Member Name Klitch
Additional In Game Names: Klitcher
How old are you? 17
Location: EST USA
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 3-5
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 3-5
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's xXAdotXx, SSSoul, oKling, Deljikho, Cooleysworld, Zoe89, Lady_Hestia, 2004Grevous, Courtneyyy
When did you join Meepcraft? November 2012
Introduction: Hello all, my name is Klitcher. I am a senior in Florida looking to study either radio broadcasting or outdoor education in college. Meepcraft has always been a haven of mine since November of 2012. I have put in countless hours to be a part of this fantastic community. Every player in this server has a part in it's success, and its growth has been tremendous. In the past, I have held both the Helper and Mod position twice. I performed well in both instances, and I was sadly forced out of my latest Mod position by in-real-life complications. I ultimately hope to restore my work on this server to its former state.
Why should you be Helper? In the past two times as staff, I have worked efficiently and properly with my fellow staff members. I proficient in situations where I am alone, assisted by another staff member, or assisting another staff member. I have experienced countless situations ranging from a 2 hour griefing and theft case, to a 5 minute luring case. In all cases, I have thoroughly completed the work necessary.
In my latest application, I was denied for a simple reason. I had misunderstood information given to me when I had to resign in my last standing as Mod. I understand what I did wrong and why I was not reinstated as a staff member. While my activity has only gone up recently, it will not go down for as long as I can. I have gained a strong foundation in this school year, being 3 weeks ahead of my Honors Economics class, and having no less than a 99.9% in all of my classes. I fear that many may think that I am a bad investment. I hope to clear that up. In both times as staff, I have done my work even in the toughest of situations. I am always available to all that need me, staff and player, and I can assure you all that I will continue to be so.
Aside from my past and hopeful future work, I have included in nearly all of my applications that I am a to-the-point person in most things that I do. I do not waste time in game in situations that are urgent, and I tend to reflect that in my applications. I do not enjoy including "fillers," but I see now that even with fillers, my previous applications would still be sub-par. I hope that this application shows my care and love for this server that I will continue to give. I have taken many hours out of my life to help grow and build this server, and I am sure that if I receive this position, that can continue.
Overall, I plan on joining the staff team with the same force that I have in the past. I tend to take things head on, and that is exactly what I will do with this opportunity. Yes, a significant break was taken this summer due to work and family, but no break has been taken in how I can perform on this server.
What are your weaknesses? This may not be a weakness in some situations, but in others, it can be. With heavy stress comes me getting mad. I don't enjoy getting mad, so in stressful situations, I often walk away for minutes, or even hours, at a time. This is something I do in real life when dealing with my parents, and it is something that I have done on the server as well. This can sometimes be out of place when others involved don't understand what I'm doing, but in other situations it can be a blessing. It really depends, but it belongs here.
Aside from that, I am known to be very blunt. I do not tend to sugarcoat things that are serious situations. This can be taken as rude, and I often don't understand what I did wrong.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I hope this application has given better insight on my character and intentions on the server, and I look forward to everyone's response.