Why should you be Helper? Dedication: I'm a very dedicated person. If there is a problem, I will work my hardest to resolve it, or at least help out in some way. I'm not a "go-half-way-and-quit" type of person. I'm very hardworking, even in minor areas. If something calls for my assistance, I will give it 100% all the way through.
Active: I spend a lot of time of Meepcraft late at night, usually after a long day of work. During the night is when I have the most energy to do most things on the computer, I have access to the forums at work during the day along with slack and my phone. I’m always reachable.
Knowledge: As an ex-Admin I do know alot about the server and commands, I know the in and outs of a staff team, After 3 years of being on the team the things you learn will stick with ya forever!
Organized: I keep everything on my computer in the right folders, on minecraft I make sure to label all my chests if they are not Organized I will spend 4 hours making sure they are. I like to keep things in the right places because otherwise I will not find what i’m looking for.
What are your weaknesses? Weaknesses: I can be forgetful at times, and I can overlook a small detail. But when it comes to work, I try to be as sharp as I can, and keep my mind on task. I am also kind of a quiet person, and communication is not always solid, but I try hard to work at it. During my day job, I am fairly open to people though. So when I am working, whether that be my job, or helping folks on Meepcraft, I am not as quiet as I usually am.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I want to be a rock support for the server, Take on projects to make server #1 once again, I have taken my break from Meepcraft and I’m ready to come back will full stream and Earn the trust back that I lost, There is a reason why Meepcraft has become my life and it's because of the community and staff.
The red text denotes sections you've copied verbatim from your old application, and the blue text indicates sections where you've paraphrased your old application.