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Best Posts in Forum: Denied

  1. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Suggestion: Improvements for the rank/chat colors of Staff and Ultimate members.
    I'll try and keep this short and simple:
    • Revert Mod chat color to match with Helper color as it used to.
      • Mod rank will stay as green but the chat text will change back to yellow. Edit: Or the mod rank and the brackets around the rank can be yellow as well so that it is different from helper.
      • Mod chat text is currently dark aqua which is difficult to see in shout in contrast to the other colors.
      • This removes an unneeded color out of the Meepcraft rainbow.
    • Switch the SuperMod chat and rank colors with those of Ultimate.
      • SuperMod ends up with orange rank color and orange chat color. It is a warmer color than yellow, and leads up to the red admin color. Makes sense right?
        • It is still an easy to see color so no worries over our community not seeing our SuperMods.
        • Edit: The brackets around the rank could be orange as well.
      • Ultimate members end up with a dark aqua rank color and aqua chat color.
        • This is an enticing set of colors which will add incentive for players to donate to Ultimate.
        • There are too many players not willing to donate after getting up to Supreme because they'll end up with a dull color after having such an attractive one while Supreme.
        • Also makes sense as Supreme has dark purple rank color and light purple chat color. Dark to light.
    • Edit: Make adjustments to the server broadcasts.
      • Change the server broadcast color from yellow to gray. The yellow blends in with the helper chat. Gray is still a visible color thus being a good replacement for yellow.
      • Server broadcasts comes on too frequently, increase time between broadcasts.
      • Remove ctf win messages from broadcasts. Only adds spam to shout.
      • Remove parkour claim prizes from broadcasts. Only adds spam to shout.
      • Remove spleef win messages from broadcasts. Only adds spam to shout.
      • Remove official meeper broadcasts and set it so only the person whom completed the tutorial sees that message. Only adds spam to shout.
    Edit: Here are visuals for anyone who is having trouble en-vising the suggestion (credit to Supershot12 for providing the images).
    Why would your suggestion benefit Meepcraft?: It would provide more incentive to donate to Ultimate and make our current Ultimate members happier with their rank. This would also allow Mods' chat to be seen easier and provide a clear identity of those who are staff members. Staff will end up with warm colors representing their caring passion for the server.
    Who would this benefit?: The whole community as it will provide clearer identification on staff members and incentive for players to donate to Ultimate as well as satisfy those currently Ultimate. Donations = Running Server.
    About how long will this take to be implemented, if it is accepted?: A few minutes at most.
    Would this cause more lag?: Not at all.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
  2. Coelho

    Coelho Onis_Luck Elder

    Likes Received:
    To be implemented with another one of my suggestions, "Better ChestShop", http://meepcraft.com/threads/better-chestshop.25053/
    The past few weeks with ChestShop alone has shown that it is an unsustainable source of revenue for Meepers everywhere. To resolve this, we will be implementing a service on MeepCraft called MeepDelivery.

    MeepDelivery is a service where the server will automatically find the lowest prices for items on the market, and deliver them to you immediately after purchase.

    For example,
    @DianaB72 is selling Stone for 30 meebles each at their Better ChestShop, and only has 1,000 in stock.
    @Cooleysworld is selling Stone for 50 meebles each at their Better ChestShop, and has 10,000 in stock.

    You need 10,000 Stone for your new building project, and you need it right now. For this, you will type "/order 10000 stone"

    The server will notify you that this stone will cost 30 * 1000 + 50 * 9000 each, along with a 20% fee. If you accept this price, you can type "/order accept". If you do not like the price, you can type "/order deny".

    We will be charging, for this service, a 30% fee to all Citizens and a 20% fee to all donators on top of the item cost. This is subject to change.

    Nitty gritty
    It may be worthwhile, later on, to allow Shop owners to pay for some of the fee themselves to allow them to take priority over other Shop owners in the order process. For example, @Cooleysworld selling for 35 but covering the entire 20% fee on the order process would be favored over @DianaB72 selling for 30 but not covering the fee (because Cooleys would be lower price)

    This will allow players to quickly get items as well as allowing shop owners to quickly sell items. If you want to not pay any fees, and get the lowest possible price, you can go to the shop yourself and not use the MeepDelivery system at all. It is your choice.

