Member Name kirby99
Additional In Game Names: N/A
How old are you? 14
Location: Canada, Ontario
Do you have Discord? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 1-6
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 2-6
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's Kling, Klitcher, CluelessKlutz, Pmx728, Alexxaaa, Megastuforeo,
When did you join Meepcraft? May 18th 2015
Introduction: Hello everyone, so I’m guessing most of you know me by my past run as a helper and from my most active aspect of Meep which is Discord Personally I do not see you online in discord. So, my name is Kirby99 or Nick and I have created a home on Meepcraft. I have made some of my greatest memories on here and I’d like to have the best chance at making more by being able to thoroughly help and make people understand and find the fun out of Meepcraft and Minecraft. I know that the helper tag is not needed to help, but I would enjoy having it because it basically means that I am trusted and my job is meant to help people. Now I’d like to get this out of the way as quick as possible, I may have been the worst staff member at my time, my only excuse for that is that I cannot type very fast so it's usually harder for me to get the modreqs and I became inactive for about 2 weeks Why are you short-selling yourself here? You sound impotent when you say this.a I’m not very sure what I should say here because I’ve already introduced myself enough inside of my last application Cut this sentence out and leave the rest in. So, let's start off with my Grades in school. I’ve put a lot of dedication into my schoolwork and tests. My last report cards ended with 80’s and 90’s (And a 75 in English but don’t think too much of that) Don't include this if you make yourself seem unsure of your abilities "don't think too much of that". I have been dedicated to my classical guitar, classical piano, school, and Meep. My future ideas have not changed too much; I still would like to become an optometrist or a guitar/piano teacher. On my first year of High school, I have dedicated myself to the concert band, which was a real step for me because I was new to the instrument that I played. At school, I have dedicated myself to double bass, and the electric bass, by practicing every weekend and free time at school. I still have not found an opening at any of my desired jobs (anyone grocery store within five minutes ???). I enjoy hearing of other people’s cultural norms, religions, climate, landscape, I even sometimes find it interesting to hear about all their biggest economies or things that add the most to their GDP Simplify this sentence to be "I am interested in other cultures and economies".
I sadly have not created any new special achievements in my life other than the completing of my grade 8 piano exams, while having a migraine. I would like to set an achievement on Meep to try and reach 400 modreqs which would not be a stretch if I could type faster but it is because I type slowly. I would also enjoy becoming more active on forums and reach out to the farther parts of the community through debates or answer simple questions. I know most of my introduction is a lot of just repeating itself but I just emptied everything last time and I cannot figure out what else I can say TAKE THIS OUT.
Why should you be Helper? I am currently an assistant in a town that is very welcoming to new or old users, our town currently does not have a tax on anything so it makes it easier for new and old users to be successful and satisfy their in-game dreams. As I stated in my last application I co-owned 3 towns that all had no tax and they all had many residents. We were very welcoming to new players that joined, and we would give them resources such as food, blocks, or even some tools. I noticed that Meep has not been getting as many new players as it used to, and I would like to be here to help make the drop of players easier for people to handle by giving out extra unneeded cash or helpful resources Your last sentence isn't correct. It wouldn't "make the drop easier" but to "increase the player retention on MeepCraft".
As I stated in my last application I have had a day to teach an underprivileged child how to play piano and how to read music, which showed me the goodness and happiness of being able to help people out in the smallest or largest ways. In the past year or so I have seen him play at some recitals and I can say he did an amazing job.
Maturity: I think Try to sound firm in your belief that you'd be a good helper I would be a good helper and be a lot better than my last shot as staff because I have matured very much since my last time being staff. I would defend my old friends in immature ways when I only needed to simply ask the person to stop offending them or bugging them. I have made a lot of stupid jokes that I should not have made or said just because they were inappropriate or just stupid and unnecessary.
Discord activity: I go onto Discord a lot and I see random people spread out in channels alone or sometimes Mega, Clueless, Kling, Techno, and Nick. Other than that, I never see staff come online onto Teamspeak and talk with the community through their microphones, which I enjoy doing daily Is this section about Teamspeak or Discord? You mention both, but Teamspeak is currently down.
Work Ethic: I have played Classical piano (9 Years), I am balancing a mid 80 average in most of my high school classes, Classical guitar (Barely counts I’ve been playing for a month), Rock guitar (4 years) and my school clubs and activities. If I do not end up being re-accepted onto the Meep staff team I will keep helping people until I take a break or get accepted To me, your last statement of this paragraph tells me you're either helping for the rank itself, or you will quit if you don't get accepted.
Active with the community in-game: I am active with the community in-game by welcoming people to Meep, participating in conversations and debates that are allowed on Meep. And by helping and answering questions in global chat if I ever see them pop up.
What are your weaknesses? I still sometimes get carried away and lose my filter. An example of this happening was when IneXxer was being rude to LordBaka in global and I immaturely decided to defend him by throwing insults (Or what I think were, I do not remember exactly) at IneXxer I would have not used this example or make it sound nice than "iNeXxer was being rude to somebody". He's a current staff member, and I don't think it's appropriate to insult a current member within your application.
Grammar: Sometimes I will type to quickly or I will not know how to type certain words and then I will mess up in chat, also this is one of my downfalls for claiming modreqs This is not a weakness, this is just your misunderstanding of the English Language.
Maturity: I still make Immature jokes in Discord but I’ve stopped most of them now or filtered them to make them appropriate
Inactivity: Sometimes I will get migraines or have a lot of school work due and when that happens I will become inactive to a point where I may log onto Meep for 5 minutes a day. I will try to limit all the times that this would happen by using free time to work on projects so that I will have more free time to play on Meep at home. This weakness is conflicting with your "activity" reason for becoming a staff member. Change it or remove one of them from your app.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: Migraines have become less frequent but they are still happening Why would this be useful to know if it doesn't correlate to your application?
~ @kirby99