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Best Posts in Forum: Denied

  1. XxNine_TailsxX

    XxNine_TailsxX Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Screw Centrum, bring back the Terrarium.
    cooey, hippapajo, lordusan and 11 others like this.
  2. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

    Likes Received:
    I can drop an anvil on his head and call it anvil drop. That sounds fun.
  3. Enron

    Enron Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Technically I shouldn't be posting with this account considering my main forums account is banned, but considering this is a discussion about breaking rules It seems fitting.
    Metr0, you need staff back. Honestly, the server just needs more people like you in charge, people who actually know how to make people want to join and stay on a server. If we listened to what people like you and Deinen said half the time, the server wouldnt be nearly as dead as it is. Maybe if we actually took advice from sensible people, the server wouldn't have wasted 3000 dollars on a shiny new confusing way-too-big spawn when all people wanted was a simple one like we had a few years ago. But alas, it seems like the most competent people we have on staff are Summrs and ForteMizuki, and he's only a helper. This suggestion gets a +1, and so does the concept behind it. The concept that we need a government of the players, by the players, and for the players. Meep cannot sustain itself by expanding the server to meet the expanding needs of the server. 75% of the server is either broken or useless. Honestly, did we really need to add UHS when infected, hunger games, and parkour, things people come to this server to do, are broken? And even worse, UHS is donors only. Adding donor-only feature to a server that desperatley needs new players isn't helping anything. What we need is something that can get new players hooked on this server, so they keep coming back. To accomplish this, we need a good staff team and a friendly community, which can go hand in hand. Staff, I appreciate all you do. I know you sacrifice your time and voulenteer just because you want to give back to the server (or in Deinens' case spawn in gold blocks). But obviously, something is not right. New players just leave the server, because they feel left out. Staff rarely ever talk to new players other to answer questions. And it's not just staff, many ranked players do the same thing. New players feel ignored, left out, and they leave. The chat is the singular most important part of getting new players to stay. Wether the player likes spleef, or PVP, or towns, they will all come in contact with the chat. The staff and the community in general need to be more friendly to new players, and stop just saying "just do /modreq" when it's a question that could easily be answered by non-staff. It just gives more work to the already busy staff.

    -Dat_Coffee, former toxic forums member

    P.S. Staff, please accept some tech applications soon so you can actually get things working again
  4. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

    Likes Received:
    -1 if there was a dislike button I'd dislike this thread.
  5. Vamp1re_Man

    Vamp1re_Man Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Problem: Changing spawns is bad.
    Solution: Change spawns.
  6. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

    Likes Received:
    except most players won't understand why its a thing.
    Honestly, remove it. looks dumb and frustrates people because they can't actually say a problem with the server without being a joke
  7. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    crueltygaming boss (special ability removes half of the players on the server)
    rosenow boss (special ability creates giant sphere of lava)
  8. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

    Likes Received:
    What about people that don't pvp? should the other benefits of 1.9 be held back because pvpers are being selfish?
  9. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

    Likes Received:
    Nice try on getting yourself a discount.
  10. Silver01

    Silver01 Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    If you do all the spawn quests, you get an extra 15,000 meebkes for basically free. Also if we give people more money to deal with inflation, that just makes more inflation, which is literally the opposite of what admins want.

    So yeah...
    KyloMeep, Pmx728, cooey and 11 others like this.
  11. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    The type of terrarium I want :
    Jayro89, Redolwolf, Klitch and 11 others like this.
  12. Khafra

    Khafra Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I know the idea of the economy being unbalanced has been brought up countless times, with two completely different viewpoints, but not a single player has given a physical (or probable) solution to the problem at hand. People love to throw the term around, without a real understanding of it. The dictionary definition surmises to “a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.” MeepCraft hasn’t had inflation since before the reset. Prices of items have been stable - or lowering - consistently. Items have less value than ever before, while Meebles have more value.

    • Item prices are stagnant; the value of items neither increase or decrease.
    • Towny, by definition “is a versatile, player-controlled land management plugin for use with Bukkit/Tekkit/Spigot/Libigot. Towny offers solutions for pvp, griefing, chat, inflated economies and monsters to minecraft server admins. Towny allows players to work together and against each other as they see fit.” The whole premise of towny is dysfunctional from its intended state.
    • Towny taxes are a major issue to new players and old players alike.
    • Therefore, towny prices are also concerning.