    What is your opinion?
    CG6843, Aarett, SpongeyStar and 27 others like this.
  3. Jwarian

    Jwarian Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    How are entities floating in mid air any better for someone's fps than a sign.
    Spawn lags so badly that the entities don't even show up.
    Sorry to whoever made the admin shop plugin but it sucks.
    Just go back to the signs.

    While we are at it, lets just go back to the old meep spawn that didn't lag and had a donor shop that didn't look like it was made in a shed in kentucky. why do we keep paying for new spawns? We all just want the old one back, how about we save some money and hit like 9000 birds with one stone.
  4. Klitch


    Likes Received:
    now that the server is pg-13 and we aren’t protecting everyone can we get a dislike button on forums. there are a lot of absolutely useless posts that deserve a fat heap of dislikes. ty for your consideration
    Erebus45, Liam, cooey and 21 others like this.
  5. legendcaleb

    legendcaleb Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    The new terrarium sucks. It does, okay. I have talked to tons of the people who play meep and almost all who actually pvp say it sucks. The invincibility is too stupid- people jump in and steal loot , then just get out. And no, don't "balance the invincibility", REMOVE IT. You ask pvpers what they want - then give them the exact opposite. The map is good- except the fact the ladders are not even good because it's hard to hit someone off them, and there's way too many. It worked so well when we had one , why do we need 8+? And before @leodavinci9000 says that the "terrain is good, and noobs can now farm" THIS IS COMPETITIVE PVP" not just some noob dungeon farming thing. If you want to fight , you better have god. If that's not your speed or you "Want to fight in iron" go to kitpvp, because honestly, it's annoying.

    Snowman, really? What's the brilliant idea around that?

  6. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

    Likes Received:
    Mojang contacted us, and told us to change it, It was so short notice that all the admins dropped everything in real life for an Emergency Admin Meeting, to get things set up the way they are now.

    I understand everyone is upset but it was this or no more meepcraft.
  7. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

    Likes Received:
    Although there isn't much competition for towny servers, there has been a huge decline to Meepcraft for whatever reason (currently there are only 23 people online at the time of writing this suggestion at 8:30 PM GMT) and now, there are Towny servers with more active players than Meepcraft at it's current state - therefore Meepcraft needs something that can bring towny back alive, there always used to be talk about everything on the server being unique but that was never really the case, but risks and new ideas are critical to raise the servers player count up and bring it back to it's former self. I feel my idea would be beneficial to the server as I haven't saw anything like it before and in my head; it seems that it could be pretty fun.

    I really don't know how to propose this idea in writing but i'll try my best and if anyone has any further ideas to add - I'd be glad to add them in.


    MeepFactions - MeepKingdoms - MeepEmpires
    bringing towny, factions and rpg together.

    To start this off, this is entirely based on the Towny plugin with some aspects of Factions in it; this doesn't need to be a brand new plugin as these suggestions could be added to the current plugin.

    Upon starting your adventure to the towny universe, you will be prompted with a GUI (or just chat based) with a few options;

    • Their race
    • Their philosophy/religion
    • Preferred jobs
    • (more to be added..)

    After creation of their player, they will begin a single quest/job which will be the tutorial (this plugin would work greatly for this

    After the tutorial, assuming they learn the basics of the server they will be prompted with yet another GUI (or again text based) asking the player to select which lands/part of the world they would like to start off in; players can change town/area at any time, just like the current towny. I'll try explain the whole world areas down below

    The map/lands - The map would be split up into various different areas, each area will have it's own king and whatnot (and a general overseer/king of all the kingdom)

    Area examples (these were just pulled from a generator)


    What exactly are the areas?

    Like I mentioned above, the world/server is split into different areas (which will be known as empires; all with different towns within them.

