I'm going to keep this constructive and not jump on the bandwagon of short replies, but from what I'm seeing in the ratings above, you aren't really fit for a staff position. You are at a young age, you still have some potential, but you see it as a little joke just to abuse your permissions:
Seems like staff material too me.
~ @Adrian
“I would be shocked if I become helper.” -You 2 seconds ago
Poor application and immature.
~ @Bob4444444
You have a problem with immaturity and your weaknesses are a bit hard to tackle. Organization can be something not many people can do, but grammar and "taking too many risks" are not. Grammar is something you can fix on your own with practice. Taking too many risks sounds like something you naturally do rather than just a mistake you do from time to time.
You didn't give us much information in your introduction; you've only told us how much you enjoy playing Minecraft. A sentence or two would belong in your "Why?" section rather than your introduction.
I'm sorry, LIONRACER, but I'm keeping my vote at a -1. I wish you the best of luck in the future.