    • The simplest solution to deflation is inflation. Adding more money into the economy would allow people to spend money; no longer having to hold onto it for their town tax. People who earn money are more likely to spend it -- not through a central shop, but through players.
      • Not many people will remember (or agree with the example I’m about to share) but go back to the early days of the server, January of 2017. Alexxx and I successfully raised the price of diamonds from 200 meebles each to triple that. While the means to get the money wasn’t legit, it allowed the economy to flow. People used the money to buy towns, towns which these players still own to this day. After that, prices were stable for around a week or two I would assume, but there forth decreased to where they stand to this day, at 100 meebles.
      • A comparison to 2012 or 2014 wouldn’t be fair, all 3 servers had their similarities and differences, economy wise. In 2014, the playerbase started diminishing at a noticeable rate (in fact, most players came to a conclusion the server was already dead) and we first noticed a decrease in item prices… Diamonds in 2012 went for 1,000 meebles each, but in 2014, half of that. Go forwards a few years, possibly the end of 2016 or early 2017, when witch spawners were introduced into the admin shops. The economy noticed a huge boom, but only from a secluded (minority) of the players. People were happy with this, as these players used their money to reinvest into the people - they call it trickle down economics. Item prices started increasing at this point, due to players having money! Although they had a finite amount of meebles, they had a pool large enough to make profit. Nowadays, there’s no pool to take from, there’s no admin shops, no way of making money. Relying on the people doesn’t work unless there’s money in the first place. Regulation on items is good in moderation, having a fairly inactive staff team hold an iron grip around the economy doesn’t allow growth.
      • Deflation is not good, you put in more work for less money:
        • Cactus farm (8 meebles/64 cactus)
        • Sugarcane farm (5 meebles/64 sugarcane)
        • Diamonds (6,400 meebles/64 diamonds)
        • Other natural materials (lapis, redstone, gold, coal, iron, wood, and their sub products.)
    • Towny is meant to have an inflated economy, and for good reason! Towny is meant for you to not lose your items, and staff have gone far out of their way to make this true. This isn’t necessarily bad, but you are using the wrong mindset for towny. Instead of decreasing the flow of money altogether, a better incentive to spend money is needed.
      • Items themselves, rare admin items, collectibles. I don’t see much effort having to go into this, it only takes a little time. Staff did this in gamma, with rare items. I see staff tried implementing a system somewhat like that, with the Egyptian Headdress, but it doesn’t amount to the worth of the items back in Gamma.
      • There isn’t another possible fix for this one, you can add money, or keep towny going as-is. To increase money is easy, and can be regulated, item flow can’t be regulated, no matter how hard you try. I mention this to remind you of other reasons prices are lower, there is too much competition. This isn’t real life where a couple of companies compete over an item, it’s everyone undercuts each other until it is no longer profitable. Monopolies don’t sound that bad, and technically exist already (through villager trading, shops (due to pwarps) among other miscellaneous non-essential economy aspects).
    • Once a player owns a town, they are only faced with more problems than solutions: they pay to claim plots, which increases their daily taxes! Building anything significant on the server is not possible, once you pay your daily tax, your fee for claiming plots, you are left with nothing, no materials to build with or anything.
      • Before anyone says it, towns are not profitable and on a small server, are not meant to be in the first place. Tax on a town should be used to fund it, not hurt it.
      • In real life, taxes are used to fund the government programs, organizations, etc (health care, schools, libraries, churches, etc). On minecraft, that money isn’t needed for funding - why does so much have to be removed? It doesn’t counter inflation, as voting gives you 4k a day (the equivalent of owning 80 plots) to pay for the upkeep.
      • I have project plans, which are halted down by taxes - I can’t physically make 20k a day without gambling… not counting materials or the cost to create a town.
      • The solution would be to either decrease prices of towns (not ideal) or lower/remove daily upkeep altogether! You still pay 1,000 meebles per plot, but don’t have to worry about the taxes which force you to come on and earn money. As Klutch said yesterday, people get busy in real life, his life kept him inactive for 2 months, but he has the benefit of a tax free town.
      • Another, pretty decent solution if you sit down and think about it, is allowing players to earn or purchase tax cut vouchers or a removal of taxes for a certain amount of time. Players could possibly pay $20 for a month without taxes, or earn them in voting crates, for less time of course. This helps fund MeepCraft, and allows people to have a life of their own. All based on the assumption that changing this is decently easy.
    • Towny prices may also fall under this category - is there an actual need to hold the player’s hand through creating a town? If they forget or do not add money into their town bank after creation, it is not your fault. If you feel responsible, you could add in a prompt after towns are created that gives examples on commands, which would be more useful than increasing towny prices.
      • I could understand if you decreased towny prices to 100,000 meebles, but put a minority of the cost (say 25k) into the town bank.
      • Allowing people to get towns easily influence them to grow, to build, to thrive! Not a relief, as in, they spent multiple weeks or months earning the money to lead themselves.