    What is the king?
    The king is more or less the nation leader, they will earn a small tax percentage of earnings from all players within that nation/area/empire (maybe 1.3% or lower like 0.3%). The king would have to be a town mayor and for the player to be the king, he/she has to have a castle (something 4-6 plots) which will be the same as townys current plots (embassy, shop, outpost etc) however, these plots will have PVP on whenever the king is on so that people can try kill the king and take the throne (not too sure exactly how this is going to happen yet, as just killing is pretty easy). The kings will also be able to set jobs/quests for their empire (will be explained further below) if the king is offline for a long period, the kingship will be passed onto a high up member in the kings town, this will also be done at random.

    What is the purpose of the king?

    What is the overall king/overseer?
    Similar to the empire kings, however instead of the kings getting a tax percentage of earnings from the players, they will be receiving it from towns; again, the throne can be taken from this king and i'll explain how in a bit below)

    What other changes to the map?
    The wild/no mans land, this will be somewhat like the current wild server and could either be between the areas/empires. The terrain will be custom and will have many ruins, on top of that there will be real time events (info to be added)


    -----------------------Towny RPG/Jobs (Town Quests)-----------------------

    What are Towny Jobs/Quests?

    - Towny jobs are jobs/quests within the towny plugin, partially similar to the servers old /jobs plugin but has been enhanced to hopefully play a vital role in the servers towny system.

    How can I my residents partake in these said jobs?

    - Town residents can participate in these jobs by issuing server commands to start them. There will be two sides of the jobs, there will be set vanilla jobs implemented by the servers staff/administrators and jobs issued via town staff and mayors.

    What can my residents achieve/be rewarded for completing these jobs?

    - There will be town ranks (not to be mistaking for town staff ranks) and a levelling (xp) system, on top of general rewards. Your residents can earn xp from completing the jobs and by earning xp for simply, just being in the town! (which can be toggled off) which will allow the residents to gain enough xp to level up. The players will not only get to compete to climb up the ranks....TO BE CONTINUED

    Town rank ideas -

    Starter/Newbie (I,II,III)
    (more to come)...

    How can I expand on the rewards/levels?


    How can I benefit from this as a mayor?

    - First of all, you are always going to be needing help regardless of your current worth and what better way to get help than from your loving residents?
    You will be able to check and monitor your residents jobs activity and if you see that one of your residents is actively participating in these jobs and is being an overall good citizen, you can then recruit them as town staff.
    Reducing the constant rely vshop gets.
    Helping make towny a better and more fun place for everyone :)
    Reward your residents with items, money, bigger plots, houses..anything you want.

    What are some of the jobs?

    - Job ideas issued by town staff: no set jobs, so maybe jobs such as..

    retrieve 3 horses for the town farm
    bring 5 stacks of cobblestone to the chest in town spawn and so on
    brew 13 fire res potions and return to one of the town staff members

    Vanilla jobs: only the basic /jobs plugin as of this moment (these jobs could be tinkered or changed to suit the server staffs needs-


    Special/Occasional jobs: jobs issued by staff, usually daily/weekly/monthly challenge type jobs e.g -

    ?successfully complete 8 jobs this week
    ?earn a total of 25,000 meebles this month from jobs
    ?participate in at least 3 jobs a day

    Why would this be worthwhile implementing?

    - Reduces the rely on vshop
    Enhances the towny experience
    Allows town mayors and residents to get to interact more.

    What are all the commands?

    - /quests check: Allows residents to check current job offerings, job popularity and job pay-outs. (more information could also be displayed.
    /quests daily: Allows residents to check current daily special jobs offerings
    /quests weekly (extra, not really needed): Allows residents to check current weekly special job offerings.
    /quests monthly (and again ^): Allows residents to check curr..you get the drill by now.
    /quests stats (self explanatory, shows your quest stats)
    /quests start (jobname)
    /quests cancel (jobname)
    /quests recieve: Allows residents to claim their rewards from jobs (not sure if this would be better than automatically recieving the rewards)

    Why is this different from the vanilla jobs plugin?

