"What exactly is the time period known as 'Legacy'? "
I don't really know much as I've only been here since September and everything was the way I explained in September.
"I can say from up to three months ago the shop definitely had a sell feature. Anyway, I haven't logged in and actually taken a look at /warp shop in a while which is my fault, but I'm almost a thousand percent sure that the sell shop feature was not implemented in gamma because there were so many things to do."
Okay. Maybe you are thinking about shop from back ago :)
"This section just highlights why selling in /warp shop is a sin, it doesn't need to be current and is a reminder on how bad sell prices in /warp shop is."
Yes, I can't agree more.
"Everyone and their mother just got logs from /warp shop. I'm aware that the newest shop might have not had log buying and selling, but since the shop is being reworked at the moment, I think its still necessary to put that part in in my post to avoid another mistake."
I don't think they are going to bring it back but fair point.
"'THIS ALSO HURTS BIG BUSINESSES' literally made me laugh."
I'm glad I made your day
"Big Business should not be a priority, it should be new players. Literally everyone rich in meepcraft does with their money is hoard it, and thats coming from me who was the richest player on the server for months."
Yes but it is the rich who build amazing stuff and buy ranks. If you can't get rich on this server then there would be no point.
"I admit I was wrong when I proposed to make the stall price 2k, it was three AM and I wasn't right in the head, I believe 1k would be the best price to encourage new players to make stalls while also promoting people to make stalls in greater numbers. Even if you were not able to log on everyday, your items in your stalls would be transferred to a special vchest where you could withdraw, but not deposit, items. Even if you're not able to log in everyday, there's other ways to sell items such as on shout, and you could still safely rent stalls. Buying a stall everyday is not a necessity."
Again, I don't think it's a good idea as I and @KlutchDecals stated previously, there is no space, no time to code, no need because there are player owned malls with lower taxes.
"Dude, it's literally a custom rank. I can safely predict that no fewer than four people, and probably much more, would be entertained by the thought of having a new flashy prefix before there name."
Okay, why code for something that only four people use.
"Since people literally have millions on meepcraft and have no way of selling them, this could be a moneysink to remove currency from the server. This feature literally has no downsides, there's going to be players who purchase it."
This is true, and you make a good point, but I don't think people would want to get off of baltop for just a custom rank. We'll see.
"Your post about emerald ore is actually extremely valid. You said mining was profitable, but I'd tend to argue that it's barely scraping viability. Instead of making the server control emerald ore prices, we could just give a hefty price for breaking it for jobs, but only if it's safe to do so."
Yes, I agree. Thank you for your suggestions:)
PS: I'm sorry I couldn't color code, since I'm typing on my phone :/