WhoNeedsJimbo Since the beginning of June until now that economy has averaged $1,012,841 a day increase with~ @HornemansI've always wondered, where do you get your info from?The meep staff? If so...CRYOGEN!!!!
Hornemans I've always wondered, where do you get your info from?The meep staff?~ @WhoNeedsJimboThe staff don't have a clue... this is public data anyone can view if you know where to look.
J055Y_ The staff don't have a clue... this is public data anyone can view if you know where to look.~ @HornemansI guess you could say they're Clueless. *wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge* ... ...I'll see myself out.
Legocreator2013 A lot of this seems to have turned into a debate about the self destructive nature of the meeble.+1 because how much damage could it do in comparison to whats being done already? *shoulder shrugs*
PseudoGod Broh you cant have fun on the meepcrafte minceraft server that;s not aloud!!!-9001 (Get it super sayen! XD)