    - The servers vanilla/old jobs plugin was only based on making money and players had nothing to look forward to or anything to gain from it (except the money). With this enhanced jobs/quests plugin residents can participate in the jobs, earning xp, leveling up, gaining meeble/item rewards and generally helping your town out.

    How can the server staff further expand on this?

    - Quests info Scoreboard
    - Rewards for things such as: "Most jobs completed by player this month!"

    What will show up after entering commands? (This is how it would somehow look in-game)

    For residents: "/quests stats"
    Quests Info

    Resident: (player)
    Town rank & XP: (e.g Newbie II, XP: 3452)
    Balance: (shows players balance, not really needed)
    Total jobs completed: (shows amount of jobs you have completed)
    Total amount earned from jobs: (shows your total earnings from quests)


    For mayors: "/quests cp, /quests checkplayer"


    Quests Info

    Resident: ohDraqq
    Town rank & XP: Expereinced I, XP: 9452
    Total jobs completed: 43
    Town life: 4m, 7d (shows how long the player has lived in the town for, in month/day format)


    For any town member: "/quests check"

    Quests Info

    Current Job vacancies

    Job: (issued by town staff) Retrieve 14 book shelves for me
    Pay: 3000 meebles (random number)

    Job: (issued by town staff) Retrive 2 horses for the town farm
    Pay: 2000 meebles (again, random number)

    Job: (issued by server staff) Complete 5 towny jobs within this week
    Pay: 3000 meebles (same again)

    "/quests check 2" for page 2

    QUESTS INFO SCOREBOARD (Easier way for players to check basic quest information without having to enter in a command.

    | Towny |
    | |
    |Current Quest: |
    |Meebles: |
    |Rank/XP: |
    | |

    Basically, the jobs plugin implemented into my suggestion ^

    *An MCMMO type plugin could also be useful to add to this idea.

    Empire/towns war

    Both empires and towns can go to war, they will be broken down into two types of war;

    Town War - Where a town goes to war with an enemy town.
    Empire War - When multiple towns within an empire go to war with an enemy empire.

    No one is forced to participate in these wars, for the town war; some of these towns who plan to go to war will most likely have residents who are all ready for the war and if not the members can join in on the war at any time with a simple command, this also goes for the empire wars; however it will be towns as a whole that can join in on the wars.

    How do towny wars work?

    Pulled directly from the towny wiki.

    During war Nations fight each other. Towns without a nation are not included, cannot score points and cannot have their townblocks griefed.
    Nations can also pay a daily Neutrality cost to avoid taking part in a war.
    While war is in effect, each competing town has a health points property attached to it. Normal townblocks have an HP of 60 while Home Blocks have 120 points by default. This can be changed in the config. A townblock loses HP by enemy-nation residents standing within the townblock. When a townblock has lost all HP and fallen the town which the attacker belongs to gains one townblock and points to their War Score. A Town can be knocked out of a war when their Home Block falls or if their Mayor is killed. A Nation can be knocked out of a war if its capital city is knocked out of the war, or if the King is killed.
    Points in war given for the following:
    • A enemy killed: 1
    • A townblock stolen: 1
    • A town knocked out of the war: 10
    • A nation knocked out of the war: 100
    Towny war ends when there is only one nation who's Home Block has not been conquered or when the admin toggles war off. Although the townblocks are restored at the end of war, the damage from any griefing is permanent.

    But if anyone would like to know more about towny wars, the information can easily be found via a google search (or watch a video on youtube).

    Towny war will be adjusted to suit with this suggestion.

    I'll edit and add on to this whenever I have time, I only simply posted the bare basics of my idea to see what feedback the suggestion gets at this state.
  8. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    We need a pocket minecraft Factions server, with a separate forums that can be accessed through a smartphone app. Staff could be selected through troll applications.

    10/10 - Would bring in players.
  9. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Survival server. Doesn't reset regularly, has no donor perks - no additional plugins. A lightweight, small, but effective world to play in. People that want factions can play and form groups and raid all the same, people who want to build and defend a town could do so, it has billions of options and it's almost nothing to add compared to the servers with 75 or 100 plugins.