    I know many of you will disagree with me, probably more for who I am than what I suggest here, but who cares. I only suggest simple changes to config files, or additions that have been done before (either on a large scale or small scale, what other scale is there?).

    Sorry for the formatting, I originally did this in a Google doc, and some of the format didn't paste here very well.
    Thee Boss, iKitten, KyloMeep and 11 others like this.
  13. Dockson

    Dockson Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Watch the video first, please (sorry for the noises, forgot to switch to pc sounds):

    Now for the suggestion:

    Could this plugin, or whatever that thing is, be adjusted?
    1. Why is it even needed? What is its purpose?
    2. Why does it make that creepy sound? It's like a ghost trying to take a bite of your backside.
    3. Would it be possible to atleast make it less sensitive? I am pretty sure I had that jump in the video.

    Cheers :)
  14. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

    Likes Received:
    Greetings and salutations to you all. Yep, I'm suggesting another subject. Even as far back as my first suggestion, I said I would constantly suggest new things based on my unique perspective. Anyways,this has been an issue nagging at me for some time, and I feel it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
    Alright, so when you first log on to Meepcraft, where do you spawn? Tutorial! The very first thing you see is a hologram listing things you can do (I will attempt to post a screenshot of this as soon as possible). Going on, you read several more holograms, walking down the tutorial path, which then dumps you into spawn. Looking at your inventory, you start with a set of leather armor, a set of wooden tools, some food, $2500 Meebles, and a guide book. From there, players are free to do any activity.
    The Problems
    If you pay close attention to the holograms and the guide book, you notice several errors.
    • Tutorial Holograms
    1. The very first hologram, the one everyone sees the second they log on the server, is wrong! It lists the various aspects of the server, things such as Towny, CTF, Boomo, etc. Know what else is on there? HG . . . :banghead: Thus, we get loads of players joining, and asking in global, "How do you get to HG?" Guess how staff members and the community are forced to respond? "Oh, that was removed a long time ago. . ." Not exactly the best way to introduce people to the server.
    2. The very first hologram, a player's first picture of Meepcraft, also lists Laser (which has been changed to Halo).
    3. Several additional holograms could use rewording as well. One tells you to do /money. This could be changed to /bal. Another tells you how to use Global chat: /shout (message). This hinders newer players from interacting with the community, who don't know to use /g.
    • The Guide Book
    4. The guide book, being old, is pretty outdated as a result. Firstly, it tells you to go to Towny using /warp towns. This is outdated, as we now have Alpha and Beta. Seriously, am I the only one who has read the guide? (I actually have a collection of them) As a result, we have people constantly asking how to get to the Towny world, and the difference between Alpha and Beta. :shifty:
    5. This is more of a glitch than a update, but if you are using 1.9, you cannot open written books. Pretty self-explanatory why this is a problem.
    6. Again, HG is mentioned in this.
    7. The guide also does not mention events (such as Anvil Drop, Musical Chairs, etc.).
    8. Formatting within the guide isn't exactly the best. Yes, it uses the color and font codes, but sparingly. Each page is a different topic, and titles are not centered. Simply put, it doesn't look as professional as it could.

