Member Name Zoe89
Additional In Game Names: Zoe89, Greeeenarrow (brother), Landonator419 (used a few times, no longer have access)
How old are you? 12
Location: Bay Area, CA, USA
Do you have TeamSpeak? Yes
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekdays) 4-8+
How many hours per day do you play MeepCraft? (weekends) 4-8+
Have you ever been staff on this or any other server? Yes
References: Please give IGN's NickxGold, Adlovesdogs, 2dawn2, _PeriDawnyx_, Jess_4Ds, Qaztar, Lordusan, LadyCassandra, Cooey3, Muunkee, BlendyCat, 2004Grevous, KlutchDecals, Courtneyyy, Fire765, Sherry7, SpongeyStar, CasualCavair,
When did you join Meepcraft? May 24, 2014
Introduction: Hello everyone! My name is Zoe and I have the Elite rank on Meep. I am a 12 year old girl currently living California with my parents and little brother. I enjoy mostly all sports including (but not limited to) soccer, basketball, and volleyball. I enjoy different hands-on activities/crafts, and online games like Minecraft. My favorite academic subject in school is science (physics/engineering) and my overall favorite is art (or PE,) my favorite ice cream flavor is Mocha Almond Fudge. In my free-time, I love hanging out with friends whether it be staying home and watching cooking shows, going to a movie, or flying across the country. I love it. it’s not where you go, but who you go with, that makes an experience special.
I have had many different experiences with leadership whether it be on a soccer/basketball team, being a counselor at summer camps, or even being a staff member on this server; I tend to take charge and try my best to keep my team happy/healthy. I have been on Meepcraft for 2 years, and during this, I have become very well-known throughout the community. I take part in in global conversations, and love chatting with players in game, and on teamspeak. I have been trying my best to give people who request it the help that they need from simple things like ‘I need to join a town,' to more complicated like ‘how do I maintain a town?’ I get such satisfaction out of the thanks I receive that it drives me to help more and more. I am younger than a lot of Meepers, but I'd like to think that I am a role model; I teach people rules, commands, and settle issues between players.
Why should you be Helper? I was a member of the staff team (I resigned because my schedule was being overcrowded, and I felt like I couldn’t be a helpful part of the team any longer,) and I was also for a short amount of time on a smaller, local server; both times I gave my 110% and helped whoever, whenever I could. Being on the staff team changes your perspective on the game. You are looked up to, you are who players turn to, and you feel so empowered by just answering a few questions and receiving thanks. At first, I had issues learning prism commands, and understanding the very complex ones, but eventually I picked up on it and was able to use them quickly and efficiently. I had so much fun during my time as staff, not only do I feel I succeeded in the job I had, I made tons of lasting friendships and memories that keep pulling me back.
I’ve been playing on Meepcraft for quite some time now, and during my time here, I have learned a large amount of commands. I know commands that help improve communications between players, commands that help players start and maintain towns/pwarps, commands to check to see who is online when, and commands to teleport to their wished destination. These might not seem spectacular, but these are the most common questions asked in global. I know many more that come in handy during other instances.
I have a very strong work ethic and whenever I am requested, I try my hardest to help; in simple ways, or more complex. My activity can be a little on-off at some points, with my wifi going down, using bad computers, or just getting my laptop taken away, but I will try to work around these obstacles and make sure that when I am on, I am contributing all that I can to keep players happy/satisfied with their experience.
I’ve been playing Meepcraft since mid 2014 so around 2 years, with breaks in between for school/sports. I usually become more active towards the end of the year when projects are ending and summer is nearly upon us. I play often throughout summer with occasional breaks for small vacations; so it is a very ideal time to spend on the staff team helping as more players join and others become more active. I love Meep and it’s community. The whole idea of the server is so well carved out. It’s not like most servers, as towny is apart of it. You can really connect with your town(s) whereas in other hub servers, that is not an option. Also, in other servers, the players are much more hostile/profane to one another, and here lots of us have created great bonds here with each other, that people stand up for one another, and help each other out. This aspect of the server is really appealing to me, and it’s something that keeps me eager to log onto. I am very involved in lots of Meep’s activities it offers. I talk within the server, contribute to forum discussions where I see fit, and have so much fun talking to people on teamspeak. wherever I go, though, I keep an eye out for people who have questions or need help.
Last time on the staff team, I took to checking out kitpvp whenever there was an absence of Modreqs because it was something lots of members at the time, didn’t pay much attention to; I circled ctf. to make sure nobody was afk, and then just kept an eye out for questions in global. I learned that it didn’t matter if a Modreq had been filed, you still had the duty to help players on the server. In other words, it’s not all about the modreq count, it’s about the satisfaction of the players; the satisfaction of the customers.
What are your weaknesses? It’s been mentioned in the past, but I’ll mention it once again; I do not have an unlimited amount of time per day I can be on my computer. I cannot be on all the time. The way I overcame this though, was simply by making the most out of the time I did have online. I never hesitated to claim a modreq, to help that player find a town. I just did it. I have an issue procrastinating and if I ever leave things unfinished or lacking, it stays in my mind and nags me to complete it. I guess you could say this isn’t much of an issue, but I still believe it should be here only because of the actual time I have to play.
I grazed on this above, but I resigned because of schedule overcrowding. I cannot guarantee this won’t happen again, but I know it won’t for a while. Around this time, soccer is winding down along with school (aside from a few projects) and I feel I will be able to use the amount of time I am supplied with to the fullest.
My maturity at times can be questionable; but I believe I know when to be mature and when to be serious. I am a 12 year old girl in middle school, so I won’t be totally sane all the time (or ever; maybe sane isn’t a good word) but the bottom line is I know when I need to enforce something, I can and will.
I am very prideful. I don’t let people tell me I’m wrong easily. I carry my head very high and I am embarrassed or angered when I am proved wrong or shown my flaws. In all honesty, that might be the reason why I have issues coming up with weaknesses. I usually don’t feel as bad if I respect the player(s) and I respect just about everyone on this server, so this shouldn’t get in the way.
Another issue I have is saying no. This is more of a personal weakness; but a weakness all the same. I was teleported to somebody asking for God armor, and guess what I did; I gave them full god armor for free. Twice. That’s a fair amount of money just thrown to someone who asked. However, I don’t think this will be a large obstacle for me on the staff team.
Please give any other information you might think is useful for us to know: I love Meep; I have bonded with it. I have the skills and knowledge needed to become a productive member of the team, and I hope you think so aswell. If I am accepted, I will continue to learn along with the rest of the community, while teaching and sharing with others.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed my application. Catch me (if we’re on at the same time) on our teamspeak channel if you ever want to talk! Also, if you have questions about my resignation, find details here
Notes about summer: I have two one-week overnight camps this summer where I don’t believe connection will be available.