    Costs nothing to implement, no dev needed. Just load a map up with the bare essential plugins, and you're done.

    New players will join Survival, not face a wild reset and leave, and eventually (maybe) go to towny. Most mini-games don't have purchaseable perks as well so it's not like this idea reduces the donation potential, but increases it.

    I've given you guys a gem of an idea, use it

    (Don't want to find another server just to play survival with my buds, I've spent quite a bit of money here, so I'd like to keep my business here)

    Edit: Look at almost all major servers, they all have Survival game-modes. New players will instantly see Survival and gravitate towards it, and not Wild (which they assume is survival but it's not)
  10. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

    Likes Received:
    Hey Meep! Im excited to be able to present this new idea that was brought up by Cooley and refined by me and Reggles. So, what we want to happen is that we need to get rid of this centrum. What we want to do now is to actually get the community involved in this. We want to replace the old centrum and replace it with a centrum created by players on this server! There needs to be a degree of freshness to Meep. Certain things are stale, old, and boring. Once we get another centrum up, we will ask for another centrum to replace it. Such that every month, we switch out a centrum with another centrum created by a player on Meep. Eventually this means we can create a list of a few centrums that can be brought to Meep. A huge part of this is that the community gets the vote on which centrum they want for the month once we get a list that is big enough. Like the first of every month, the top rated Centrum on the forum thread gets uploaded and put on meep. This does a lot of things such as

    1) Replacing our Centrum that is lackluster at the moment.

    2) Bring community involvement to the server.

    3) Keep Meep and PVP fresh and updated.

    We really love this idea and know you guys will too. What we want here to hear out tweaks to this plan to make it better. Please, you want to have a Centrum idea, send it DIRECTLY to Me or Reggles at our skypes. Mine is Mr.Incognito(I'm the one with the flaming penguin) and Reggles is Reggles44(the one with the turtle and the strawberry). Send videos and pictures. If we like your idea, we will ask you to send the upload for us to put in a test world to see what needs to be world guarded, possible glitches, etc etc. Do not be upset if we do not accept your idea. We cant accept every idea. Also do not suggestion old centrum or anything of that matter. We want fresh and new. Thank you in advance guys, this is going to be great for Meep and moves is us a positive direction.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    Not sure how difficult this would be, but in /recipe, making it so clicking on an item in the recipe box brings up the recipe for that item.

    /recipe trappedchest
    *click on tripwire hook*
    - It brings up the recipe for the tripwire hook
    Bfy, Empoleon_master, Enron and 16 others like this.
  12. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Recently bans have changed where normal players can't see the ban. I personally don't like this because it keeps the community in the dark, and also reduces accountability for staff members when banning. I agree that there are some positives that come with removing it, but I believe that the community should be able to know who was banned and why they were banned whether it be through ban messages in chat, or a log of banned players on the forums.

    EDIT: Karistar and Metro have pointed out another good argument. Having bans in chat helps new players know what is legal and illegal considering most don't take the time to go on the forums and read all the rules.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2015
  13. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

    Likes Received:
    We have rules on the server to make it a safe place that everyone can enjoy. We shouldn't have to stop younger players from being able to enjoy the server because we made a choice to be inappropriate in a global chat channel for a cheap thrill. A lot of people support MeepCraft because we maintain a community that is friendly for both children and adults. And what kind of "children" are you talking about? The people that are consistently breaking the rules are the ones who seem more like children to me.
  14. Bloopers

    Bloopers Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    wow with all this info we could make the game right away
  15. Deljikho

    Deljikho Lazy Swami

    Likes Received:
    Reika, could you please provide us with your quantifiable proof that developing Skyblock would not be able to attract any new players? Do you have any data or relatable experience to support this claim, or is this just your personal opinion?

    Putting the target demographic issues aside, it seems that you generally agree that mini-games will attract new players. I would argue that having any new players, regardless of age, is a good thing for the server.