    Now, just listing a bunch of problems isn't very helpful, now is it? I have already thought of several fixes to each issue, and would like discussion on these.
    • Guide Book Fixes
    1. Remove it entirely
    Pretty self explanatory, I'd say. Virtually no one even looks at it. Very few new players look at a guide book.
    2. Correct Mistakes
    Again, this would fix the issues with it; just change wording within the book.
    3. Create an entirely new guide
    Before you all start complaining staff should be worrying about other things, I will personally create a new book myself, and give it to staff to review and sign and close (putting their name on it).
    • Tutorial Fixes
    1. Rebuild Tutorial Completely
    I think we could build a far better tutorial than what we have. Most players describe just running through it, and asking a bunch of questions later. My idea is forcing players to stop at each area, and have them perform an action (such as checking their /bal, saying "hello" in global, etc.).
    2. Correcting the Holograms
    I don't see how this would be a nightmare, and would fix the current issue.

    As you can tell, this is a very important issue to me, and I feel it should be the same thorn to everyone. Face it, very few new people stay (someone in global suggested approximately 2% of new players stay). And I will attempt to acquire screenshots of each problem if someone does not do so before I can. Thank you all for considering this, and for reading!
    xAZN_SJx, Khafra, ~Peper~ and 11 others like this.
  15. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    Since getting donations to the server is now one of the primary issues I would like to introduce an item that can be donated for called the mystery box.
    (MeepMystery box)
    What this is, is a box that you would buy from the donator shop ($5 for 1, $12 for 3, etc). You could buy this box and it would appear is an item in game that you could right click to open and recieve the item/items inside.

    What he box would/could include. An assortment of common uncommon rare pets that could be given a rarity depending on pet. Admin heads could be included as a rare prize. Pet additions such as "pet saddles" pet /effects and anything you can think to equip them with. That's all of the ideas I could think of for now it I'm sure if staff decide to add this they could think of more/better rewards. I'm sure you could add more custom items to the box such as the ones that were added to the warp shop or different.

    What needs to be done before. First you need to remove the current scam pet plugin we have and replace it with a new one designed for he mystery box.
    Last edited: May 24, 2016
  16. Splendy

    Splendy Celebrity Meeper

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    I view begging in shout as people who are too lazy to work (in a video game ffs) for their own meebles or donate. It spams up chat, annoys people (can't just be me?) and creates a server where no one is willing to put effort in to play.

    3 different people in chat are begging, it's getting a bit ridiculous
  17. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    If you tl;dr'd basically I said "I'll pop your mom" and got banned

    What are you guys really trying to cover up

    I just want an explanation at some point. If you're going to sit there and just deny my request that is not going to solve this case and that's not going to make me like the staff team any further

    Being 100% with your community is vital in being a good staff team and making the server better

    Inb4 some of you say "nhjed it's 30 minutes get over yourself" that's not the point. I'm just trying to figure out why an unjust ban was given to me when nothing harmful was being said. That's like you getting kicked out of a house for breathing in it (don't judge my analogies)

    Is it just because it's me? Is it just because I'm nhjed? I had an individual say those lines in shout and nothing happened to him. What makes me vulnerable to unjust bans?

    I want a proper explanation
    Achmed, FunGUY, zsuzsu1 and 11 others like this.
  18. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

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    Its the end of a hectic semester at pharmacy school so I am prepping myself to start playing video games again :jawdrop:, that being said I have been on the server and seen some areas where I think we could improve and gain more players yada yada yada..... People may ultimately disagree with these suggestions and I understand that but I am just throwing them out there.

    • A chat filter that can be toggled
    I understand we are a "family friendly" server and that is completely okay! That being said if someone doesn't want to see a certain type of chat they can simply keep the chat filter on and everything is "A Okay". The filter should be enabled by default and I also think we should educate people to use /ignore more. Currently I feel like players are on a witch hunt to report any sex ref or any offending language and its not because they don't want to see it. It is because they think in their mind if they report more people and get people banned then they have a better chance to be staff, will be cool with staff members, etc... /ignore is a command we already have yet I see endless bans having to do with things said via /msg when the person can easily do /ignore and situation is solved... In my opinion it is a personal responsibility to take such measures because lets be honest, if you don't do /ignore you are inviting it when you can easily shut it down.

    In all, this suggestion would cut down on bans, make moderating easier for the staff (I'm all about simplicity), and will make adult players feel like they aren't being lectured by a 1st grade teacher to be nice. Some may argue that this invites toxic players but let me remind you that I have been on this server for 4 years and donated, had I joined and said a simple curse or insult and been temp banned I wouldn't have come back on. It cuts out some players and we desperately need more of them.

