I whole heartedly think you're reading too much into this. What I said there was a figure of speech; my apologies that you took it too literally. Secondly, no it does not mean I put on a fake face in game. Writing through text and speaking outloud are two completely different things. Also let me say that while my teamspeak maturity is a weakness, it does not hinder my ability to perform as a staff member. It arose as an issue once in my previous time on the team in my first few weeks as helper. It is something I cleaned up but do still need to work on. Since it did pose an issue last time around, naturally I put as a weakness. I performed well on all aspects of the staff team last time, and am confident along with many others that I will again. I also see that your vote is based solely off of weak points that you pick out in my app. Why don't you also try to weigh that against some of the positives likemy past experience on the team. If you focus on the bad and nitpic the negatives, of course a lesser view of me overall will arise. While I do agree that what you bring up are issues, I without a doubt know they are not things that will effect my performance on the tem.
~ @Jalapenos
You're basically telling me to focus on the good things on when you were staff and shut down the bad things?
Let me go over the spiel again; I've been on this server for way too long. At a time when you didn't log onto this server there were cruelty gaming and illumini. You're nowhere near that level of good face and bad intentions, but anybody can pretend to be anything.
You might be right about me "reading too much on this" but my whole point here is that little things do matter.
I could care less about what you did as staff.