    A higher player count makes the server more appealing to other potential players; in turn, this increases server donations. This could be especially true when you consider the following:

    If someone is used to instant gratification, then they may be more likely to spend $10 or $20 in order to get that instant "advantage" in Towny. I agree that many of these types of players won't stay in Towny for a long period, but any donation is a net positive for the server, right? Would these players be less favorable than more patient players that understand they don't need to spend any money in order to enjoy Towny?

    I would argue that a healthy server needs a good mix of instant gratification (ig) players and patient players alike. The ig players will join for the mini-games, play for a week, explore towny, donate $10, play for another week, and then leave forever. Whereas the patient players will join for Towny, play for a few months, work until they can pay someone meebles for a $20 donation, and continue to play.

    Both types of players fill critical roles that Meep needs: The ig players will continue revolving, thus creating a high, and appealing, player count. The patient players will keep the community strong and tight-knit. Most important;y, both provide viable funding options for keeping the server alive.

    Resetting the server will always be a double-edged sword, and is never as simple as "doing a reset will fix all of our problems." A reset is a great tool to pave the way for new updates, developments, and other major game changes. However, every time the server is reset, it loosens the sense of security than any previous players may have.

    When a player has invested hundreds of hours into creating their town, increasing their wealth, and obtaining their gear, then they typically don't want to see all of that work wasted away with a reset. Any resets that are done need to be justified for the hours that are being lost – meaning that it usually needs to come with a major game update.

    What updates, and major game changes, do you propose should happen during the next server reset? Additionally, how do you propose the development staff split their time in order to make these updates possible? Will you please provide your proposals in a format ranking the importance of each, along with the hours needed to complete, and a detailed list showing how the tech hours should be split during this update. You may want to provide a Gantt chart to help the staff team visualize your concepts.

    This is the only argument you've used in favor of a reset, and it's not a very strong argument to begin with. In any established economy, there will be people performing well based on their longevity with the game. It's the exact same way in real life. The more hours you put in, the more wealth you have – this is why the world is run by people around 65 years old, and why people that are 16 don't have any tangible net worth. You need to invest time into a game in order to get a sizeable share of the equity.

    You're also contradicting yourself in this sentence. Let's have a look:

    So which are you in favor of? Do you want mature players that are okay with a grind and the months it takes to build a metropolis? Or do you want instant gratification players that just want to be at baltop 1 in less than a few days of grinding?

    Are you also able to provide us with any additional arguments as to why the server is in need of a reset?

    Who do you think should choose who is in this assembly? If all of the current players are in one "friend group," and you don't trust that friend group, then is there really anyone that you would trust to pick and choose which old players should form this council?

    So you agree that the current staff team has moderation skills. Is it shocking to you that moderation is almost literally the only thing that qualifies someone to be on the Moderation team? I don't remember it being called the Diverse Personality team, lol.

    Essentially you're saying "staff does a good job at moderating, but I don't like that they all have similar personalities so we should downsize." But you're not presenting any of the cons that come with a large staff team (is it no cons?) and none of the benefits that come from a small staff team.

    Also just so you know:

    I am fairly confident that this quote from Deinen, about how Meep should be treated as a business, was in response to players demanding to have decisions on who should and shouldn't be staff. So it very ironic that you're using that quote but missing 99% of the context.

    I honestly think you're just trolling at this point. You make baseless claims, you offer subjective opinions as unavoidable truths, you contradict yourself, you miss the context of your quotes, and you make no solid attempts to help reform the server. I'd applaud you if you actually put in some thought into your "suggestions," but that just doesn't seem to be here.

    Maybe you should restart by listing your actual suggestions on a sheet of paper. Iron out the details yourself, since you don't trust staff to do it anyway, and then present it in a way that shows quantifiable evidence of the pros and cons associated with your suggestions.
    smk, IzzSt, 7acespade and 14 others like this.
  16. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

    Likes Received:
    We know bans are private, hence the suggestion.

    On most other servers, bans are visible. As a result, when new players join the server and see something like "F*** this server it sux!! Every1 charge back!" and don't see an accompanying ban message, a bad message of the staff team and the server is conveyed. In my experience, this has pushed away far more new players than the spam after ban messages, something that can be mitigated anyways via /gtoggle.

