use OR left so everyone can use all of them if and they have to use tokens to switch between them.)

    You will also be able to add "bonus items" to your kits if you buy them with tokens (like 1-4 token each or whatever). Extra items would be things like pots (all will be in splash form): slowness 1 - 1:00, weakness 1 - 1:00, Posion 1 - 0:30, Regen 1 - 0:30, FireResist 1 - 2:00, and Harming 1. Tokens could also be sold/traded for meebles if you wanted to save them instead of use them (remember with this idea you can use tokens to purchase "extras/upgrades" in all other minigames as well)!

    There would be 3 different kills scoreboards, one weekly, one monthly, and one for all-time scores. The Kills SCOREBOARDS can reset (go back to zero weekly and monthly, say Sunday at midnight and the 1st of month) so every player has a chance to be the weeks/months "best" player. The top 10 players with the most kills can be displayed on a Board at the kitpvp spawn or you can see a players list by doing a command like /topkills. (Note 2: this is the scoreboard that keeps track of your total kills, not your kill streaks)

    Kits SHOULD be based of off different strategies/styles, not separated by ranks!
    (Note 3: If everyone is complaining about "rank perks" it can be done like rank below, though that would be silly and counter productive to overall kitpvp fun and equality).
    (Note 4: all soups, pots, arrows, etc., refresh after each kill you get, back to your kits default. The instant heal crap will be removed).
    (Note 5: also to be more fair unbreaking 3/4/5/etc can be added to the weaker armor/weapons so they all break about the same rates)

    Standard Kit (Citizen) - Chain Armor w/ Prot 2, Stone Sword, Bow, 20 Arrows, 1 Soup

    Defense Kit (Citizen) - Diamond Armor, Wood Sword, 1 Soup

    Attack Kit (Citizen) - Leather Armor /w Prot 2, Diamond Sword w/ Sharp 2, 1 Soup

    Endurance Kit (VIP) - Iron Armor, Stone Axe /w Sharp 1, 5 Soup

    Berserker Kit (Premium) - Iron Armor, Iron Axe /w KB 1, FA 1, 2 Soup

    Speed Kit (Exclusive) - Gold Armor /w Prot 1, Gold Sword /w Sharp 2, KB 1, 2 Soup, 1 Speed 2 Pot (5 mins)

    Long Range Kit (Elite) - Gold Armor /w Prot 1, Bow /w Power 4, Punch 1, 32 Arrows, Gold Axe /w Sharp 1, 2 Soup

    Pots Kit (Supreme) - Chain Armor /w Prot 1, Staff (aka Stick) /w Sharp 5, KB 2, 2 Soup, 4 Damage 2 Pots, 2 Damage 1 Pots

    Magic Kit (Ultimate) - Chain Armor /w Prot 1, Fire-staff (aka Blazerod) /w Sharp 5, KB 2, FA 2, Bow /w Power 2, Punch 2, Flame 2, 20 Arrows, 2 Soup

    Your Thoughts?

    If you can think of any other Kits like these the emphasis different player styles or strategies of pvp please post them in a similar format. DO NOT just say give it "god armor" or "god sword" or whatever, these are the basic items/equipment each would have! (The sharp, protection, etc can be tweaked later to make all the kits seem more "fair" if the equipment alone is not equal by default).


    Any Input?
    @Fuzzlr @Coelho @Cooleysworld @Sjoeppappentrap @Slicks @Deinen @Quaddy @reggles44 @btilm305

    ------ Added some additional thoughts that i that were great idea to add to this ------

    I really do like this idea! This would give 1337 pvpers an option to make it more "challenging" and to get more tokens at the same time!

    I also like this idea a lot! An achievement could be things like: if you are a "whatever kit" one achievement is to kill 1 different kit of each type, or kill 10 kits of the same kind. This section would also include the "kill streak" bonuses as and achievement (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 200 and so on).

    ---------------- Consolidated below from page 3 ---------------------

    It is not a must use, however it is based on the idea of turning "minigames/pvp" from a money faucet (making meebles out of nothing) and turning it into a meeble trade. Meaning, that instead of making money out of thin air and inflating the economy, it would make "tokens" (or whatever you want to call them out of thin air) and those tokens could be traded/sold/given to other players for meebles. Basically, its the same idea as using 'Cobblestone" in skyblock, people still make money from skyblock by selling dirt, sand, etc for meebles so why not tokens?
    Nothing, people could still buy it with meebles or tokens this part of the plan will work with either. The plans main concern is to stop making meebles out of thin air and converting to transferring meebles between players instead.
    Your right, I mean it would be way less confusing to just use meebles, butif we are going to keep it as meebles, I think that the overall OP kits the higher ranks have, needs to be address to everyone can make meebles fairly not just 3 donors that "team" and kill everyone else (which, I feel is an abuse of the system to make mebbles).
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2015
  18. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

    Likes Received:
    @ admins please let me make 420 & 69 jokes thats my whole life you dont understand the emptiness i feel without it
  19. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

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    We need to just remove both Legacy and Gamma so we can have more storage space for cake clicker, with fancy new plugins and whatnot.

    Last edited: Dec 1, 2016
    Toostenheimer, Klitch, Pmx728 and 9 others like this.
  20. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    This is exactly the problem. Those perks were implemented by the Meepcraft staff and given to people who purchased them. I donated for fly for fix for smelt. That was the agreement when I bought them. I get these things and you take my money. Most commands that have been given to ranks in the last year in a half have been suggestions on the forums. If they were economy killers, then thats the responsibility of those in charge of the economy to understand and when it was given the green light, they decided the cash influx and the happiness of the donators was worth it.

    Thats irresponsible to take purchased items way without proper replacement of the benefits donated for and Deinen is also correct in the statement that its a slippery slope. Why stop at /fix? why not nerf /feed. Why not /fly. These all can hurt the economy. Why not nerf them as well. Being more responsible in how the economy is managed and not implement stupid commands in the first place is a much better idea. Can't just add more commands to increase donation incentive and take them away whenever.