    • Bring back the old inflating jobs back
    Back in the day we had jobs where money was pretty easily made and everyone went bonkers because "Oh the economy" but guess what, Minecraft is a game for little kids and little kids want to make money fast. If you join a server and you see people with millions of meebles meanwhile it takes you forever you will ultimately get bored and just seek another server. Eventually prices will even out among items and it will give people the illusion they are making a lot. I think it would just be nice if a group of new players could join and make enough money for a town relatively quick because there are many people that join a server with a group of friends and want their own town, if they can't do that quick then they leave woohooo.

    • Community Driven Events
    Back in the day we had something called "Meep Olympics" and it was pretty fun and a good amount of people participated in it. It would be nice if players could buy in to a group of people that compete via PvP or other means and receive a cash reward for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Towns would also compete to host such events with arenas and would get a payment.... blah blah blah, it would be a fun addition.... Not saying this should be the only community event, many other ideas are welcome.


    I'm just throwing out a ton of ideas out there because I do care for the server despite what some staff may think given I give people a hard time. If none of them get implemented that's fine, just want to start a discussion on what could potentially help the server.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2016
  19. twomoo1119

    twomoo1119 Celebrity Meeper

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    Town owning is a pretty difficult job, even though meepcraft gives you a lot of really useful commands like /towny map big, it is still hard to know a lot about your town, here is where a command like /town stats would come in, /town stats would be available to assistant+ and when you type it, something like this would appear:

    Plots in town:80
    -Embassy Plots:4(5%)
    -Shop Plots:12(15%)
    -Unowned Plots:3(3.75%)
    Residents in town:65
    -Average wealth of res: 16,372
    -Total wealth of res:1,748,301
    -Average plots owned:1.26
    Income per day:7500
    -Town upkeep:5200
    -Total made per day:2300

    I think, that any town owner or co-owner would find this a very useful tool to find out how well they are doing and compare with how well they were doing 2 months ago. I understand town upkeep & resident count &a plot count are already in /t but putting them in here too helps keep things organized. This probably should only be viewable to assistant+ in that specific town or else towns may have a bit of a new rivalry. I'd like to hear what you think about this down below.:)
  20. reggles44

    reggles44 NANA NaNa nana NaNa NANA NaNa nana NaNa, REGGLES! Elder

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    So as some of you might know there was a bug with the previous stock market plugin where the source of our prices was ~15 minutes delayed behind real stock market data. So it was very simple to generate huge sums of money by getting a $5 app which would give you some real time data and use that to get huge returns on stock that would jump quickly. One fix was to limit stocks in a variety of ways, minimum price to trade, additional fees on trading, and maybe one or two I don't know of. Overall what needs to happen is a 15 minute transaction time which will allow the yahoo finance data to catch up to the real market data when the transaction is sent in. Besides that there are a couple methods to properly limit transactions.

    Solution 1:
    To fix and create a more fair trading system for stocks what needs to happen is a delay on purchase, that might further simulate the real stock market. For example what the plugin might ask for is how many you want to purchase and what price you are looking to buy at. Then instead of just taking the stock price for what it is, the plugin should go through asks and bids to complete the order and if there isn't enough demand to sell or supply to buy than the plugin would only allow for parts of the order to be completed.

    Solution 2: Similar to the first option prices will be based off of the regularly stated price and all transactions will be delayed at a minimum of 15 minutes. Different from solution 1 this will not limit the number of transactions but rather just expand the time it takes to complete the order based the quantity of shared looking to be traded divided by the on the volume traded divided by the number of minutes since the market opened.

    Solution 1 Example: Google is trading at 739.78 with and big and ask of 739.29 x 100 and 739.28 x 100. What this means is there are orders waiting to be completed. So in-game the price of google should be 739.78 but the amount that is willing to be traded would be the difference between the ask and bid prices.

    Solution 2 Example: Google will be traded at 739.78 and it be able to trade unlimited amounts but since there is only a volume of 181,898 than on average it trades at 10,699,94 shares per minute. So if an order was placed for 25000 shares than it would take 2.34 additional minutes to complete the trade. Which brings the total time to do the transaction to 17.34 minutes.

    Overall the stock market was a great idea and poor execution initially but there is a solution, its just if the techs want to implement it.
    M0W0G, zsuzsu1, Lilliya and 11 others like this.