    In case that wasn't clear, here's an example.

    [G/TownsA] [Ultimate] VKL_ReWindzZ: Screw this terrible f***ing server! It sucks! It's the worst server in the world. Everyone charge back.
    [MeepCraft] VKL_ReWindzZ has been banned by XChaosZeroX for 7 days because of: Server Hate
    [New Player] Ah, okay, so the staff team is doing its job.


    [G/TownsA] [Elite] mickthomson56: Fuzzlr is a ******! Everyone charge back! Kill the *******!
    *mickthomson56 silently gets banned without anyone noticing*
    [New Player] What the hell? /modlist says that there are mods online... is this kind of crap really acceptable on this server? I guess it really is...I guess I quit--this place must really suck if people can get away with saying that crap.

    Now this is where we get toxic new players, because they don't see bans for behavior similar to this and begin imitating it in shout.

    +1 to the suggestion
    cooey, BlackJack, nhjed and 14 others like this.
  17. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

    Likes Received:
    +1, if possible. Change town price to 225k. Default towns start with 25k.

    This is a great, great idea. Not sure how easy it would be to do though, probably extremely hard getting into towny.
    Lilliya, Ace, BooBear1227 and 14 others like this.
  18. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I think we should make everyone a staff member so then no one will ever break the rules because staff never break rules ever.
  19. StopResetting

    StopResetting Popular Meeper

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    Rankism is nothing but a delusional notion stemming from a hunger for attention.

    This applies to the following:
    • Those stating they deserve/want to be noticed
    • Those stating another party deserves/should be noticed
    • Those jumping on the Meepcraft -the-next-hype-bandwagon

    I have been actively playing on Meepcraft for over 2 years. I have dedicated myself a lot more to this server than most think. In all my experience, I have never seen anything even remotely close to being considered the mythical term "Rankism". Matter of fact, this term was born from a joke on shout. You stated within the poll thread you posted that you had only come back for a week and you'd already supposedly seen so much "Rankism". From what experiences may I ask?

    There are people who ask things out shout, and when they do get an answer they do not notice it. Then they end up whining about it on shout, spamming sometimes until they get lashed out on by other members because of the spam and/or complaining.

    There are people who ask things, and they actually stump the community. No one knows how to answer them, (or the few who'd actually know are too busy to answer) and in general people do not want to look stupid in front of others. So people do not admit to them "I don't know", or "Could you rephrase that maybe?".

    There are also other situations where there isn't anyone online willing to help because they are busy playing the game, they are busy talking to friends online, they don't feel like answering, they assume someone else will answer the question, or they don't feel obligated to answer (which they aren't). Or even, it is at a time when shout is getting flooded with conversations so the question or statement ends up getting overlooked.

    As an Ultimate member, I have been ignored as well. I've asked things on shout, said things on shout, and have gotten no response. Hell, sometimes when I answer someone's question I get no thanks or the person ignores/or doesn't notice me and keeps asking until someone else has to. I have had every donator rank during the time I've played here. I have gone through moments with each of those ranks where I have gotten ignored or overlooked. When there are consistent messages in shout, you have to realize some of the messages are also going to get washed out by the flood of chatter.

    You cannot honestly expect to get a flood of messages like certain people do when they speak. Some of these people have a reputation earned through dedication, and friends.

    Now if this whole "Rankism" thing were actuality, would you please explain this to me?:
    How does it make any sense to suggest the implementation of a new rank, when its sole purpose is to differentiate between the "more experienced" Citizens and the "noobs"? Would that not be "rankist" in itself to suggest sticking the "noob" label on these Citizens?

    Don't get me wrong here... I'm not concerned this suggestion would actually be taken seriously - but I am sick of hearing "RANKISM OMG!" It is honestly the most ignorant and delusional thing I've had the misfortune to witness brewing up from this server.
    Zebo616, Nager2012, SX1 and 14 others like this.
  20. Summers

    Summers Hot Meeper

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    No elite is under priced as it is and giving it the nicest color would make people not want to donate for supreme.